Camila Baros



5 months, 29 days ago


Camila Baros (She/Her)
Nickname : Milla

Age : 18

Birthday : 10/24

Gender : Female

Orientation : Lesbian

Species : Human


“To do what I do, being strong is not enough; It requires discipline and maturity. Something YOU lack.”

"The Honorable Princess", Camila is the most faithful soldier of Eden. A perceptive girl, who quickly absorbs what she's taught. However, she faces difficulties in dealing with her own feelings, often indecisive about how to react in different situations. Furthermore, she has a lot of difficulty relating and talking to others.

Camila is a girl with no memories of her past, rescued from the brink of death by the leader of the Eden cult herself; Helena Baros. Who welcomed and cared for her like a daughter.

Occupation : Assassin (Maid in her free time)

Education : Really good

Alignment : Chaotic evil



Camila is recognized for her quiet nature and direct, blunt honesty. She doesn't show much interest in building friendships, but she doesn't mind the presence of others, even enjoying the company. She tries to appear more mature than she appears, but in rare moments, her childish side comes out. She also has an intense love for cleaning things, for some reason.

Positive traits

  • Quiet
  • Intelligent
  • Respectful

Neutral traits

  • Asocial
  • Honest
  • Obedient

Negative traits

  • Ignorant
  • Childish
  • Hostile







Powers : [Category 2 - Nature]
  • Endowed with the ability to control the environment and materialize natural elements, Camila uses her power, mainly, to manipulate calcium in its various forms. This often manifests itself in the creation of structures and weapons, in addition to the unique ability to manipulate bones, either within their own body or the opponent. However, constant use of this ability doesn't come without consequences. Gradually, her arms begin to deteriorate, accompanied by extreme fatigue, intense headaches and vibrations affecting her entire body, eventually leading to death.
Weapon : "Bone swords"
  • Camila has a notable affinity with two swords created through her power: blades made from bones, expertly hardened with calcium to ensure maximum resistence and sharpness. The fundamental purpose of these weapons is to make quick and precise cuts on the target. By touching the opponent's bone, Camila is able to manipulate the enemy's skeleton, resulting, for many, in instant death.
Trivia :
  • Since her rescue, Camila has developed an intense habit of cleaning things or looking for tasks to do. She is extremely active, and when told to rest, she ends up in a cold sweat and becomes agitated.
  • Camila can breakdance extremely well
  • Her steps don't make any noise
  • The horn on her head is the result of an accident that left her on the verge of death. Camila randomly suffers headaches, and with them come pieces of memories from her past. According to her, the pain from this wound is almost non-existent on cold days.
  • Camila has a special trait that is uncommon even among those who have some trait. In intense situations, her eyes glow a saturated red, granting her the ability to see the future for at most a second. This valuable ability, however, comes with its consequences, as excessive use can cause her to faint.
Likes :
  • Cleaning
  • Watching kids shows
  • Taking photos
Dislikes :
  • Hot days
  • Talking too much
  • Resting

Mannerisms :
  • Has a habit of ignoring people in front of them, pretending to hear what they are saying.
  • She's not very expressive when she's isn't fighting, always keeping a neutral face regardless of what she feels.
  • She feels extremely happy when she is in combat. Despite being able to kill people to achieve her goals, she refrains from attacking children directly.
Tad-bits :
Skills: Very agile, good hair, knows how to cook.

Weaknesses : Weak, doesn't pay attention to things, lives with a headaches

Hobbies : Take pictures, sweep, skateboarding (gave up).

Family situation : Birth family: ???. | Adoptive: Great.

Religious beliefs : Mother nature

Insight :
— How do you feel about yourself?


— What is the first thing people notice about you?

"My eyes… I guess."

— A fact about you?

"I don’t like being bothered so if you could just… leave, that would be nice."


Height : 1,75/5'7

Weight : 61kg

Build : Skinny

Scars / Tattoos / Etc :
  • Camila has two band-aids, one on her face and one on her left arm that obscure two scars. Additionally, she has a bandage on her left arm and a scar on her right leg.

