


7 months, 11 hours ago


Name: Flowertuft

Gender: She-cat (She/Her)

Previous Rank: Warrior

Previous Clan: Nightclan 


(This is just a mind-dump right now! Details will most likely change.) 

TW: Death, murder, blood. 

- I keep going back and forth on the name "Flowertuft" and "Liontuft". I think I like Flowertuft the best for her. 

- Flowertuft was also known as "The Sweet Death." This name will probably change because I am very indecisive.

- Flowertuft was the leader's only child. She was often spoiled because of this. 

- Flowertuft got news that Caveclan was going to take some of Nightclans territory, starting a war. Flowertuft had always had a huge sense of pride- and did not see the other clans are important at all. 

- Instead of telling her father, Flowertuft decided to take matters into her own claws. 

- Flowertuft would drench herself in the juice of fallen rotten fruit and mud from a farm nearby. This was to to mask her scent and looks. Soon enough, the scent became a signature of hers. 

- Flowertuft was a brutal killer. Over time, she grew to enjoy going out every night. To her, it was like hunting- but far better. If she was alone, she'd sometimes toy with her victims. 

- After killing a cat, Flowertuft would drag the body across the border of another clan. She dragged Creekclan cats into Caveclan and vise versa, all in the hopes that they'd blame eachother. 

- The plan worked perfectly at first. Caveclan and Creekclan blamed eachother for the murders. War broke put between the two clans- which lead to Nightclan keeping it's territory. Caveclan was far too focused on Creekclan to worry about it.

- Flowertuft was able to keep this up for a while, relishing the reactions of the clans around her. She began to change up her strategies, memorizing patrol routes, attacking at different times, and so on. 

- Nightclan lived in fear of the "Sweet Death" just as much as any clan. For moons on end, they didn't suspect anyone. 

- Flowertuft made it look like she had fallen in love with a cat who lived on the farm. She met with him often, flirted with him, and purposefully let herself be caught with him. Her father, while aggravated, let her go off whenever she wanted after she cried about it enough. 

- Conspiracies broke out. Some cats began calling Flowertuft "The Sweet Death.". Caveclan and Creekclan called a truce after they realized that they hadn't been the ones that were killing eachother. 

- While some cats believed "Sweet Death" to be a punishment from Starclan, others believed it was a creature. Cats became paranoid, with some refusing to even leave their camps. Whisperclan stopped going to gatherings entirely at this time. 

- Cats in Nightclan began to grow suspicious when none of their clanmates died. Crowcall especially began to become suspicious of Flowertuft- but each time she said something, she was yelled at by the leader of the clan. 

- Eventually, Crowcall went to the farm Flowertuft had gone to so many times. While she didn't get much help from the barn cat- she did find the patch of rotten fruit. The scent that matched every depiction she had heard of. 

- Crowcall ended up watching Flowertuft return- and snuck off to tell the clan. Half-way to the clan, Flowertuft had pounced on her- with the intent to kill her. Crowcall yowled as loud as she could, alerting the clan. Crowcall had lost both of her eyes- but she had gotten the clan to come. Almost everyone got to see Flowertuft for what she really was. 

- Flowertuft tried to get her clanmates to see her vision, why she believed to be in the right for what she did. She had began to believe that she could weaken all the clans- making it better for Nightclan. After her clan rejected her ideas, she thinks as low as them as every other clan. 

- Flowertuft's father refused to kill her, even as the rest of the clan wanted to. This lead to Flowertuft escaping- and Nightclan overthrowing their leader soon afterwards. 

- Nightclan would not give the whole story for Flowertuft. They told the clans it had been a rouge. Though later on, most of the real story would be leaked by clan members. Other clans resented Nightclan for this- ironically making their situation worse than it had been when Flowertuft decided to step in. 

- Flowertuft's death is shrouded in mystery. (I will update this part later.) She doesn't exactly remember her own death too well. 

- Flowertuft killed about 11 cats in her life and brutally injured 2. In the Dark Forest, she boasts about this often. 

- The story of Flowertuft has been passed on for generations. Though none have the full story. She's one of the most famous cats in the clan's history. 

- Flowertuft believes in the survival of the fittest. She has no real respect for those she thinks of as weak, thinking of them as no better than prey.