


5 years, 10 months ago


Full Name:  Seymour Rodrigo de Rivera
Alias:  Pegasus
Age:  19
Abilities:  Flight and air manipulation
Pronouns:  he/him
Height:  5'03" / 160 cm
Birthday:  August 11
Orientation:  Gay

With the power of flight, Seymour makes for an agile opponent.

Power Description
Thanks to his natural wings, Seymour has been able to fly since a young age.
His air manipulation allows him to create strong gusts or streams in his favor.
Before missions, Seymour equips a metal-plated guards to his wings. They provide minimal defense, their main use instead to make his wings capable of cutting. The blades are detachable - he can shoot them off towards opponents as well.

His wings are relatively susceptible to physical damage. Losing or damaging too many feathers can keep him grounded for a long while.
Weighing them down, such as dousing them, will also limit his flying.

Coming from a big family of winged supers, flying is second nature to Seymour.
He joined the R.S.H. (Regulation of Super Humans) partly due to his search for action and excitement. As a field agent, he loves getting to fight baddies.

Physical Description
On the short side, Seymour took no small measures to his combat training. He’s acrobatic yet still able to pull the punches.
His hair and wings turned a very light gray when he became a teenager, as is common for his lineage of supers. During the summer months, his hair and feathers change to a red-orange.
He keeps his hair in a ponytail which is sometimes draped over his shoulder.

Seymour is accustomed to lending a hand without expecting anything in return. His family is very close-knit, and brought up taught to rely on each other when needed. He’s an excellent team player, and expects the same dependability from teammates.
He's difficult to rile up; usually he's the one doing the riling with his playful mischief and pranks. In battle, he enjoys playing mind games with opponents and taunting them.
He's a daredevil who claims there is nothing he fears. He feeds off of thrill.
Even so, he understands boundaries and will cool off his jokes when a situation requires. Tired of being called irresponsible, he's usually good at maintaining the safety of others... but not always his own.
He has a caring heart, but more often than not, shows his affection through humor.
Generally an easygoing and fun-loving guy, Seymour is easy to get along with (unless you're one to take his jokes too seriously.) He spends his free time videoing himself attempting stunts, sharing memes, or trolling message boards online. His patience seems endless, and there is never winning any arbitrary argument against him. He's always trying new things and is one to take the initiative.


Parents:  Juan Manuel and Teresa
Siblings:  Mariana, Natalia, Juan Manuel, Diego, Claudio

Milton - His boyfriend - a fact which is somewhat of an open secret. They met through the R.S.H. when assigned as partners, and they clicked from the start. Seymour knows he can count on him, no matter what. He feels he has Milton to thank for much of his personal growth.

Markus - They first met in the schoolyard as kids, when Seymour tried jumping off the top of the slide and broke a wing. Markus was there to heal it instantly, which initiated a friendship between them.
They were good friends until they had to leave for different middle schools. Then they slowly fell out of touch. Seymour was excited to reconnect when they found each other again through the R.S.H.

Brendon - Before they met, Seymour was a big fan of Brendon and his superhero work, and idolized him. Now that they see each other more like brothers, Brendon is one of his favorite people to play pranks on - especially since he'll attempt to get revenge on Seymour for them. They're a little competitive too, and Seymour does his best to impress him.

Maxine - Seymour's glad Maxine doesn't seem bothered by how much he used to like her boyfriend. Aside from seeming super smart, he thinks she's pretty cool - especially when she likes the memes he sends the group chat.

Marinka - Seymour finds Marinka's excitement contagious, and her fanfictions hilarious. He's always giving her ideas for stories, much to Milton's chagrin.

Childhood and family

Mariana, his oldest sister, worked as an R.S.H. field agent for a few years as a teen before ultimately resigning. Natalia, his older sister by a year, joined R.S.H. once she turned 18 and currently works as a scout. He's the oldest son out of 3, with 2 older sisters.

•  His parents are both from a city in Mexico populated almost entirely by winged superhumans. Seymour and his siblings were born in the US after they moved there. He speaks fluent Spanish.
•  Some of his habits come from his bird traits, such as the compulsion to build nests (often consisting of blankets.) He's also able to communicate with birds, though they usually don't have anything insightful to offer.
•  Seymour often quotes or mimics memes. Anyone in his contacts will receive memes too.
•  He doesn't like wearing too much clothing, and will take off his shirt and shoes at any opportunity.
•  Owns a guitar, which he practises on frequently. His favorites songs to learn are ones he can sing with.

Credit to Caramel-Caracal for ideas and outfit design!