🌕 Duskwyrm 🌙



6 months, 29 days ago


"Duskwyrm," a being that thrives in the shadows of twilight. The Duskwyrm has scales that shimmer with the deceiving warmth of a sunset, but its eyes hold a malevolent red akin to the blood moons that it is said to herald. It is whispered that every appearance of the Duskwyrm precedes a calamitous event, such as the fall of a kingdom or the onset of a plague. 

The Duskwyrm has the bizarre ability to influence dreams, turning them into nightmarish visions that can drive people to madness. It feeds on the fear and chaos generated by these nightmares, growing stronger with each person it breaks. It is neither fully of this realm nor another, stuck in a perpetual dusk, and it weaves in and out of reality as if walking through a veil.

The Duskwyrm is related to 
Barley Lune not by birth but on a cosmic level. They were birthed from the same star, and they are to be referred to as "Star siblings"

Just like Barley, Duskwyrm is atomically genderless, as it is immortal and has no need for reproduction.

The Duskwyrm has to break people to consume not their soul, but their stardust after their body has passed on. 

Barley, however, is able to get "stardust" (Minerals) through the ground and does not need to break people, Duskwyrm is unable to do this as it does not possess the mineral breath that Barley was gifted with, instead, Duskwyrm was gifted with the unique ability to twist dreams, so they used this to its advantage in order to survive, and it has perfected this craft (nightmares) through its billions of years of existence.

Duskwyrm first began its craft by invading the dreams of even the most basic and simple lifeform, such as microscopic organisms, then later up the chain as life began to evolve and develop, invading the dreams of fish, then later mammals, then graduated to humans, which at that point it had perfected its craft.

Duskwyrm shows people the most unimaginable concepts and most frightening scenarios, and preys on the most vulnerable of creatures (Children, the mentally ill, the elderly) 

But it is not all "evil" It is a creature that does all it knows to survive, it's not malicious and has no personal vendetta, it's almost like a wild animal hunting to survive.