Lass Albard



6 months, 23 days ago


Lass Albard (He/Him)
Nickname : Lass

Age : 21

Birthday : 12/31

Gender : Male

Orientation : Aroace

Species : Mana being


“I love a dramatic entrance.”

Greet this detective from a distant land! Lass is always available for assistance in any endeavor. Lass is recognized for his strong personality, always acting impulsively, but with a heart of gold, ready to help others before himself.

Lass is a member of the Selene corporation, and, with the help of his colleagues, is searching for his sister, "Lucy", suspected of having been kidnapped by a mysterious cult.

Occupation : Detective

Education : Average

Alignment : Chaotic good

Now playing : FROSTBEARER by AZALI


Normally a rather sloppy and lazy person, Lass hates it when he is assigned a job that, in his eyes, does not involve the cult or is not interesting enough for him. Outside of the work environment, however, he is very friendly and extremely curious, always asking questions or saying the first thing that comes to mind.

Positive traits

  • Friendly
  • Altruistic
  • Brave

Neutral traits

  • Lazy
  • Curious
  • Impulsive

Negative traits

  • Impatient
  • Uncontrolled
  • Tactless

Powers : [Category 4 - Jack-of-all-trades]
  • Due to his contract with Mother Nature, Lass is able to manipulate mana without restrictions, unlike other users; however, the consequences for this come twofold. After discovering this new ability, Lass dedicated years of his life learning how to manipulate ice down to an atomic level. He became proficient in freezing anything he touched to absolute zero, in addition to other less significant applications such as creating snow, fog, etc. Excessive use of this ability can freeze his body, leading to shaking, limbs falling off, frostburns and ultimately, death.
Weapon : "Cool cane"
  • A weapon created in Selene's forge, made specifically for Lass. It's a blue-colored, striped blind cane with a scarf tied around it and a blue crystal on top, designed to help Lass walk around alone. When mana is applied to it, it transforms into a hammer that can change size at will, ranging from the size of a normal hammer to as large as a chair, sometimes even larger. His hammer emits light and electricity, which can blind his opponents or launch electrical projectiles. Lass typically fights by alternating the size of his hammer to confuse his opponent.







Trivia :
  • Once, testing the limits of his power, he jumped from a skyscraper to check the durability of his ice powers; To this day, he pays for the site's destruction.
  • The first time he tried sweets, he cried.
  • Due to his visual impairment, Lass walks around the streets during the early hours of the morning to create a mental map of the place.
  • "Lass's body is made of mana, a type of power that resides in Prosperia. Due to this, any damage he suffers will result in his body shattering like glass instead of normal injuries. He possesses resistance to pain, and his wounds or even lost limbs can regenerate over time, as long as he has enough mana."
  • "Due to his peculiar situation, Lass has difficulty feeling emotions, although they resurface in intense moments."
Likes :
  • Cake
  • Weapons
  • Making drinks
Dislikes :
  • Hot weather
  • Working alone
  • Coffee

Mannerisms :
  • Can't sit still while talking.
  • From time to time, he loses track of time and ends up bumping into something while walking.
  • Always seeks to know your opinion about something; Whether he will follow her is another story.
Tad-bits :
Skills: Flexible, good with weapons, knows how to survive in wild environments.

Weaknesses : Bad with technology, not very smart, can't cook.

Hobbies : Play football, read books, sunbathe.

Family situation : Birth family: Terrible. | Adoptive: Great.

Religious beliefs : Mother nature

Insight :
— How do you feel about yourself?

"I'm feeling incredibly well really. Compared to my previous life, I have nothing to complain about. With the friends I have and the place I live, I'd say I'm blessed haha... There's only one person missing to make this perfect though."

— What is the first thing people notice about you?

Usually my flashy clothes or the way I act, only later do they notice that I'm blind. The reaction is always the same, I find it very funny.

— A fact about you?

"I died once :D"

You wha- "byeee!"


