


6 years, 2 months ago


  • Name Sayé
  • Age17
  • Gender female
  • Orientation straight
  • Species lyn
  • Height 1m35
  • Quote
    • "My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive."
  • Theme/Playlist Moonsong


Sayé was born and raised in a little village full of other lyns and loving parents that would have done everything for their little one. Ever since she was a baby she has shown signs of being blessed by the gift of magic. From transforming a piece of a carrot into a flower to floating out of her crib at night; it was clear to everyone that her powers will grow stronger and stronger over time. They were looking forward to that day when the little, cheerful Sayé shall bring great honour for their little village by doing good.

The life of the little one could have been truly great.
Could have.

When she was only 8 years old, she wandered to the outskirts of the nearby forest to gather herbs for the medicine her parents are brewing …. and returned to the view of her beloved village being swallowed by flames. A group of mercenarys raided the home of the peaceful lyns for their valuable goods and destroyed everything and everyone that came in their way, leaving no trace.

With all of her magic power, the little one tried to save the village but without any luck. Everything was gone. After the fire ended, she walked through the ashes and remains of what used to be her home. 

Her parents. Her friends. Even the stray cats she used to feed.
Everyone she knew was gone. 

And so she fell down to her knees and started crying.
For the deaths of the innocent.
For her being alone now.
For experiencing the cruelness of the world for the very first time. 

Her hopeless cries mixed with her magic without her even noticing it, she summoned a spirit in the shape of a cat. The spirit introduced itself as Diva and promised to take care of the little Sayé, bringing her to an empty cottage hidden in the forest where they both have lived ever since.

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  • She brews simple potions which her parents taught her and sells them for books.
  • She grows majority of her own food and ingredients for her potions in a huge garden.
  • Loves to dress up Diva even though the spirit hates it.
  • She can use magic without any tools, however prefers to have a wand with her as she feels it's easier to 'direct' the magic.
  • Her ears are really, really, really sensitive.
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Skills AND ABilities

  • If she needs to defend herself, she shoots exploding flowers from her staff
  • Can snare enemies with roots from the ground
  • Has the ability to float for a short amount of time
  • Can brew potions and has a wide knowledge about plants and herbs
  • Is able to summon little animal like shapes from the energy around her
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She has always been a really cheerful child, believing that there's no evil in the world as she has never experienced before. Until that day. While she's still a pretty excited girl, she often has trouble to express any bad emotions because she feels like if she allows herself being sad in front of others it could be seen as a weakness and so she keeps those to herself.
She still tries to see the good in the world and in people, however she takes a while and a lot of observation until she opens up to strangers and takes her time to make friends. Living on her own since she was small, she learnt to take care of herself and keeps on expanding her knowledge in order to help others.
Despite her feeling the need to help others, she has a spark inside of her that seeks revenge.

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  • Her friends.
  • Gardening.
  • Flowers.
  • Learning new things about magic.
  • All animals.
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  • Having her ears touched by strangers.
  • When people complain too much about the littlest things.
  • Larger fires.
  • Being seperated from Diva for too long as they are connected.
  • Carrots.
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Leo discovered the cottage of Sayé shortly after she moved there and would occassionally sneak out some bread for her and Diva. That's how they became friends. He helped out with whatever he could do, at first because he felt pity but then stayed as those 2 developed a great, sibling like friendship.


guardian spirit

Diva is a spirit who got summoned by Sayé and looks after her Summoner since then. As Sayé gets older this gets shifted and both start to equally look after each other. While they sometimes fight like siblings, there's no way that those 2 are ever seperated for long.



When Leo brought Lucy to Sayé, she could instantly feel a connection to the injured girl through their magic. She enjoys to see how curious Lucy is and sometimes gets bitter because it remembers her how she used to be as a child. Nonetheless she loves her and will do everything she can to help her on her journey.

theme by vom