Blair Brennan



6 months, 10 days ago


Blair Brennan

Age: 14 (at start of story)

Birthday: July 30th

Zodiac: Leo

Sexuality: lesbiab… lesbiam… less bein… gorls

Pronouns: they/them (non-binary)

Hair color: black

Eye color: dark blue

Height: 5’7 (1.70 m)


Species: human

Other characteristics: half Irish half Mexican, right handed, binds, wears lots of bandaids mainly on face and legs


Blair might seem aloof and cool, but in reality they’re very passionate and actually quite a worrywart. They get stressed easily on top of having bad social anxiety, which might make them lash out, but they can be surprisingly level headed when needed. They’re always full of energy, and get restless if they don't constantly exercise and do physical activities. They enjoy challenging themselves when it comes to things they enjoy such as sports, but if it’s something they’re not interested in they give up very easily. They have a tendency to overthink things, and because of that they have trouble socializing with people they’re not close with.

Likes: peacefulness, dogs, softball and other sports, marshmallows, skateboarding, exercise.

Dislikes: chaos, crowded places, vegetables, being alone, thunder, fireworks and other loud noises


Lives in a one story house near Matilda. Their parents are often away because of work, leaving Blair, their grandmother, and dog as the only residents in the house most of the time.

Some facts:

1. Is on many sports teams, namely softball, soccer, basketball, and volleyball, and lacrosse

2. Likes to collects interesting looking things from nature such as leaves and stones and gift them to people they like

3. Has a service/therapy dog named Midnight (black lab/husky mix) they take with them everywhere for their anxiety

4. Is an extremely fast runner, and very good at nearly every sport 

5. Had to become independent at the very young age and is surprisingly good at taking care of people despite their social anxiety