Estrella Anghelescu



6 months, 2 days ago

Basic Info


Ms. Solis




Gluten, Lactose, Caffeine ( affects her psychic abilities )


Levitation, Telepathy, Martial Arts, Poison Darts

Only solaces in life

Yoga, Hiking, Green Tea, Her daughter :)



Hailing from a long lineage of superheroes, Estrella is upholding tradition by donning her father's mantle, upon his unexpected death.

Despite her very strong sense of justice and unhealthy dedication to her job, Estrella ultimately despises the caped world that she has been forced into.  Born a powerful psychic, she was adopted into the Anghelescu family, and was trained as a sidekick her entire childhood, just like her father, his mother, her father... and so on.

She has tried to separate herself from that lifestyle in her adulthood, and to not involve her own adopted daughter into it either, but she knew it would eventually come to this.  Once the news break, Estrella more or less feels as if she has no other choice: it's her responsibility to take over as the country's protector. She quits her old job and starts mentoring her reluctant daughter. Estrella believes that challenges and difficulties make you stronger, but she wishes God would give her a break. At least for a little bit.

 She is a no-nonsense woman, practical and blunt. Not rude, but would rather keep to herself. Has black-and-white morals and finds it hard to forgive and let go of things. Wound-up tight and repressed, she feels kind of aimless without the constant thrill of danger and selfless sacrifice. She considers herself the most rational person amongst the freaks she has to work with, but she probably enjoys the violence a bit more than she should.


The spotlight that comes with being the new face of America is not something welcomed in her life. She simply doesn’t have the acting chops for it. Her boss insists she is fundamental to the company, as she has expertise in some specific areas, otherwise not very common in superheroes. Her secretive old job had something to do with bomb defuses. Which, in her boss’ opinion, makes her a perfect rival to Salvador Larkspur. He’s always expressed anti-government beliefs, but they’re suspecting that those views have gotten more exacerbated since his salary got cut. Estrella’s tasked with performing her regular heroine duties, but also keeping a close eye on the family. She moves into the same suburb and taps their wires. They have intel that his wife might be making pipe bombs in their garage, and that they have an illegal cloning facility.

Estrella really hates the Larkspurs, but she doesn't really partake in the rivalry dynamic. She would rip their heads off if she was allowed to, but for most of their interactions, she prefers to not engage in their speeches and monologues. The Larkspurs have met their maker, since she's the only superhero that refuses to play along.