
Tanaka Hanzō

Tanaka Hanzō

Name []
Kanji 半蔵 多仲
Romaji Hanzō Tanaka
Hiragana はんぞう たなか
English Tanaka Hanzō
Aliases & Titles []
Aliases General Hanzō
Dr Hanzō
Nicknames Tanaka-san
Nii-sama - (By his siblings)
Tanuki - (By Kazuya Hanzō)
Titles General Tanaka Hanzō
Talent []
English Ultimate Torturer
Kanji 超高校級の 拷問者
Romaji Chō kōkō-kyū no Gōmon-sha
Translation Super High School Level Torturer
Characteristics []
Gender 15?cb=20170902203130 Male
  • 205cm (JP)
  • 6’7” (ENG)
  • 91kg (JP)
  • 201lbs (ENG)
Birth Date ♌ August 7th
Age 35
Chest Size
  • 109cm (JP)
  • 43" (ENG)
Blood Type A
Likes Blood, Knives, Coffee, People's Screams of Agony, Omelette, Long Baths, Dissection and Vivisection
Dislikes Being Told No, Being Called Tanuki, People who Disobey, Door Frames
Status Alive
Family Kenshin Hanzō (Father)
Kazuya Hanzō (Mother)
Risa Hanzō (Younger Sister)
Haruto Hanzō (Younger Brother)
Hideaki Hanzō (Younger Brother)
Hyōsuke Hanzō (Younger Brother)
Ikki Hanzō (Youngest Brother)
Mirai Hanzō (Wife)
Akane Hanzō (Daughter)
Kurō Hanzō (Son)
Portrayals []
Voice Actors
  • latest?cb=20150409183533 Satoshi Hino
  • latest?cb=20150409183807 Keith Silverstein
Face Claim(s) Ōgai Mori - Bungou Stray dogs

Even hell cannot contain my sins...

Tanaka, Introduction

Tanaka Hanzō (半蔵 多仲 Hanzō Tanaka) is a character in Danganronpa. He was a student at Royal Academy Cadet School and is now the General and commander of the Hanzō military. His title is the Ultimate Torturer (拷問者 lit. Super High School Level Torturer).


At his core, Tanaka is a narcissistic and egotistical sadist who gets off on the suffering of others. To him, all other people are inferior and exist only for his pleasure. He has no qualms with toying with others, and with torturing to the point of them begging him for mercy. He is incapable of showing mercy or empathy and has no concept of caring for those who are not immediately useful or interesting to him. He also has no issue with killing others who get in his way or killing purely for the pleasure of it. Tanaka is out for only his own gain and is proud of how much of an all round awful person he is. He is completely self-aware of what he is and how he behaves, and has no intention of ever changing himself for the better. When he has this much power and influence at his disposal, and whilst no one who can challenge him exists, why should he ever feel the need to change himself anyways?

Tanaka likes to be in complete control, which is why he has done everything it took to get to the very top of the Hanzō and now makes every effort to solidify and protect his position as head of the family. Challengers to his authority are quickly suppressed and dealt with in a way that makes them an example to others. Considering Tanaka cares little for others' lives, this is usually by very gruesome methods that would make normal people sick to see. Though he is undiagnosed, it is safe to assume that Tanaka bears the traits of an extreme sociopath, and as he is continued to be enabled he will only worsen in the depths that he will sink to in order to get what he wants. Tanaka is also extremely intelligent, with a thirst for learning and knowledge that cannot be satiated easily. He has to keep pushing himself to learn more, no matter what needs to be done to achieve that, and he prides himself in being by far smarter than his peers.

Despite all these vile and unlikeable traits, the most terrifying part of Tanaka's personality is how charming he can be. Tanaka is sociable and polite and very keen to get to know people, mostly so that he can use them for his own gain, and his way with words easily wins him affection and praise. He's popular, even if much of this support comes from people knowing and fearing his reputation, and is very good at making connections where he needs them in order to extend his influence. Tanaka, surprisingly, can also show a caring and affectionate side to himself when he needs to - especially when around his children. It is this side that is mostly seen by his own family rather than by the soldiers he commands.


