Queens of Lykanda



5 months, 10 days ago


Pre-existing characters that I had reason to design because of the Same Prompt Character Game prompt of 🌠🐲👑

The four queens of the Earth god of old. Their names have been lost to time, but they were known for being decorated head to toe in the crystals the Earth god Lykanda could create, and the brilliant glittering they were so well known for in relation to Lykanda being correlated to the moon solidified their aesthetic as stars. And so, there are four stars that are right around the moon, following it across the sky, not visible in the day despite their brilliance. Their godly form reflects their relationship and visualization as stars, and they are represented in small, almost sprite-like forms made of light that are no larger than a hand on average. They have become dormant gods, with Lykanda disappearing, but if Lykanda ever returns, so shall they.