


6 months, 27 days ago


she/her, lesbian, 9 months old

Rank: Hunting Mentee

Teacher: Carrot

Parents: Mushroom, Toothwort

Sibling: Soybean

Oh, you want a silly kitty? I've got one for you. Fiddlehead has been a ball of energy since birth, sometimes costing her parents sleep when she was really little. She'd toss and turn and ask them to tell her more stories and play with her and ooh look at that cool flower oh what kind of bug is that and hi Beebalm can YOU tell us a story too? She's spoken with Witch Hazel and Beebalm on good ways to temper her high energy, because sometimes it can even be overwhelming for her on the inside. Usually she likes to run laps around the fields. The wind in her fur is refreshing and she's sometimes able to make a catch on the way. She's also the prime choice when small errands need to be run by visiting the other Clutters. Tasks such as fetching a plant or requesting a visit from a cat outside the Clutter allow Fiddlehead to take long walks and expend her energy while also helping the Clutter. The choice to appoint Carrot as her teacher was a perfect choice, since Carrot is almost like a toned down version of Fiddlehead. Carrot likes to tell Fiddlehead that they were just like her at her age, and Fiddlehead looks up to Carrot immensely. She's always hanging out with her sibling, Soybean, and she loves to get into trouble with Blueberry. Fiddlehead also has a massive crush on Strawberry, but is too shy to say anything to her. She's charmed by Strawberry's sense of humor and kindness, and she hopes the other mentee feels the same way about her. Fun fact, Fiddlehead has a curled tail mutation, so her tail is always stuck in the same upright looped position!
