Cass Owens



9 months, 24 days ago



Cassidy Owens
September 19th
Highschool Librarian
The Organiser
The Godbinder

Speak to me Mazemaker, God of Fate

Fresh out of high school, Cass and her bandmates used to play TTRPGs. Now they are trapped in one.

In her normal life, Cass lives a few streets away from where she grew up and works as a school librarian at the same school she used to attend. Constantly busy, she always seems to be involved in running other people’s lives, from making plans to running errands.

In this strange, dark fantasy world, Cass is a Godbinder, able to call on the help of Mazemaker, the god of Fate as long in exchange for favours. After all, Cassidy Owens has always been there to call on if you need a favour.



  • Shortly prior to the reunion game, Cass and her long-term girlfriend Alice broke up. It was a mutual decision, based on Alice’s desire to move to the city as well as general life-path factors. Cass is still pretty torn up about the situation though she tries her best to hide it.
  • Her former band was called Umberhulk’s Warmaster. In it, she played the violin (her instrument was borrowed back from her younger brother, Lewis, who also briefly took lessons)

Responsible • Self-Sacrificing • Uptight

Cass wants nothing more than to appear to be always calm, collected and ready to lend a hand. For the most part, she succeeds. Under the surface, though, she is anxious and full of self-doubt over her choices. She simultaneously seeks control yet is terrified of what it both requires and brings. This sometimes leads her to act stubborn and passive-aggressive.

She is almost pathologically others-centered but it is her genuine care for her family, friends and loved ones that drives this. (However, when she feels like it’s earned she can and will hold a grudge like no other)


  • White Wine
  • Routine
  • Murder She Wrote (and similar fiction)


  • "Boring" Music
  • Letting others down
  • Feeling unheard


When Cass and her friends decided to start an alt folk-music-inspired metal band after high school it only made sense for Cass to be the one in charge of the organisation. From ensuring people showed up at practice to hosting the TTRPG sessions afterwards, she knew how to keep things on track. She would say it came from the practice you get when you are the eldest, with four younger siblings and an overworked single mum. Between practising for a music contest, a one-sided rivalry with another band and their ttrpg game "The Shadow Cursed Lands" the friends were close.

When their band didn't win things fizzled out. Between lack of effort, talent (and secret self-sabotage) the loss wasn't even close either. So the members started to go their separate ways. Looking back Cass would see her time fondly, as something she could check off as a cool, rebellious phase she had and a source of escapism. However, she was also relieved to be free of the extra pressure she pretended hadn't been placed so heavily on her.

The Reunion

Eight years later, the old friends find themselves invited to get the band back together to play at the wedding of a member of their old rival band. Finding themselves reunited their former GM Carl suggests they play a game set in The Shadow Cursed Lands. For old times sake.


Once again the group finds themselves gathered around a table dice in hand. This time at Cass's apartment instead of her family's garage. But this isn't the same rulebook as last time and as Carl starts the story the world seems to shift. They have all been transported into the game. Into The Shadow Cursed Lands. And now Carl doesn't want them to leave this adventure, this world, he's created.

• Carl

Carl was the group's DM, keytarist and resident party animal back during their band days, whom Cass saw as a sort of mentor. She admired his easygoing nature and his ability to befriend almost anyone. The friendship soured dramatically, however, with Cass blaming his consistent selfishness for their intense falling out.

• Morris

More interested in painting than music in his youth, Morris wasn’t originally part of the band. It was his friendship with Gaz and being Carl’s younger brother that led to him joining along too as their bass player. He and Cass have probably remained the closest after the band, working at the same school, Morris being an art teacher there.

• Mark

Mark was a bit of a loner before joining the group. He had a reputation as the smartest guy in the room and usually was. During their old games, he relished in their social aspect and preferred roleplay scenes over combat. He took on the role of lead guitarist but grew frustrated at Cass and the rest of their friends for not following his more efficient plan to grow the band. Nowadays he works as a barista and an amateur game developer. He and Cass are still in contact but rarely talk.

• Gaz

When it came to talent in the band, there was no one that compared to Gaz. A genius of loud noise, he filled the role of both drummer and lead vocals. He and Cass got along fine but she sometimes found his rowdiness a little too much. Since his time in the band, he’s been the only one to maintain any type of musical presence and has gained a niche following. However, working on an oil rig, away for months at the time has limited both his said following and his contact with most of his old bandmates.

• Mazemaker

The cryptic god of Fate, Destiny and Crossroads within The Shadow Cursed Lands. They seem to appear in 3 forms, sometimes all at once. A young, mischievous child who reminds Cass of June, her youngest sibling, in a way she can’t place. An old seer, whose face, though usually cloaked in the shadow of a hood, bears a strange resemblance to elderly Rita, the last school librarian. And finally, and most often, a gameshow host... for some reason...