Tanaka is extremely tall, standing at 6'7" tall and towering above those around him. His body appears thin because it is quite long, but he is actually extremely well built and muscular thanks to his extensive training for the military. He has strong arms and legs and a full six pack as well as a toned chest and flat stomach. Thanks to this, he is extremely healthy in his build and size. His skin is pale and very soft, and he does have a lot of scarring on his body from being in the military and from fights with his siblings. There are scars on his arms and back, and most notably he has the kanji for "Risa Hanzō" in faint scarring on his stomach - which she carved there herself. Aside from this, Tanaka has no other blemishes or moles and his face is mark free and very naturally pretty. He has very beautiful, almost feminine facial features including a pointed chin, thin and pointed nose, thin soft lips and almond shaped eyes. Tanaka's eyes are blood red, a trait shared by all members of the Hanzō family. He also has slightly sharper than normal canine teeth, but these are usually hidden when his mouth is closed. His hair is dark brown and is very striaght when loose. It reaches his mid back and has a middle parting and a short front fringe. When working, Tanaka will usually tie it in a loose low ponytail.

For clothing, Tanaka always dresses in his military attire. This consists of knee high black boots with steel toes to protect his feet, into which are tucked his white military trousers. He wears a tight white shirt with red piping, symbolic of the Hanzō military, and a blood red tie around his neck. He also has a grey waistcoat with red fastenings down his front that is very tight against his chest. He also has a black belt with a silver buckle, but this is usually hidden by the ends of his waistcoat. Over all of this, Tanaka has his signature black military coat that reaches to just below his knees. It has fancy grey and red epaulettes on the shoulders that bear his rank as general. He also has a pin on his tie of the Hanzō emblem, that matches the same emblem that is found on his white leather military gloves. Despite dealing with so much blood on a daily basis, Tanaka's uniform is always spotless.

Talent and Abilities

Ultimate Torturer

As the Ultimate Torturer, Tanaka is a sadistic and cruel manipulator who is unafraid to stoop to the lowest of the low levels in order to inflict pain upon those around him. He has his own torture chamber connected to his office, and knows multiple horrific methods to drive his captives insane without actually killing them so that he can torture them for longer. His talent also gives him a sadistic love of blood and dissection. He has even been known to drink his victims' blood whilst working on them. The longer he can keep them on the brink of painful death and begging for mercy, the more successful he considers his work.


Tanaka is a qualified doctor and surgeon, holding multiple degrees and honours from some of the top ranking universities in Japan. It is this skill and precision that makes it all the easier for him to work on his victims and keep them alive longer for him to torture. Though he has never worked in the practice legally, he has performed many "successful" operations on people. Though his definition of success may greatly differ from what others might call success - seeing as he is less interested in the "patient" surviving the procedure.


Being in the military since childhood, Tanaka has risen quickly through the ranks of the Hanzō military. He is trained in rifles and hand to hand combat, can run long distance carrying substantial weight, climb and defend himself from any possible attacks. He's qualified to drive multiple military vehicles - including tanks. At the age of 35 he succeeded his father as General of the Hanzō military and head of the Hanzō family, placing his status in the armed forces right at the very very top. It gives him access to a huge amount of weapons and military resources as well as confidential information.

The Occult

Though it is kept very much a secret to those outside of the Hanzō family, Tanaka has heavily researched into the family's connections to the occult and the demonic curse that runs through their bloodline. He is not an active occultist, but he is well read enough on demons to know exactly what he and his family are, and he is working on ways to exploit it by using his own siblings as test subjects.

Creation and Development

To put a face to the name that causes Hideaki true fear, Tanaka is the embodiment of a true villain. He is capable of all types of evil and there are no depths to which he will not sink. He is evil for his own gain, for the sake of being evil, and without any trace of good or remorse inside him. There is no saving him and there is no changing him.


Tanaka's name is actually the fourth most common Japanese surname. It is written with the kanji 多仲 (Tanaka) meaning "many" and "middle." Since this reading of the kanji is a surname rather than a given name, it can be misread as the name Tachū (たちゅう) as it uses the same kanji, which Tanaka is quick to correct. It is speculated that his parents originally intended to name him Tachū, but that he chose to read the kanji differently as a child and the new name "Tanaka" stuck. No one aside from Tanaka himself can confirm this, however, and he will not give the truth. His surname "Hanzō" (半蔵) is written with the kanji for "half" or "middle" and "storehouse." It is another samurai reference, this time to Hattori Hanzō.


Tanaka's design is symbolic of a high ranking soldier, with his uniform modelled off of Japanese military generals. His connections to surgery are related to how much of medicine has been learnt through torture and inethical practices, and this includes his carrying scalpels around at all times. The four dots of the Hanzō emblem are a reference to the Japanese number four 四 (Shi) having associations with death in Japanese culture. The family are heavily associated with death and demonic lore.


