Vivi Hernandez



5 months, 29 days ago


Vivi Hernandez  

Age: 14 (at start of story)

Birthday: August 28th

Zodiac: Virgo 

Sexuality: gay

Pronouns: he/they (demiboy)

Hair color: black

Eye color: amber

Height: 5’5 (1.65 m)


Species: werewolf (blood-cursed)

Other characteristics: Mexican, bags under eyes, right handed, large scar on side of neck and one on chest, often wears ear plugs, wears a silver cross necklace 


Vivi is someone who’s polite and soft spoken. He enjoys being around other people, but is also an introvert, often preferring to do his own thing such as reading instead of socializing. It’s difficult for them to become trusting of others, but if he does he’ll become an extremely loyal and supportive friend, always making sure they are comfortable and content. They’re closed off to others if they don’t know them very well, and might seem moody or aloof at first. They can be extremely sensitive to their surroundings and overwhelmed easily, although they don’t like to show it.

Likes: being around other people, dogs, wolves, meat, libraries, parks, reading fantasy books and comics

Dislikes: non-fiction, churches, cats especially black cats, being alone, violence, loud noises and strong smells


Used to live in a house in the township of Muskoka lakes isolated in the forest, until the beginning of the story when he and his adopted parents move to Robin’s town. They move to yet again, a one story house isolated in the forest. Biological parents are deceased. Lived in Mexico before he was adopted.

Some facts:

1. Is adopted.

2. Has been homeschooled their entire life.

3. Gets sick if he eats chocolate.

4. Has chronic pain in the area of his neck that has scars.

5. Is red and green color blind.