Marcus and Fibious



7 months, 6 days ago
scissors Imagionary


Co-owned by Imagionary!



  • Fibious 
  • Marcus


  • ??
  • ??

How do the two know each other?:


My ideas for them is that brainworm is like a little scientist guy from the Terror Scape who managed to squirm his way to the Mainworld through someone's nightmares; 

This someone could have been the big boa before they died, and brainworm and big boa had become friends through their strange interests in biological mutation, experimentation, and theories of crafting living beings using the souls of the damned that get trapped in the pipes of the Terror Scape.

At some point, the big boa died while trying to experiment on himself, and brainworm refused to let him stay dead, so he combined big boa's consciousness to the creature that they were creating together, and now big boa lives once again, but isn't exactly the same. He's forever haunted by the ghosts and faces of the souls of the damned that they stole from the Terror Scape, and he feels trapped within the body of horror that he and his brainworm created; he has little control over himself more than half the time, due to the faces and ghouls he's made of, and brainworm also uses his body as a mech to control him around;

I think the two of them would fight sometimes because of the predicament they're both in now, but they do love each other and try their best to get along and talk things out if one or the other is stepping too far out of line (especially big boa to brainworm since brainworm keeps stealing his bodily control without asking him first)

Those are some of my ideas! What are yours? I'd love to blend them if we can :3



Fibious(she.her) and marcus(they.them)

Cells for food research 

Believes “superior” genetics will help boas 

Is old 

Tinkering with making life because wants to continue her work

Makes marcus simple life form worm (made of her own cells)

Fibious killed by lab partner due to her wanting to continue research but her own cells cause dangerous mutations in life forms 

Goal is to enhance healthy boas through own meat cells and cure the sick and injured 

Fibious ghost due to unfinished business 

Takes over a face cell and starts dividing 

Can only make faces

Marcus slowly creates fibiouses new body 

Only partial control over new body so marcus has control panel for the limbs 

Is riborn in new body and continues research into cell based foods to


Mixed ideas and stuff? :3

Maybe Fibious's family line comes from the Terror Scape, which is how she can live for so long, and when she was killed, her soul got trapped within the tubes and piping of the Terror Scape, and Marcus went down into the depths to find her?

Marcus could have found Fibious's soul and transfered it into a simple host corpse (probably some kind of basic humunculous??) for the time being, and maybe Fibious could have started multiplying faces from this thing and Marcus sewed them all together over time into a new body for her; and as this time went on, maybe this is when Fibious started growing a liking for Marcus? Although he was her first successful creation, it wasn't perfect, so she had kept herself distant from becoming attached to it, but this little thing risked it's life to save her soul from becoming soul fuel, and it spent all this time helping her create a new body (even if this body isn't up to her perfect standards, its still mesmerizing to her)

  • Maybe the meat can make you live a long time but the more of it you eat, the more your body starts to change into something horrifying?
  • ((Regular boas, when they enter the Terror Scape, remain the same; however, the longer they stay there, the more warped their being becomes, until they too look like they belong to the Terror Scape (this takes a looooong while depending on the boa), and at that point, you might as well be an employee there instead of going back to where you came from and having everyone be terrified of you))
  • Dr fetus was Fibious’s lab partner but killed her. Marcus brought Fibious back to life and Dr fetus and Fibious have been sworn enemies ever since. They constantly kill each other and try to foil each other's plans but are brought back to life by Headmagedon and Marcus. Marcus and Headmagedon are okay with each other and understand why they need to bring back their partners. While rejuvenating them they hang out sometimes for hibachi and boba and then once it’s done they have to go back to “hating” each other. 
  • Headmagedon’s tales of the world interest Marcus and they dream of exploring the world, but are tied to Fibious because they feel like she needs them.
  • Fibious’s parents come from the terror scape but hide their monstrous qualities even from Fibious, so she believes she must be making a mistake with her calculations when creating meat from her own cells that cause changes to boas bodies. 