  • Oh... I wouldn't move if I were you.. My bodyguard never misses.
  • There's no redeeming a demon like me.
  • All creatures, even humans, are beneath me, and unworthy of anything but my blade.
  • Oh Hideaki... You're never escaping me, ever.
  • Are you going to try and fight back? I wouldn't recommend that... It might just make me drag this out longer for you.
  • I was born to inherit the throne of hell, Darling
  • Go on. Beg for mercy. See just where it gets you.
  • I would say that this won't hurt, but then I would be lying to you.
  • My dear Hideaki... I missed the sound of your screams so much.
  • Nothing will stop me. I am the one true Hanzō.
  • I like to watch them try and escape. It's like observing mice trying to break from their cage.
  • Their realisation that all their efforts were futile gives me unimaginable pleasure. Your despair is simply delightful!
  • Oh dear dear dear Hideaki-kun... You always have been so special to me... Your screams are unlike any other. It's.. almost arousing to hear you writhe and beg for mercy.
  • You just stay close to Nii-sama alright, Ikki-kun? I'll show you how much fun dead bodies can be!
  • Try that again, Risa-san, and I will make you pay for it! I can still take your other eye!
  • Children should obey their father.
  • If you want to become a true Hanzō, then you must train hard and become the strongest you can be.
  • Screams are like music to my ears.
  • Don't cry, Kurō. True Hanzō do not cry.
  • I don't think you realise just who exactly you are dealing with here.
  • Don't underestimate me.
  • Let's see... A little incision here.. Another one here... Should make for some lovely screams!
  • You are nothing but a traitor! A useless, worthless, miserable traitor to your family!
  • I should have killed you when I had the chance to Hideaki!
  • How dare you try to stand up to me!
  • You are nothing! Worthless!
  • This body is no longer fun to toy with. Sakakibara-kun clean it up for me.
  • TBA


  • Usually Tanaka keeps his hair back in a low ponytail tied with a cord and he only lets it down when not on duty. When down, it reaches his mid back. It grows longer because he likes having it that long.
  • Tanaka's hair length breaks military uniform protocol, but nobody is going to tell him that.
  • His uniform, despite his talents and hobbies, is always a spotless white. Tanaka has the servants keep it pristine, and they know full well what will happen to them if they don't.
  • The military coat was a gift from his father. Tanaka never takes it off on duty.
  • He keeps a lot of knives and blades in his pockets, and a pistol in a holster inside his coat. He also keeps a lot of scalpels on him.
  • Tanaka has 20/20 vision and is extremely proud of it, his eyes are said to instill fear in even the bravest of men.
  • Tanaka is cruel, sadistic, uncaring and an abuser. There is no "too low" and there is no "too far" if it will cause pain and suffering for others, he will go there.
  • He strongly believes that being a member of the Hanzō family places him above others around him. That he has a divine right to act as he pleases and that all others are inferior and should be punished if they hinder him.
  • Although he is perfectly capable of killing, and has killed people in the past, Tanaka prefers not to kill his victims - as them dying means he can no longer torture them. He refers to those he tortures as his "playthings" or as "toys."
  • His favourite toy is Hideaki and always will be. No one could ever replace Hideaki for him.
  • When he has no enemies to torture, he has been known to abuse his own soldiers and torture animals. One time he even kidnapped a trespasser who had wandered onto the base, but the person's missing person case has never been connected to him as the authorities are far, far too scared to accuse him.
  • Though he understands the importance of a family heir, Tanaka dislikes children.
  • That being said, he does soften up towards his children over time. He still prefers the "children should be seen and not heard" approach, however.
  • He gets sexual pleasure out of making his partners bleed from bites and scratches.
  • Tanaka regularly smokes expensive cigarettes using a holder that was a gift from a foreign diplomat while he was serving.
  • He also has very severe and undiagnosed Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD) Specifically, Tanaka is an “Enforcing Sadist” but does show some traits of a “Tyrannical Sadist” as well. He also has undiagnosed narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
  • Tanaka performs experiments on soldiers who underperform in training exercises in order to motivate them to do better. Recruits fear being placed under his command because they know some men walk into his “office” and never return.
  • Tanaka is actually also a fully qualified surgeon. It helps him know exactly how to dismember people to cause maximum pain.
  • He cooks with the blood of his dissected torture victimes, drinks it, and feeds his creations to his soldiers.
  • Tanaka allows Ikki play with whatever remains he has on his experimentation slab after he’s done torturing and dissecting in order to get him used to bodies and blood.
  • He has a burn scar on his neck from one time where Hideaki fought back. Hideaki was quickly made to regret that.
  • He is nicknamed “Tanuki-kun” by his mother.
  • Though he would never ever tell anyone, Tanaka is actually in quiet fear of his younger sister Risa given how huge and strong she is. She can deadlift him and that is terrifying.
  • Tanaka sometimes suffers from bouts of bad joint pain that is caused by his extreme height. It is thought to be a product of his family's close genetics that have been intermixed a lot through generations of cousin marriage.
  • Tanaka is one of the three children in this generation of Hanzō who has inherited a strong amount of the family's demon curse. The other two are Ikki and Hideaki.
  • Because of this, Tanaka does bear some demonic traits, but he does not show them to anyone. Not even his wife knows.
  • His favourite colour is blood red.
  • Tanaka prefers coffee over tea and will drink it black with no sugar. It keeps him awake whilst he is performing long torture sessions.
  • He also adds blood to his tea and coffee.
  • Tanaka tends to sleep very lightly, especially since becoming a father, for fear of being attacked in his sleep. Akane has tried it several times.
  • Tanaka can count on one hand the number of times in his life he has genuinely cried.
  • He has a personal library filled with books and medical journals, in his spare time he enjoys reading.
  • TBA


