Monty & Adela



5 years, 10 months ago


Monty Banesworth

AGE 36
RACE Native American
ORIENT. Straight


Extroverted Introverted

Intuitive Observant

Thinking Feeling

Judging Prospecting


"Let's slow down for a moment and think, alright?"

  • Authoritive: A highly respected leadership figure.
  • Noble: Will stand up for his beliefs and intervene when he witnesses injustice.
  • Patient: Very tolerant.
  • Kind-hearted: Very generous and looks out for the well-being of others.
  • Resourceful: Excellent at strategizing and quick-thinking.
  • Stoic: Doesn't often display strong shows of emotion.
  • Calm: Good under pressure. Carefully evaluates a situation before acting.
  • Weary: Usually very fatigued.
  • Depressed: He carries a lot of sadness that makes it difficult for him to remain optimistic.
  • Unforgiving: Doesn't forgive and doesn't forget.


  • Birthday: April 23.
  • A former alcoholic that still struggles occassionally.
  • Suffers from PTSD; sometimes he dissociates while fighting.
  • Gifted in a large array of weaponry including guns, bows and arrows, swords, and hand-to-hand combat.
  • Still wears his wedding ring despite being a widower.


  • Hot coffee
  • Spending time with his daughter
  • Strategizing battle plans
  • Stroking Adela's fur


  • Loud, sudden noises
  • War
  • People who threaten children

Design Notes


  • Height: 6'3
  • Weight: 200ish lbs
  • Skin colour: Tanned brown
  • Eye colour: Pale grey
  • Hair colour: Black
  • Guardian Mark: S-shadped brand on his left ankle


  • Hair is long and straight; usually tied back in a bun or braid
  • Oval face and softened features
  • Broad shoulders
  • Usually sporting a 5 o'clock shadow
  • Eye-bags which make him look permanently tired

Jewelry & Piercings

  • Wears a star pendant carved from bone
  • A gold wedding band
  • Pierced ears; usually just studs

Typical Outfit

  • Button-downs under a leather jacket
  • Jeans or cargo pants
  • A belt to holster his sword
  • Boots


Before Birth

The North, which the other factions viewed as inhabitable, was actually made up of many nomadic groups living off the land. They are the most in-touch with their Guardian counterparts, which is a culture Monty was born into.

Early Life

Born to one of the largest nomadic groups of the North, Monty quickly learned how to navigate the land. He bonded with Adela early on and the pair of them would often explore the wilderness.

Later years

Monty was not only a popular choice to become leader of their group, but also worked hard to become a warrior and hunter. He loved his life in the North and wished to provide for his friends and family without moving into the other factions.

By the time he was in his twenties, he had been elected leader, and also had fallen in love with his childhood friend. They got married a few years later and soon had their daughter, Claire, who Monty loved and fawned over.

When Claire was a toddler, representatives of the UR approached their compound and asked them to join their ranks in the factions war. When Monty turned them away, the UR launched an assault on the group, killing nearly three-fourths of their members; unfortunately, Monty's wife was one of the casualities.

His family and friends decimated, Monty had no choice but to move the few remaining survivors South. Eventually they were brought in by the rebel group Rage, where they were forced to join the war to survive.

During this time, Monty drowned his sorrows in alcohol. It was only the love he had for his daughter and Adela's gentle scoldings that pulled him out of his downward spiral, and he vowed to do everything in his power to keep Claire and Tawny safe.

The main reason he joins the Ascendants is because Adela convinces him that it would be best for Claire's safety.


Adela Guardian

Monty's Guardian and best friend.


AGE 36
SPECIES Black-Tailed Jackrabbit
ROLE Guardian


Extroverted Introverted

Intuitive Observant

Thinking Feeling

Judging Prospecting


"I can see that you could use a break; come on, Dear, let's get some rest."

  • Cautious: Very careful when entering new situations or meeting new people.
  • Kind: Gentle and patient with others, especially children.
  • Resourceful: Incredibly observant and quick-thinking. She often notices things that others overlook.
  • Protective: Fiercely protective of her loved ones. Will step up and do whatever it takes if she thinks they are being threatened.
  • Quiet: Speaks more with actions than with words.
  • Humorous: Enjoys telling jokes and teasing her human.
  • Self-aware: She is fully aware of her limitations and how other people view her. Will use this to her advantage, especially in battle.
  • Jumpy: Is easily startled and usually has to prepare herself before going into battle.
  • Forceful: Can be a bit pushy when she wants her way.


  • Prone to using pet-names.
  • Likes to read older literature when she has time.
  • Often trails Tawny to make sure he and Claire stay out of trouble.
  • Gained her scar during the attack on the compound; it occasionally causes her pain, but she keeps quiet about it.
  • Has trained to be a blitz attacker alongside Monty's fighting style; she's fast, flexible, but will panic if pinned down.


  • Bantering with Monty
  • Spending time with her family
  • Wide, flat spaces
  • Fresh vegetables


  • Loud, sudden noises
  • Aggressive people
  • Rainstorms
  • Not being able to see what's coming

Design Notes


  • Height: 35cm
  • Weight: 6 lbs
  • Fur colour: Grey
  • Eye colour: Dark amber


  • Very slim and fit
  • Black-tipped ears and tail
  • White spots over eyes
  • Lighter underbelly


  • A large slash that goes over her shoulders

Jewelry & Piercings

  • Token: Wears a short necklace with a star pendant carved from bone


Early life

Growing up in the North, Adela was always happy to be by Monty's side and to explore the wilderness around them. She did not let her small form discourage them, and very quickly they proved themselves to be highly capable fighters and hunters.

She was very proud to be appointed leader alongside Monty.

Later years

After the UR destroyed their compound and killed most of their family and friends, Adela helped Monty move the survivors to the South. She was immediately suspicious of the rebel group Rage and the way they took the group in, but was unable to convince Monty, who was too consumed with grief to realize the ulterior motives of the rebels.

In the end, Adela focused on making sure Monty took care of Claire and Tawny, and she in turn took care of him. While she regrets how their group was forced into the Rage's ranks, she doesn't regret taking care of her family first.

While Monty didn't want to participate in the war in the first place, he was even more unwilling to join the Ascendants until Adela convinced him.


Monty Master

Adela's Master and best friend.