


9 months, 28 days ago


she/her, lesbian, 3 years old

Rank: Defense Specialist

Mentee: Raspberry

Mother: Dandelion

Sibling: Carrot

Spicebush loves having fun above all else. She may as well still be a kitten, with how much time she spends lazing in the sun and chasing imaginary prey for fun. She's a performer at heart, and she loves partaking in roleplaying games with kittens and encouraging their imaginations. Dandelion appointed Spicebush as Raspberry's teacher in the hopes that she would be able to help the young mentee loosen up and come out of her shell. Spicebush agrees that loosening up would do her good, and tries to incorporate games and play into Raspberry's lessons. She wishes Raspberry wasn't so apprehensive, and continues to put her full effort into making her mentee comfortable and happy. Spicebush is best friends with Skunk. Their playful personalities click extremely well. Their friendship means Spicebush is also a good friend of Beebalm's. The Care Specialist can act as a grounding force in their friend group, reminding her wife and friend to not let their heads get too high up in the clouds.

Design Notes: lanky, long head of hair, one ear tuft is darker than the others, scattered decorative leaves throughout fur