Early Life

Tanaka Hanzō was born the eldest son of Kenshin and Kazuya Hanzō and the oldest child of the family. This also made him the heir to the huge Hanzō military, placing great responsibility upon him to become a fine general, leader and soldier through and through. For the entirety of his early life, Tanaka lived and breathed military and training alongside his regular schooling. He excelled at both, always achieving the highest grades in his class and consistently outperforming his peers in both sports and academia. Tanaka was also incredibly popular, and his natural charm and manipulative nature allowed him to get teachers and other students to give him what he wanted with incredible ease. All of these factors, including the ample praise his successes got him from his parents, did a lot to fuel his ego and selfishness. Tanaka soon began to feel he was above others, and that they merely existed to serve not just the Hanzō, but also him specifically. Being the eldest child, Tanaka garnered a lot of his parents' attention and praise, and even after his younger siblings were born he was very self-assured that he held the position of favourite child. It was this belief that was the first sign of him developing an extremely narcissistic personality.

At the age of seven, he easily passed both the academic and physical examinations for cadet school, making his parents extremely proud and confident that their eldest son was going to become a fine soldier when he was older. As such, his father invited Tanaka to the front line during school holidays in order to get him accustomed to real military life and discipline, even putting the young boy on military exercises and rations. Tanaka absolutely thrived, and loved his time there. Soon, as early as ten years old, Tanaka was giving orders himself and helping to run the training. His father was extremely proud, and would shower him in gifts and praise for his hard work. Tanaka became a skilled leader, shooter and fighter who was proud to live and serve as a Hanzō. Once they were born, his younger siblings did not escape his newfound ego either, and he would run them like a military unit as much as he would other soldiers - it made his parents proud to see him upholding the family values so strongly.

However, things changed dramatically for Tanaka not long after his eleventh birthday. Whilst out hunting, his rifle misfired and he ended up not killing the deer that he was aiming at, only badly wounding it. Curious at the animal's pained screams, Tanaka cautiously approached the deer and watched as it writhed in agony at the bullet wound to its shoulder. He found the screams enjoyable, and when the deer began to quieten, he took out his hunting knife and began to lacerate its skin to get it to scream again. Continuing until his pristine white uniform was drenched in the deer's blood, and he was laughing maniacally at the sight of its suffering. Tanaka didn't kill the deer, he left it to bleed to death in the forest, still screaming in the distance as he returned to the household. Bloodstained and forever a changed person. Those screams stayed with him through the night, and he found himself craving hearing them again, consuming him with a desire to try torturing again. All the blood was beautiful, the screams exquisite, he'd found his calling.

