Cass's Comments

Hello,, I really hate to have to tell you, but I was traded this guy and had no clue he was stolen and made him my mascot. Could I contact you through dms so we could figure out what to do from here? 

(Apologies if this comes off as rude, im genuinely shaken up and baffled, I've never had thus happen so im not quite sure what to do :(. )


dude yeah you can message me on disc or through dms

Im so sorry about this aah :: My discord is puzzlerreal

sent  a request

Hey bbg

Smeck smeck

Smeck <3

Looks like it’s name would be Radley but says it’s Radical, others probably call it Rad A name suggestion!

Oouh thank you!!! :0 I'll consider this suggestion!! <3 I'm so indecisive with names it takes me a few days to decide sometimes lol

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Can I AB actually?🥺 need this critter

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