


6 months, 19 days ago


Serenity of the Nightwings

23 (human years)


Heir to the Nightwing throne



Basic Information

Serenity is a hybrid between an Icewing and a Nightwing, yet she considers herself as a nightwing- rather than an icewing. She was born to the royal nightwing family because of her father: Agonybringer. After Agonybringer's first mate died, he fell in love with an Icewing banned from the kingdom. Serenity's mother vanished after laying the egg, and to thus day Serenity sees her mother as a traitor to her tribe as well as a coward for leaving her alone with her father. A lot of nightwings expect Serenity to despise her fate, yet she- on the contrary, feels lucky and proud to be a nightwing. Her father being the brother of the nightwing queen, she's planning on challenging for the throne in the near future. 

Serenity is usually described as loyal to her future kingdom, harsh, cold, and xxx. They also say she has a silver tongue, which helps her to get other dragons on her side. Serenity spends her free time designing jewelry, and writing scrolls. Despite everyone's expectations, she's actually a very educated dragon who does have a passion except wanting to rule the kingdom, in fact: all her jewelry was designed by herself, and later on crafted with precision by a loyal smither. 

I lived so much life, I think that God is gonna have to kill me twice.



Serenity was born to a Nightwing: Agonybringer, and an Icewing: Glacier. She does not know anything about her parents' past, which also means that she does not know that her mother was actually a royal guard to the Icewing family, yet she was banished after hearing of her relationship with a royal Nightwing long ago, fearing that this might mean danger for the Icewing royalties. Glacier had to hide and never return after the Icewing queen threatened to kill her dragonet. 

Aside from her mother, Serenity also has a half-brother. A few years before she was born, her father had a different mate: a Hive-Skywing hybrid who tragically died under unknown circumstances. Her half-brother was blessed with great ablities and the best possible combination of genetics, as well as being lucky enough to be born during two full moons... oh what would she give to have nightwing powers. 


Serenity has been trained to challenge the throne since she turned two. Her father has always been extremely persistent on her becoming the queen one day. While the majority of dragons would not appreciate their fate being written for them, Serenity is more than happy to take the role of the queen someday. She believes she'll be a great queen one day, guiding the Nightwings to a new Golden age.

Aside from that, Serenity is lucky enough to have the support of most Nightwings from her tribe, making them question why she hasn;t challenged the queen yet- while also making the queen be slowly disliked by the Nightwing tribe. 


Nobody knows what'll happen to Serenity in the future. She herself believes that she'll become the new queen fairly soon, but what after that? what after she becomes queen? She does not know, although deep down she would love to search for a particular dragon who disappeared many moons ago. 

Fun Facts


Serenity has a great skill and taste of fashion when it comes to jewelry. She can often be found sketching new designs in the royal library (If she's not getting royal training by her father, that is). She sells her designs under the penname "Permafrost". 


To everyone's surprise, Serenity does have a pet. Despite her claimed hate for Icewings, when she was a naive dragonet trying to find her mother- trembling in the Icewing kingdom all alone, a barn owl helped her to find her way back. Since that very day she has kept "Cinder" as her pet, hidden deep from any Nightwings that would have any interest in devouring her.


Serenity loves starwatching. She cannot explain it, but her connection with the stars feels deep, like they're connected to each other. Sometimes, she finds herself looking at them and thinking of how her mother's scales would be glistening in the same way... but it's not like she cares about her! 








Calamity, Serenity's half-brother. Serenity has always despised her older brother since the very day he decided to leave the nightwing kingdom. He had so much potential, being possibly the most powerful dragon she had ever seen... But no, he had to waste his potential of possibly helping the nightwings to get back on top by running away from the kingdom. She will never understand, why would he leave her... just like her mother? 

Serenity has only heard of Starfish from the messengers who sometimes bring her intel about Calamity. They claim to have seen him with a yellow sand-seawing called 'Starfish' from time to time... Serenity mostly dislikes her, as she sometimes feels like this might've been the reason Calamity left her, but deep down she also hopes that Starfish is the right dragon for him, as some messengers have claimed to seeing them more often the last few months... interesting.

Poltergeist is Serenity's main ally. The Hive-Seawing hybrid has promised Serenity to take down her half-brother no matter what. No one knows anything about their plan, but Poltergeist knows where to strike so it hurts the most...

While Serenity does not know much about Calico or her mysterious tribe from the far-away land, she has heard stories from passing by seawings about how her Café is supposedly a great business, selling the best coffee. Serenity sometimes wishes she could visit Calicco's Café at least once, but that is very unlikely of ever happening with her future duties as a queen.