This first encounter spurred a habit of trapping and torturing animals, a hobby he didn’t need to keep secret, as his parents only encouraged his behaviour as a form of character building. It started with the deer, but soon it became rabbits, cats, dogs, Tanaka even treated his military horse with cruelty. It went on without interference, and in his teens Tanaka was allowed to join front line fighting, killing and capturing actual people. The sensations he got from torturing them were far greater than those he got from mere animals. Humans could beg and plead with him, he didn't even have to physically hurt them to drive them to the brink. Tanaka's torture became psychological, and to satiate his bloodlust he began studying surgery - a convenient excuse to dissect bodies. Living or dead, he didn't mind. For all of this, at sixteen Tanaka was given the title of "Ultimate Torturer" alongside his rising prominence in the military ranks. Tanaka had an infamous reputation among the common soldiers for his harsh leadership, and rumors spread that he was using physical discipline on his soldiers. It was untrue, but Tanaka revelled in the fear of his peers. He wanted nothing more than to be treated with respect and reverence. He felt himself like a god among men with the power of torture that he held.


Tanaka did not treat his family any differently when it came to the military. He was harsh on both Risa and Haruto to train them and make them proud Hanzō soldiers as well, and as such he was furious when Hideaki failed to live up to expectations. His ire turned to hatred of his younger brother for being a failure, and he started violently abusing Hideaki from when the boy was about six years old. He also got the other siblings involved, and together they made Hideaki’s life a living hell. Tanaka found he took the most pleasure out of life when he was sadistically torturing Hideaki, the first human he had ever used his Ultimate on, and no depth was too low to sink to for him. Over time, his enjoyment of torturing Hideaki turned into a sickening obsession, revelling in the misery of his sibling. He also began to take interest in his youngest brother Ikki, who showed similar traits to Hideaki but with the added talent of riflery. Tanaka took Ikki under his wing, training him to be equally as sadistic and cruel, and using him as a personal bodyguard when he went out to collect new torture victimes. He also encouraged Ikki's obsession with self harm.

The things that Tanaka would do to Hideaki were unspeakable, and it instilled a deep traumatic fear in the young boy's mind towards his elder brother. Tanaka was bad to his other siblings, but his treatment of them paled in comparison to how awful he was to Hideaki. Tanaka justified it that if Hideaki was a failure to the military, he could do as he pleased with him to punish him. Soon he didn't even feel the need to justify it. Torturing Hideaki just became a hobby for him, and he started to view his younger brother as just a plaything that he could use whenever he wanted to. He would even jokingly call Hideaki his "toy" when they were alone together. Whenever Tanaka had a bad day, he would take it out on his brother. He did not care for how his brother felt during these ordeals, and Tanaka was so self absorbed he also did not pick up on the changes that were happening to Hideaki as time went on.

The Incident

Tanaka attained the rank of Colonel at the age of 32, and the whole family now lived and worked on the immense Hanzō military base and served on the front line. He was in charge of ensuring Hideaki produced appropriate strategies, and kept him in line with harsh treatment including starving him and leaving him in the cold at night in winter for fun. Unbeknownst to him, however, Hideaki was starting to hear voices thanks to all of the torture and abuse that he had been through and was secretly plotting revenge. Tanaka ruled over his battalion with an iron fist and was praised for having some of the strongest and most successful soldiers out of the entire military. He felt completely unbeatable, and fully believed that he could achieve anything he wanted with the power of brute force and influence.

Tanaka was leading the forces the day of the "Incident" wherein Hideaki turned traitor. The shocking loss of life came mostly from his own men, and the base was utterly wrecked in the ambush. The biggest hit was to Tanaka's ego however as for the first time in his life he failed a mission. Tanaka was incandescent with rage at the loss, and when Hideaki was brought to him by Haruto and Risa, Tanaka had the whole family carry out punishment upon the traitor. For a full night, Tanaka and the rest of the Hanzō burnt, cut, electrocuted and froze Hideaki's body in an immense and brutal session of physical and mental torture. Culminating in Tanaka deciding to lock Hideaki in the morgue cold store for a week. Even that was not enough for him to feel better after the incident, and his kidnappings and torture upon surviving soldiers began to grow more frequent and obvious as he was so consumed by his bloodlust and anger.

The "Incident" as it became known afterwards, was a huge hit to Tanaka's reputation as a leader and a Colonel. His father punished him heavily for not picking up on the warning signs that Hideaki was going to turn traitor, and Hideaki's subsequent escape after being ordered to end himself was also blamed on Tanaka. Furious and needing an outlet for his anger, half of his platoon vanished over the next few weeks to be sent to his "office" - never to return. From then on, any and all soldiers who were reassigned to units under Tanaka's leadership feared for their lives. It even became a tradition for those assigned under Tanaka to send goodbye letters to their family, as the mortality rate under Tanaka was extremely high - and that was in peacetime. Tanaka didn't care, these were his soldiers and he could toy with their lives as much as he pleased, especially as he no longer had his plaything.

