Art Trades! (Closed)



5 months, 17 days ago


Hello again...

Art trades are finally open! =^•⩊•^=
...after years of not doing so. HAHAAH urm!

I recently finished a series of large projects for school and I'm looking to do a few trades to recover my drawing momentum KEHEEHE...
(still working on those Halloween adopts, don't worry! They'll come out soon as I'm able)

Please comment here if you'd be interested in doing an art trade with me!
I only ask that you include two things:

- What type of art you would like to exchange (e.g. fullbody trade, headshot trade, etc.) - feel free to suggest multiple types!
- A link/images featuring several examples of your work, unless you're certain I'm familiar with your style already

...but please keep in mind that I might ask you to do a different kind of trade if something else catches my interest! (You're free to reject, of course!!)
Also, I'm totally down to doing trades for experimental art types such as pages (example), reference sheets (old example), or anything else you see in my art tab - as long as you have examples for what that might look like on your end!
I'm also open to doing animations, but I will be far pickier with those as they occupy so much time Q__Q"
If you're following me I assume you're at least vaguely familiar with my artwork already, though ;D

I can draw ferals/anthros/humans/etc
I will reply if interested! (I may skip around)

Note: As much as I'd love to do trades on a first come first come basis, unfortunately I cannot draw quick enough to service absolutely everybody that might be willing!! T. T Please understand that this doesn't mean I don't enjoy your style whatsoever - despite everything, I am still an incredibly slow artist HAHA. I won't be excessively picky and want to do as many trades as I possibly can! :3c

(Sobs cause I want to trade everyone Help)