Details :
  • She typically wears long, casual clothes, often opting for skirts. However, she has a preference for her maid uniform.
  • Tends to be very expressive only in intense moments. Usually doesn't look at you while talking.
Hair style : Straight long hair.

Hair colour :

Eye colour :

Skin colour :

Demeanor : introverted, not expressive

Extra notes :
  • Camila normally adopts reserved poses and behaviors, with exceptions in moments when she feels annoyed, such as crossing her arms or sulking, ignoring the person. During combat, she tends to smile and taunt her opponent a lot.


The past.

Camila was found on the coldest continent on the planet Prosperia; Avabell, known for its harsh and freezing environment. The place presents adverse conditions for vegetation, with strange monsters roaming everywhere, and a peculiar fog that permanently covers the sky, making it impossible to distinguish whether it is day or night. She was found in critical condition, with a huge tear in her head and freezing on the floor, next to a familiar body...

About her past.

Quite uncertain about her past, Camila can only remember small landscapes and the noise of drums that she says she heard in her childhood. For her, her life began when she was rescued by the hands of Helena. Initially, he didn't speak, barely moved, always distant, afraid of everything and everyone. Over time, however, as she got used to the situation she currently finds herself in, she smiled sincerely when she gained the name that she is so proud of today.

Camila was an unexpected piece in Helena's plans. By accident, she found someone faithful, with a good talent for combat. By choice, Camila decided to help her in Eden's plans: defeat the divine dragon of the north. Trained by the legend himself, Vortex, the wisdom hunter wizard, Camila is slowly growing to become the future leader of the cult. Still, there's a lot she needs to learn.

The first mission.

"Break into the Celeste museum and steal a part of the northern dragon's body." This was the first mission where Camila would be the leader of the operation, entrusted by Helena. Camila came up with a plan to infiltrate the Amalthea clan as a simple park cleaner, using her manipulation skills to create a false identity.

Halfway in her mission, she met Chloe. In moments like this, it would be normal to think that perhaps a friendship would be created there, but as she got to know her better, observing her attitude and lack of maturity towards being the new leader of the clan, Camila gave up on making a sneaky plan. Instead, she began to consider a terrible option: destroy the city and claim the dragon's body in front of Chloe.

The present (and future)
Present situation

Camila, along with her cult, continues the search for the remaining parts of the dragon, honing her skills and deepening her understanding of her special trait. However, along the way, strange memories and doubts persist in arising on her mind. Her eyes are fixed on the mission, but something in her chest points to return to Avabell someday.

Record log - 07122010

Today there was an unexpected escape of inmate Camila Baros, whose execution was scheduled for tomorrow. Also known by the name of ████, the prisoner disappeared from her cell without leaving a trace. The team responsible for the penitentiary's security is perplexed, as so far there is no information on how the inmate managed to escape.


Helena Baros


“I am forever grateful for her kindness. She's an excellent leader, smart and independent—someone you can look up to, someone I can call mom.”




“He is serious and extremely intelligent, an excellent tutor who strengthens me with each new lesson. One day, I will reach his level.”

My teacher

Chloe Amalthea


“I hate her attitude, the way she acts, her laziness. I find it impossible to admire someone like that.”




“Don't tell anyone, but I love watching cartoons in secret with her... Even though I think she shouldn't be going on missions with us, if mother says it's right, I won't question it.”

Kinda of a little sister

Lass Albard


“Every time I see him, my head hurts, memories come back. There's something familiar about him that I can't understand, but I WANT to understand! It shouldn't be difficult.”

Someone who leaves me perplexed

Amanda Martins


“I don't understand much about feelings, but for the few moments I met her, she made me feel something different, something I've never experienced before. It's weird... But I liked it.”

Friend? I-I don't know

Lorenzo Rossi


“He's a really smart guy, with cool inventions. I would say we wouldn't get very far without him around. We get along very well, I consider him like a brother... Even though he is very old— I'M ONLY 30 YEARS OLD YOU PIECE OF SHI— [𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝]”

Crazy man