Rylan Cordona



5 years, 9 months ago


name; Rylan Cordona, no nicknames
bday; February 20
age; 23
height; 5'10"
visual notes; Tanned skin. Mole under his lip on his left (your right) side. Undercut. Scars across his torso. Muscular, visible muscles and abs. 


  • Pocket knife. A typical switchblade that contains no special powers.

sentic power(s); 

  • Self Heal. He has the ability to heal any damage that isn't instantly fatal. It does, however, leave scars on his body. Bones heal slower than flesh wounds. 
  • Body Swap. A powerful ability that allows him to switch bodies in two different ways. He can either switch with one other person, transferring inside their body while they inhabit his; or, he can switch two other individuals. In the event he switches two other's bodies, he himself falls into a "deep sleep," a suspended animation. 


He keeps others at arm's length, a chatty boy who actually doesn't let you really get to know him. While he has a vast network of people, he doesn't trust any of them, as he's sure they don't trust him either. He actually has incredibly bad luck, which he combats in high stakes gambling by cheating with his powers. He portrays himself as coy and proud, having a lot of confidence in his cheating. Deep down, he does his noble intentions, but every time he's tried to help others, he ends up getting hurt himself. As such, he's become a bit bitter and withdrawn; thus leading down the life he has. It's a lonely life, but he's content- or so, he thinks. 

hobbies, noteworthy quirks, insp for poses; 

  • He has awful luck but is a top notch gambler- mostly because of his cheating and network. However, he's quite fond of cards and because of his ability to save face, he's actually a very skilled poker player. 
  • He's actually quite sleepy all the time. This is due to him overexerting his body for self healing. It's the body's natural way of catching up to the output of energy. 

notable relationships;

  • Sonia Vinette: A well known gambler by this time, and he's beat her a few times. This piques Sonia's interest as her constant losing actually betrays her powerful luck. She's able to finally figure out he's cheating and the two begin a rocky relationship. Both of them feeling quite lonely, find solace in one another. They can bicker and fight one another, but in solemn moments, they can expose parts of themselves they never have. Sonia finally has a friend that she feels is closer to her level and personality, and he finally has somebody to lean on for emotional support. He's also a dose of reality, speaking for her benefit specifically, rather than like Soren, who spoke for the benefit of all. Eventually, the two do become more romantic as the story progresses.