Present Day

General Hanzō

To regain his reputation and reestablish himself as a feared leader, Tanaka knew what he had to do. As was tradition in the Hanzō family, the position of head of the family was not passed down until the current head died. Though Kenshin Hanzō was in his later years, he was hardly frail or on verge of death. To become his successor, Tanaka would have to assume leadership in the same way his father had taken it from Tanaka's grandfather. In the dead of night, Tanaka snuck into his parents' room and slit Kenshin Hanzō's throat. His father woke, and the last thing he saw was his son smirking, declaring himself the new General Hanzō. Tanaka's mother, though she had long expected that something like this might happen, was horrified at her son's malice. She retired from active duty to grieve her husband's death, and to take care of her youngest children. She never forgave Tanaka, but he didn't want her forgiveness.

At the age of 33, Tanaka was officially made General Tanaka Hanzō and was declared to be the new head of the family. He lead his father's funeral, where he gave a speech promising to make the military stronger than ever before and to ensure that the Hanzō family remained one of the most influential families across all of Japan. People looked up to him in fear and awe, and Tanaka got an immense power rush from his new position. It only made him more cruel and more domineering, and his moniker of "Ultimate Torturer" still fit him extremely well. Over the next three years, Tanaka restructured the Hanzō military from the ground up and drafted his siblings in as leaders in their specialist areas - including the youngest members Hyōsuke and Ikki. That way, the entire military became an entirely Hanzō run operation and Tanaka could extend his own influence into all areas with ease.


Work was not the only thing on Tanaka's mind, however, as now he was in his 30s he began to think of the prospect of a family of his own. It was traditional for Hanzō marriages to be close knit - and with how large the family was it was easy to find suitable partners without needing to diverge too far from the bloodline but equally without running the risk of dangerously close incest. Cousin marriage was somewhat common in previous generations of Hanzō, but had become less popular now that the consequences were more openly known. That being said, Tanaka settled for a spouse from one of the more distant branches of the family. He chose Mirai Hanzō, who was a sixth cousin of his. Of course, the marriage was arranged and she had very little choice in the matter, but she was very willing and honoured and the two have had a happy marriage.

This marriage has produced two children, and Tanaka is now the proud father of Kurō and Akane, a son and daughter. Tanaka loves both his children, but also slightly fears them because they are rapidly growing up to be just like he was. He is a stern father, unafraid to use physical discipline to keep his children in line, but does give them genuine care and affection when they need it. He has embraced fatherhood alongside his work responsibilities and actually makes for an alright, if horrifying, father figure.




Hideaki Hanzō

You don't frighten me anymore!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Tanaka adores Hideaki. He is obsessive over his younger brother and has been working hard to keep Hideaki under his control for his entire life. He has been physically, verbally and emotionally abusing Hideaki since the boy was six years old, and Tanaka takes extremely sadistic pleasure and pride in how much Hideaki fears him. He knows that Hideaki has power in him that is stronger than Tanaka will ever possess, and he is immensely jealous of that. So the abuse is both a way to enact revenge and a way to keep Hideaki from ever surpassing him. Tanaka hates Hideaki's sexuality, and uses his power over him to try and "cure" Hideaki of his emotions through pain, abuse and fear. Hideaki has been one of Tanaka's longest living torture "playthings" and the man loves that immensely.

Tanaka has done unspeakable things to Hideaki, and feels no regret nor remorse for it, and would have continued to abuse and hurt his younger brother had Hideaki not turned on him during the Incident and escaped. Furthermore, he has never forgiven Hideaki for the Incident, because of how much it affected his reputation and status as leader of the military. He has vowed to recapture his younger brother and bring him back under the rule of the Hanzō. Not having Hideaki to play with leaves Tanaka restless and irritated, as he has a very unhealthy fixation on his younger brother's suffering and almost cannot be without it. One thing he cannot stand is Hideaki standing up for himself. He views Hideaki as beneath him, and barely a human in his own right, and so seeing Hideaki take matters into his own hands and stand against him is an insult to his desire for power and control.


Risa Hanzō

Try anything on me again and I will carve my name into your face, got it?

