


6 months, 29 days ago


  • NAME Silkweaver
  • NICKNAMES Silk, Silky
  • AGE 54 moons
  • GENDER Tom
  • ORIENTATION Homosexual

I only want to save you from more heartbreak, darling~

As a spy, Silkweaver has a unique role in his Clan. He is tasked with spying on other Clans and reporting to his leader his findings, apparently just so he can keep an eye on them. He was presumably chosen as one for his impressive stealth and slick tongue that allows him to lie with ease, as well as his overall ability to keep a cool head in otherwise stressful situations— almost to an eerie degree. This also helps when another part of his task as a spy is to keep his role a secret from the rest of the Clan— excluding the leader, lieutenant, and the other spies. He definitely has a mysterious air to him, but he’s able to keep enough about himself and his past unknown and keep his true intentions hidden.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






Silkweaver is a highly intelligent tom, being cool and collected and very easy to talk to. He always seems to have this unbothered, almost smug attitude to him, and has a naturally flirtatious and smooth tongue. He very rarely gets angry, and when he does, he seemingly gets over it very quickly— almost too quickly. He can also be quite sympathetic when he needs to be, readily investing himself in others’ lives if they let him. Or at least, that’s how he presents himself as.

In reality, Silkweaver couldn’t care less for others. He’s extremely apathetic towards almost everything going on around him, and he really only cares about entertaining himself. He’s sadistic and conniving, relishing in the thrill of chaos and seeing others in pain or torment, as his apathy renders him bored a lot of the time. He’s seen and done many unspeakable things in his past, causing him to lose the ability to trust and connect with others. The only cats he even slightly cares about are his two siblings, and in his mind, it’s them versus the world.

Positive Traits
  • Intelligent
  • Cool-headed
  • Charming
Neutral Traits
  • Mysterious
  • Manipulative
    > Observant
Negative Traits
  • Sadistic
  • Deceitful
  • Apathetic
  • MOTHER Icicle (deceased)
  • FATHER Kess (deceased)
  • SIBLINGS Mothtrick, Antscatter
  • MATE Cariboufrost (Ex)

Silkweaver has been through many horrific experiences that shaped him into who he is now. Born as a rogue alongside his two littermates, he was already off to a rough start as the small group of cats he was born into were struggling to get by immensely. They were basically being bullied into submission by other rogue groups, leaving them with almost no territory left and causing the group to go into a famine. Desperate to survive, Kess sought out the largest and most powerful group of rogues out there; a horrific cultist group known as the Perfect Society. He heard that they were searching for kits, so without any other options, Kess went to their leader and made an offer; he would give them his three kits in exchange for his group’s neighboring groups to be eliminated. The cult leader accepted this deal, and before he knew it, Silk and his siblings were in the paws of the vile Perfect Society.


Silkweaver had a rough kithood, to say the least. Growing up first in essentially poverty, then being sold off into a violent cult where he’d never see his parents again, Silk never had the privilege to form any sort of childhood innocence. Instead, he had to adapt to the Perfect Society’s vile ways at a very young age, which out of both of his siblings he picked up the quickest. While at first bitter and furious at his circumstances and the betrayal of his family, Silk soon learned to stop caring and instead focus solely on his and his siblings’ survival. He would go through any means necessary to ensure this, throwing away his morality and empathy in the process as they proved to be roadblocks to him more than anything. Having been the quickest to pick up how to survive in such a harsh environment, Silk became sort of the leading figure out of him and his siblings, teaching both of them what he knew and instructing them on how to act. He and his siblings would live like this for a few moons until they all escaped the Perfect Society with the help of a molly named Frosted.


Now that he’s a member of BoneClan, Silkweaver has calmed down considerably. Although he was at first enraged that such an easier life was right there all along, he eventually just accepted it. However, he never let his guard down for even a second; he had lost the ability to trust others except for maybe his siblings, so he was fully ready to be betrayed at any moment or to betray someone himself. After all, it was still him and his siblings against the world.

  • Silk ━ for his silky white fur
  • weaver ━for his cunning and manipulative nature, like a spider weaving silk
  • KIT ━  Silk
  • APPRENTICE ━  Silkpaw
  • Chaos
  • Studying others
  • Inflicting pain/ feeling pain inflicted onto him
  • Monotony
  • Being disobeyed
  • The Perfect Society

  • Extreme agility
  • Incredibly strategic
  • Eerily stealthy
  • Not the most muscular
  • Unable to empathize with or trust others
  • Thin fur provides little protection
  • Silkweaver actually used to be much more angry person when he was young. Almost the opposite of how he is now, he used to have explosive fits of rage as a kit, but over time he learned how to quell his anger and morph it into apathy, now seeing the world as just a game that he can’t get angry over.
  • He’s very fascinated by power dynamics and how they work, and has been since he was young. He likes to study leading figures and imitate they way they act when he needs to.
  • BREED Oriental Longhair
  • BODY TYPETall and Lithe
  • BUILD Agile
  • HEIGHT Above Average
  • SEX/DSAB Male
  • SCARS None
  • SCENT Very faint earthy scent
  • FUR SHAPE Long, silky and flowy
  • EYES COLOUR Pale yellow
  • WEIGHT Below Average
  • WORTH -

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In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.