  • what if in the end she does somehow find out here parents are from the terror scape? maybe dr fetus finds out first and thinks this will crush her. and it does, but marcus doesn't give up because he wants Fibious not to give up on life. and marcus finds out that their own dna doesn't cause the mutations, but for some reason (help me out if you have any ideas) they can't create the meat without killing marcus and Fibious has to chose between her life dream and Marcus
    • I like that concept! 
    • Having Marcus be the most perfected that Fibious can get her genetics in terms of none mutativness is beautiful in a way; Maybe Marcus would have to be killed to start the production of the perfect meat because, although they are resilient, the tissue sample needed to create the meat would be too big for Marcus to be able to recover well enough to survive? Or maybe Marcus is prone to infections, and even getting a big enough sample to create the meat with is too big of a risk to consider doing without Marcus possibly dying due to infection complications?

  • I'm thinking dr fetus poisened her, that's why she's bleeding from the inside 
    • I think Fibious probably trusted Dr. Fetus a lot, since they were lab partners, which could be how she wouldn't have expected him to poison her; I think when Dr. Fetus ended up plotting to kill Fibious, he wanted to make sure she still trusted him enough to ingest the poison without question (cause if he tried other methods to kill her, she would have become distrustful of him)

  • what if in the end fibious choses marcus over her career and they move somewhere nice and have kids.. but she learns through creating her own children that she can help boas who are pairs of fairy and imp boas have children with their regular sized boa counterparts even though this would never be possible otherwise
    • Maybe Fibious, once she figures this out, could have also met Cupid somehow? Cupid is the Sock Imp that creates other Sock Imps (well, he can create other Sock Imps, and can make babies for couples who come to him and ask; he makes Sock Imps when he's bored to fill Brimstone Prime with more life; but he and the Greater Imp have since allowed Sock Imps to reproduce naturally as well; my lore is a huge mess and I still haven't figured it all out yet BUT, Cupid is the geneticist for Sock Imps, so maybe he and Fibious could have worked together to find out a way for Boa and Sock Imp couples to have babies?



To some up the story so far:

- Fibious and Dr Fetus used to be lab partners and did lots of biological experimentation together. 

- Fibious wanted to try to create the perfect meat that can help boas live longer and become healthier (this never worked out, however, as Fibious's genetics are secretly Terror Scape like, and are highly mutative)

- Through her processes, she created her first living creation, Marcus; they're not the most perfect thing in the world, but they hold a dear place in Fibious's heart after time

- Dr Fetus decides that they want to kill Fibious, due to her Terror Scape genes, and poisons her with a concoction of his own creation (he made sure to stay friendly with her up until the end, so not to come off suspicious in his murder attempt)

- Fibious ends up dying and Marcus refuses to allow this and crawls their way into the piping of the Terror Scape to rescue Fibious

- Marcus put their life on the line for Fibious and rescued her soul from becoming Soul Fuel; Fibious found herself falling in love for her creation around this point

- Marcus inserts Fibious's soul into a small humunculous that she had been working on, and Fibious's soul begins to react with her genes and multiplies face cells

- Marcus sews enough faces together over a long period of time to create Fibious a new body for her to control and inhabit 

- Marcus and Fibious co-inhabit her new body at first; Marcus helping her with more complex motor skills until she begins to gain better control over her new corpse

- Time goes on, and Fibious realizes that Marcus is the key to her dreams; their genes are the key to creating the perfect meat that she has dreamed of creating, however, Marcus would need to be sacrificed in order for this dream to come true

- Ultimately, Fibious loves Marcus too much and decides that she would rather be happy with Marcus than chase the dream that got her into this situation in the first place

- A time passes and Marcus and Fibious decide that they want to create children together

- Fibious invents a way that allows them to create babies together through genetics sciences, and through this science, she inadvertently invented a way that allows boas of different types (faeries, insectoids, miniature, etc) to have children together

- This science allowed for her to figure out how to create the first ever Bomp, Olive, as well (with Cupid's help) which helped resolve the warring between Sock Imps and Boas on the Mainworld