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Tanaka has one fear. That one fear is his younger sister, Risa. He has tried multiple times to exert dominance and influence over her - only for her to fight back ten times harder. She physically outmatches him and the two often bicker. When they fight, the results are catastrophic. Tanaka once gouged out her eye because she insulted him, and in return she tied him up and carved her name into his chest with a knife. Since then they have been fierce and terrifying rivals who know that they are both very capable and willing to do terrible things to each other in order to be the one who comes out on top. It has meant that they've reached an unspoken truce, and Tanaka mostly leaves his sister to her own thing. He does, however, really hate how she is the one person who vocally stands up to him and calls out his behaviour.


Haruto Hanzō

He doesn't know the truth and I want to keep it that way.

Bond: ❤❤♡♡♡

Tanaka dislikes Haruto, mostly because of all his skirt chasing and brazen acts of flirting - it reminds him a lot of a certain Honda and he loathes the thought of someone in the Hanzō family having that same reputation. He often reprimands Haruto for his behaviour, and has been known to lash out at him to punish him. Haruto takes it all and gives back verbally when he has the confidence to. In truth, Haruto is happy to take it all as long as Tanaka continues to believe that he is heterosexual and doesn't catch on to what he is really up to when he goes out.


Hyōsuke Hanzō

He knows that I have information on him.

Bond: ❤❤❤♡♡

Tanaka had hoped to find a way to exploit Hyōsuke, as he could see from an early age how intelligent the boy is. However, it has reached a stalemate as Hyōsuke has refused to show 100% loyalty towards his elder brother and has even made threats to expose blackmail information about the family and Tanaka especially to the public. It has meant Tanaka has had to back down from trying to extend influence over his younger brother - something he sorely hates as it means he cannot exercise complete control over all his siblings. Tanaka has taken to mostly ignoring Hyōsuke, and they have an unofficial and unspoken truce between each other.


Ikki Hanzō

Nii-sama is going to make me stronger! You'll see! I'll be the best Hanzō!

Bond: ❤❤❤❤♡

After Hideaki escaped and failed him, Tanaka turned his focus and attention onto exploiting the power he saw developing inside Ikki. Knowing fear would not work on Ikki, he instead used the age gap of 25 years between them to insert himself as a younger father figure towards the boy - winning over his trust and loyalty. Tanaka exploits Ikki's desire for attention and praise and takes great sadistic delight in how loyal and eager Ikki is towards him. He is slowly grooming the boy into a killer, and is solely focussed upon the power he can get from him. Tanaka doesn't actually care all that much for Ikki on a personal level, and only cares what he can do for him. Ikki knows this, and still tries to impress him and get his attention - something Tanaka likes to watch.

He is physically and emotionally abusive towards the boy, and actually enjoys making Ikki cry and suffer as well. He is strict, thinking that that will push Ikki to work harder for him, and keep him obedient. His obsession with Ikki is nothing like the obsession he had for Hideaki, but it is similar.


Mirai Hanzō

I will be by your side. Always and forever, my darling.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Mirai is eternally loyal to her husband, and Tanaka appreciates and adores her loyalty and unflinching trust in him. She has given him an heir and has done all that he could have asked of her. The two of them are a dangerous and deadly duo. Mirai also assists him in finding new test subjects for him to work on, and he is immensely grateful for that. He and Mirai also have a very passionate and kinky sex life that helps keep Tanaka motivated. He would do anything for her, knowing that she would do the same and more for him in return.


Kurō Hanzō

I will become stronger than father. I will become a true Hanzō.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Tanaka sees great potential in his son, and he hopes that Kurō will become everything he expects of him and then some. He has already begun training his son to be just like him, and he's thrilled to see how quickly Kurō is learning. Most importantly, he can see that his son has a great power in him, more powerful than previous generations of Hanzō, and Tanaka is determined to exploit that as much as he can. He trains Kurō hard, and can be very unforgiving with high expectations, but he knows that his son will rise to it - and has been excelling thanks to the strict regime. He hopes to see his son become even more powerful and influential as he grows up.


Akane Hanzō

You're kind of an asshole but you're still Dad and I love you.

Bond: ❤❤❤❤❤

Tanaka loves his daughter, with all his heart. She's his precious daughter and he would never let anything hurt her, and anyone who did hurt her even only mildly would come to a very messy and terrible end. That being said, he is also absolutely terrified of her and her potential. He can already see that she's turning out just as he was as a child, and to an extent he fears that she may quickly surpass him in strength. He tries to train her to become a true and strong Hanzō, and he can see she's already learning quickly from watching his surgeries. So much so he's even nicknamed her "Ultimate Butcher" privately. He loves her, but at times he does sleep with one eye open. Just in case.

