Bux (All Relationships)






Amos is the one who fund and fexed Bux up couple years ago, and for the he is forever grateful. Bux would like to repay his debt, though he knows Amos doesn't see it as debt at all. They get along nicely, Bux being a chatty one and Amos not, and even though they usually only meet by chance it is always a treat.




Melie is a strange little girl Bux met when traveling with Amos. He lets her do what ever what she wants with him. Usually it means, she tells him extravagant stories about everything and puts some stickers on him, but Bux doesn't really mind, though. He thinks the girl is lonely and would really need a family. He's not sure if he'd suffice but he'll certainly keep an eye on her.




Rin sometimes scares Bux, but he thinks she is good at her job and could definitely move mountains if she'd want to. He likes to be around her since her confidence and integrity is welcomed in the world where everyone likes to kick each other on the back.



Contact / Friend

Bux have actually wondered if he should hire Nelo to look for a body for him. He seems to be the type who'll find out everything about anything. It sounds both extremely fascinating and somewhat dangerous, and Bux is certainly curious to see how it will end up. He hopes nothing bad happens to Nelo, though. He likes him too much to see him gone.



Contact / Friend

Viksa, like Nelo, kind of scares Bux sometimes. He seem to be living in the world Bux hardly has any grasp on with the curses and such. He has always thought they are just superstition. Viksa is fun company, though, being esy to talk to and easy to ask questions. Bux thinks he's the best to have a philosophical conversations with.



Friend / Colleague

Bux thinks Echo understands him the best. Not maybe as a person but he understand how and what is. It's helpful since it's sometimes difficult to make people remmeber that he is in fact a person and not a robot vacuum. Echo is also one of the few people who never really forgets that. Bux likes him a lot, and they share love for retro games. He also doesn't mind that Echo sometimes asks his insight for something he'd been working on.



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