Height : 1,90/6'3

Weight : 68kg

Build : Skinny

Scars / Tattoos :
  • Lass has big scars on his arms and torso.

Notable details :
  • Lass typically wears long clothes that cover his arms, and sometimes his legs.
  • He often makes gestures with his hand or tail.
Hair style : Fluffy with two braids

Hair colour :

Eye colour :

Skin colour :

Demeanor : Energetic

Design notes :
  • Lass has white stripes on his pants, carries a staff and usually keeps his eyes closed, only opening one of them for dramatic effect. .


The past.

Lass was born on the coldest continent on the planet Prosperia, known for its harsh and freezing environment. The place presents adverse conditions for vegetation, with monsters roaming everywhere, and a peculiar fog that permanently covers the sky, making it impossible to distinguish whether it is day or night. However, a few people, undaunted in the face of these impossible circumstances, decided to face these challenges: the Albard clan.

About his past.

Kiara, leader of the clan, was disappointed in her firstborn for being born blind and not inheriting her "special" eyes, a distinctive trait in her family that grants the ability to see seconds into the future. For the Albards, power is everything. it's necessary to survive in this world, and those who are considered weak must be discarded. During his stay in the clan, Lass faced constant physical and mental abuse, until the day his sister 'Lucy' was born.

Lucy was a kind girl who hated fighting, but for some reason, Kiara saw something in her child that no one else could. Therefore, as the leader, she subjected her to a harsh daily training, with the expectation that she would eventually assume the leadership position of the clan. Lass, always present in Lucy's difficult moments, and vice versa, became inseparable brothers. Aware of this bond, Kiara imposed a "test" on Lass to prove his worth. Enthusiastic, he embarked on this journey without realizing that he was heading down a path of no return.

The incident.

Lass's mission was to eliminate an ice elemental and recover his scythe, a task he underestimated. Before he could react, the monster attacked him, causing fatal injuries. Kiara, shocked, witnessed the scene in hiding, and tried to intervene, but was also injured. In Lass's last moments, he cried out in despair, wishing for a second chance in life. His wish was granted by someone mysterious, but when he returned to the real world, his sister had disappeared, only an strange hood was left behind.

The present (and future)
Present situation

Lass was one day found by Rita Mel, the master leader of the Selene organization. Over time, he developed a strong attachment to her and was recently officially adopted as her son. Together with his partner, the talking dog and detective Dasel, Lass lives in peace, seeking to find the cult and rescue his sister.

Record log - 04122009

It is reported that in 2008, Lass perished after using his powers to stop Elios Island from falling towards the Safari region, saving millions of lifes in the process. His whereabouts however remains unknown, it is suspected that Eden may be involved in this.


Dasel Kabosu


"I found him one day on the streets, stealing from a small village. Dasel is extremely intelligent and is responsible for carrying out the hard part of the job; I trust his judgment a lot. Despite being surly and sarcastic, that loves to drink coffee to appear more intelligent, He's the second closest person to family for me."

Kind of a brother

Amanda Martins


"They complain about how I say what's on my mind, but her honesty hurts, a LOT! She's very intelligent though and always comes up with the craziest ideas to get what she wants. However, there are times when I think she just puts up with my behavior"

Good friend

Chloe Amalthea


"When I don't have anyone to talk to, I show up at her side to bother her. Chloe isn't the smartest in the group, but she's extremely strong and learns quickly under pressure. She's been through a lot, so I thought I'd give her a hand, and now she's our right-hand man"

Best friend

Rita Mel


“I will never forget my first meeting with her, she almost shot me! With reason, i waaas armed, it was a spur of the moment thing. I'm grateful to her for everything, but studying is soo boring.”

My ONLY mother

Lucy Albard


"She was the only good thing when I lived in that village. I was told to expect the worst, but I still believe she's alive somewhere."

My golden treasure



“I respect his intelligence, but I don’t like him.”

Hate his guts

Kiara Albard


“I don’t want to talk about her.”

No one important