Shepard's Comments

Faved and subbed! This little guy is so cute :) Good luck to all who entered!

125 !!

Faved, alread subbed, already following on tiktok (pantslessghost) and bulletin

120, 121, 122, 123, 124 !!

HELLO!! you won with number 122!! ill transfer them asap :D

Thank you so so much. I love them!

faved and already subbed yerrr 😎

117, 118, 119 !!! HELLO DUSTY

entered and followed u on tiktokkk (usr ajjband)

114, 115, 116 !! 

Faved, subbed,  and followed tiktok ^^ (user is ciiniister)IMG_4727.png?ex=65766a86&is=6563f586&hm=

111, 112, 113 !!

Joining with required 🥳

110 !!


  • Hice todo lo requerido para entrar (sub, faved y comentando claro q si)
  • Acá esta el Bulletin!! 
  • Ya te sigo en tiktok (MarMarMaru)
  • y bueno me dieron unas ideas viendo algunos de tus oc(?
    - Mimi de seguro huele a pan recién horneado, ni idea por que lo pensé, pero me gusto la idea
    - De seguro como a Ina no le gustan las películas hace lo posible para no ir al cina y si termina teniendo que ir por cualquier razón que imagines se queda dormido en la función jajaja
    - Por ultimo Noor me da vibras de que se queda viendo a las cosas para analizarlas fijamente, pero no se fija que puede quedarse por varios minutos así y puede asustar a alguien(?? 

Muchas gracias por la oportunidad!!

103. 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 !! KJAJAJJA tranqui GRACIAS POR LOS HCS

did the required! :3

102 !!

did required!

101 !!

Did required ^^

100 !!

Did required!

99 !!

Faved, subbed and made a bulletin! Tysm for the chance ^^

96, 97, 98 !!


lindo puedes hacer hasta tres headcanons

85 - 95

done req. and already following on tiktok! (user mushipasta) <3

82, 83, 84 !!

Faved and subbed

81 !!

Todo hecho jiji headcanons: 1- Euphebia y Amimi finjen que son hermanos mellizos pero en realidad se llevan 6 años los locos. 2- A Adn-chan le encantan las plumas, las usa de accesorios, las colecciona y hace bolis con ellas. 3- Si Lophi fuese humano parecería un motero macarra, cuando en realidad seria un fan de los manillares y los asientos de las motos y no sabría ni conducir una bici.🤓

Macarrones con tumaca

JAJJAJAJ amimi es adoptada y tienen más o menos la misma edad, y lophi humano es literalmente hart JAJJAJAJ me da pereza dare numeros porque me da rabia que tengas un minimo de probabilidad de ganar

JAHJDAJHDSAJ que memeo todo mal, como gane lloro

73 - 80 😼

te he dado una suma aleatoria de numeros

faved and already subbed!

72 !!

just did the basics :> 

71 !!

Hello! I subbed, faved, and I just followed you on tiktok (@patchdup) . Love your arts Tyler!!

68, 69, 70 !! tysm :3

already subbed and fav!

67 !!

Faved n already subbed! <3

66 !!

Faved + Already subbed
Faved three characters!

65 !! 

This user is not visible to guests.

63, 64 !!

Entering! (Old sub!)

62 !!

faved and already subbed!

61 !!

This user is not visible to guests.

56, 57, 58, 59, 60 !!

faved and subbed! ^^

55 !!

Faved and Subbed!

54 !!

51, 52, 53 !!

faved and alr subbed :3

50 !!

faved and already subbed!!

49 !!

Faved and subbed

48 !!

Faved and subbed!

47 !!

faved and subbed!!!

46 !!

faved + already subbed!

45 !!


Already Subbed

The Bulletin 

Already a follower on tiktok @ chokochiii

- this pretty Chara just poped in my mind, they love tea, In his backyard has a large garden with chamomile, green tea and everything to make tea, is generally calm and prefers the peace and comfort of a hut on a mild afternoon. 

39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 !!

Everything done already ((except bulliten)) And their favorite flavor is green,,, like If they have to pic a drink they prob pick the closest to green hehe

35, 36, 37, 38 !!

faved n already subbed ^^

34 !!

This user is not visible to guests.

26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 !!

Faved and subbed! <3

25 !!

Faved, subbed, and followed your TikTok!

22, 23, 24 !!

This user is not visible to guests.

21 !!

I subbed the burden and I favor did your OCs. They were very beautiful and good. I love them so much.! I also followed you on TikTok <3.

16, 17, 18, 19, 20 !!

Faved and subbed! >:D 

15 !!

Subbed and favorited!!🤍

14 !!

Faved, been subbed, made a bulletin ( ) and followed on tt! (Fluffplushy)

I didn’t know what the last extra one meant ;n;

9, 10, 11, 12, 13 !!

faved + subbed + following on tiktok

6, 7, 8 !!

Faved and subbed! 

5 !

Faved and already subbed! :]

4 !!

Subbed and faved!

3 !!

Done with all but extra!:D

2 !!

i, done :D

1 !!