Other Relationships


Akasuki "Hotaru" Higa

Tch! I'll make you pay for what you did to Hide-kun!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Tanaka knows that if Hotaru ever got her hands on him she would attempt to kill him. Because she is the closest to his younger brother she has the strongest grudge against him, and he takes pride in making someone hate him so strongly. He hates her strength and determination to keep him from his prize, and has vowed to do what it takes to torture and eventually kill her as payback for all the inconvenience and pain that she has put him through. He also knew her from her navy days, and knows what she did on the ship. He plans to use that against her as well, as he believes that he can bring her down and have her arrested - giving him the chance to make her "disappear" for good. What Tanaka hates most of all about Hotaru is that she is his type, and he has to bury a lot of interest in her so that he can focus on his tast. Internally, he laments not getting influence over her sooner so that he could have swayed her loyalty away from Hideaki and towards him instead.

In some AUs, Hotaru is Tanaka's wife. In this case, he is a genuinely loving husband who does look after her. He is, unfortunately, still abusive in nature, but it is at least better than what he feels towards her in his regular canon.


Tsubaki Honda

The shit he did to Hide-kun... It's just... I don't even got the fuckin words.

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

Tanaka deeply dislikes Tsubaki, seeing her as a failure to her family and as a bad-mannered and bratty child. Seeing her back when she was with her family he would judge her for her rebellious antics, but he has developed an interest in her since he discovered that she became friends with Hideaki. Now her family won't step in to save her, Tanaka is plotting and weighing his chances of kidnapping Tsubaki and doing something terrible to her so that he can get to Hideaki. He has yet to make a move, but he is planning.


Mitsunari Honda

He really is the worst of the worst. I'm grateful I only ever saw him, never talked to him.

Bond: ♡♡♡♡♡

Mitsunari and Tanaka never formally met, and have never actually spoken directly towards one another. This is likely for the best since neither of them have anything in common and Tanaka is highly judgemental of Mitsunari for having slept around and for having slept with men. They saw each other in passing during the very brief time that Mitsunari dated Risa, and Tanaka was very glad that Mitsunari got exactly what was coming for him. If he could find a reason to, he would put Mitsunari onto his operating table and experiment on the man - but at the same time he is aware of the risk of angering the Honda family. With Mitsunari's change of heart, Tanaka has seen even less of the man and is content with that.


Heizo Sakakibara

I-I'll c-clean it up T-Tanaka-sama!!

Bond: ❤♡♡♡♡

To Tanaka, Heizo is nothing more than an insect he can step on whenever he sees him. He will constantly bark orders at the boy and have him clean up any and all messes that he makes - including demanding Heizo be the one to clear the bodies out of his torture room when he is done with them. If anything is out of place or goes wrong, he will blame Heizo and he has no issue physically and verbally berating the poor cleaner if he gets within range of him. A part of him has considered torturing him just to hear him scream even more, but he doesn't want to lose a valuable servant just yet.

Free Time Event Rewards

Below is a list of items that can be recieved from Tanaka if they were in a Danganronpa game.

Tanaka's Underwear
Reward for Completing Tanaka's Free Time Events


Tanaka prefers the following presents from the MonoMono Machine:

Tanaka.gif Loves: Cheer Coat Uniform, Cufflinks, Book of the Blackened, Commemorative Medal Set, Earnest Compass, Moves of the Killing Game, Death Flag,
Likes: Ginger Tea, Candy Cigarette, Dog Tag, Hand Mirror, Hand Grips, Aluminum Water Bottle, Gun of Man's Passion, Pure-White Practice Sword


  • Finally, something worthy of my attention. ❞ - Upon Recieving a gift they Love
  • This shall suffice. ❞ - Upon Recieving a gift they Like
  • I suppose it will do. ❞ - Upon Recieving a gift they are Neutral about
  • I won't ask what you were thinking when you got me this. You were not thinking. ❞ - Upon Recieving a gift they Dislike
  • Meet me in my office. ❞ - Upon Recieving a gift they Hate

Skills Granted

Becoming close to Tanaka will grant the player the following skills, which will aid them in Class Trials.

Name Description Cost
Precision Scalpel Sharper sword cuts quicker in Rebuttal Showdown 13 SP

Code by lord-spork
Edited by Heretic_Saint