Keltgeim Fawn



6 months, 23 days ago



Hellsguard Roegadyn adventurer hailing from Gyr Abania. Travelling to Ul'dah originally to find a better life for herself, Keltgeim would soon become wrapped up in all manner of mysteries, eventually becoming known as a 'Warrior of Light' for all her deeds and adventures across the continent.

"May she ever be bathed in the light of the Crystal."

Keltgeim Fawn - full name
23-25 - age
Roegadyn - race
Hellsguard - clan
Female - gender
32nd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon - nameday
Ability Name [ Lvl. 00 ]
Vestibulum tincidunt gravida turpis, bibendum rhoncus mauris. Proin eget arcu a nulla interdum imperdiet non quis sem.
Ability Name [ Lvl. 00 ]
Vestibulum tincidunt gravida turpis, bibendum rhoncus mauris. Proin eget arcu a nulla interdum imperdiet non quis sem.
Ability Name [ Lvl. 00 ]
Vestibulum tincidunt gravida turpis, bibendum rhoncus mauris. Proin eget arcu a nulla interdum imperdiet non quis sem.
Ability Name [ Lvl. 00 ]
Vestibulum tincidunt gravida turpis, bibendum rhoncus mauris. Proin eget arcu a nulla interdum imperdiet non quis sem.

Design Notes

  • 7'0.1"
  • 265lbs
  • Mauris nec malesuada tellus. Vivamus pharetra nisi id blandit malesuada.
  • Mauris nec malesuada tellus. Vivamus pharetra nisi id blandit malesuada.
  • Mauris nec malesuada tellus. Vivamus pharetra nisi id blandit malesuada.
Song Title - Artist - lyric from the song
Song Title - Artist - lyric from the song
Song Title - Artist - lyric from the song
Song Title - Artist - lyric from the song
Song Title - Artist - lyric from the song
Song Title - Artist - lyric from the song


A man who has made his intentions of marriage crystal clear, Keltgeim can't help but be drawn in by his boyish personality and fervent loyalty.
younger brother
Keltgiem's long-time travel partner, she has spent the better part of her journey across Eorzea with Alphinaud by her side.
younger sister
Not actually related to Keltgeim, but a young girl rescued from the hands of the Cabal with the help of X'rhun. The two grew close from the moment they met, with Arya always looking up to Keltgeim as if they really were siblings.

Part I.

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nulla tortor, tempus a elit ut, posuere feugiat turpis. In gravida sem quis nisi rhoncus lobortis.

Mauris ut ante maximus, pharetra urna eget, pretium eros. Pellentesque feugiat consectetur lectus, quis condimentum justo tincidunt id. Etiam rutrum diam nec ipsum dictum pellentesque. Etiam scelerisque laoreet nulla eget pulvinar.

Part II.

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nulla tortor, tempus a elit ut, posuere feugiat turpis. In gravida sem quis nisi rhoncus lobortis. Vestibulum ac est quis metus elementum ullamcorper. Vivamus vehicula urna vulputate pharetra lobortis. Morbi vel libero nunc. Pellentesque quis purus quis enim sollicitudin imperdiet vel in leo. Suspendisse efficitur urna ligula, eget convallis velit congue non.

"In venenatis enim in dolor volutpat condimentum."

Part III.

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nulla tortor, tempus a elit ut, posuere feugiat turpis. In gravida sem quis nisi rhoncus lobortis.

Stat Name


Stat Name


Stat Name


Stat Name


Stat Name


Stat Name




itty and quick on her feet, Keltgeim is usually the center of attention wherever she goes, no small thanks to being the infamous 'Warrior of Light.' Often being tasked with anything from slaying a small group of monsters, to uncovering deadly Ascian plots, she's become well-adapted to hasty when making ordinary or life-or-death decisions. Keltgeim is highly emotional, often times letting her emotions influence her daily life and decisions, but let no-one say Keltgeim Fawn never gave everything her all.

bold observant optimistic

sensitive blunt restless

ambitious breezy witty

ESFP 7w8 Nald'Thal the fool fire
WORLD [ role ]
Vestibulum tincidunt gravida turpis, bibendum rhoncus mauris. Proin eget arcu a nulla interdum imperdiet non quis sem.
WORLD [ role ]
Vestibulum tincidunt gravida turpis, bibendum rhoncus mauris. Proin eget arcu a nulla interdum imperdiet non quis sem.