


6 years, 2 months ago



Affectionate Sincere Vocalist
Name Nailah Ó Dálaigh
Age 25
Height 5'9"
Build Curvy and Tall
Species Human with mutation
Sex Female
Gender Female
Pronouns She / Her
Orient. Heterosexual
Taken Engaged
Occup. Songstress
Sub-Faction Lars
Creator Athren



Nova is a high energy, outgoing, confident and sassy individual. People find it hard to keep up with her, she's always coming and going doing her own things. Even though she's a mover and a shaker, she's incredibly dependable. One of the only things she'll always stick to is her word. She loves to sing, dance and party, which makes her choice of joining Lars' group a smart one.

There's another side to this curvy diva, she is a bit of a troublemaker. Nova likes to get her way, enjoys teasing people and dishing it out. Want to know a bit of gossip that's going around the rumor mill? She's your gal, always willing to spill the tea. Just be warned, she can be a wee bit vindictive if you cross her. Nova is known to hold grudges and act against them. If ever she gets in over her head, which is uncommon but does happen, she'll go running to either her older brother Linnie or Spike.


Incredibly straight and long vibrant hair, that goes from a seafoam green to yellow fade. Bright golden eyes that compliment her dark skin. Nova is incredibly busty and curvy, she has curves for days. Her oufit changes but is often is something fashionable yet comfy.

Design Notes

  • Hair is straight as nails.
  • Length of her hair goes past her knees.
  • Lips always have a dark green tint to them.
  • She is very chesty.
  • She has normal eyebrows, they are the same colour as her hair.


  • Spike
  • Singing
  • Organization / Clean
  • Music
  • Parties


  • Secrets
  • Mess
  • Being Alone
  • People Getting Hurt
  • Worrying


The Ó Dálaighs were a close knit family. Her parents with kind hearted and loving people, which made it so hard to push onwards when shit went to hell. At the age of 15 Nova was left alone when things first happened. She was crushed emotionally from all the loss unsure where to go from there. Thankfully it wasn't long before she were reunited with her older brother, Linnie, who returned from college in search for his family. The two of them had been inseperable since then, learning to rely solely on one another. Each had a hard time coping with their mutations, because they couldn't completely understand eachother and what they were going through. In time they harnessed their abilities and were able to survive slightly easier.

After a few years of hopping from safe haven to safe haven, the Ó Dálaighs found a group called 'Psyke'. This group was lead by a bunch of somewhat capable people who in turn earned the duo's trust. This was then where they split into their own sub factions in which suited their personalities and abilities; Nova to Lars' group which was more easygoing and what seemed like a neverending party, and Linnie who joined Red's group which focused on taking care of the most dangerous tasks involving clearing out mutations.

To this day, the duo visit eachother often keeping tabs on eachother's wellbeing and safety.


  • Usually never seen without Spike.
  • Her and Spike are a band, she does the vocals.
  • Nova is an insane clean freak.
  • She's incredibly well versed in first aid because of her brother and Spike.
  • I wouldn't piss her off if I were you. A grudge with her is something you REALLY don't want.



When Nova sings in a certain tone/octave she grants those within a 30 yard radius of her energy and boosts morale. Doing this slowly drains her own energy so she can't do it for extended periods of time. The more people are within range, the more energy it consumes. In addition to her singing, if she exudes more energy while doing so (a.k.a dancing), the energy boost can be substancial. Unfortunately this drains Nova's energy incredibly fast so she can only do this in short bursts and must rest afterwards. Because of the amount of energy it takes from her, Nova will not boost her singing unless Spike is there because she feels safer having someone there should she collapse.
Nova has a cosmetic mutation that her hair remains straight no matter what.If she puts her hair in a braid or bun, when she lets her hair down it returns to being straight and flowy. Helps keeping her hair from becoming a giant tangled mess.


Spike Fiancé
Spike means a lot to Nova, he was the first person she met when her and her brothers first joined Psyke. She ended up joining him in Lars' group instead of following her brother because she found it fit her better. As insecure as Spike may be, Nova loves everything about her big shy grump. Spike is incredibly protective of Nova, much like her older brother. After quite some time together, Spike finally popped the question and now they're engaged.
Cillín "Linnie" Ó Dálaigh Brother
Linnie has always been there for Nova. She used to rely on him heavily for everything. He's the only family member she has left, so she worries about her brother constantly. With him being in Red's group and her in Lars' group they don't see eachother as often as they used to, but she likes to check in on her overprotective brother every now and again.
Carmen Best Friend
Ever since Carmen has met Vega, she's almost chilled out a little making Nova and her even closer friends. The pair of them love to gossip, spill tea, go out drinking and just have a great time together. As much as Spike isn't always the biggest fan of hers, she's one of the few people out there that he knows has Nova's back no matter what.
Vio Friend
Nova met Vio when he and her brother were dating and they became good friends. The pair of them like to get together and gossip about everyone. When they're together they can be a bunch of shady bitches. Linnie isn't a fan of his sister hanging around his ex, but she does it anyway. They don't get to see eachother very often since Nova unfotunately doesn't leave her faction often.
Vega Friend
Incredibly tall and brooding type. Nova met Vega through Carmen since the pair are now dating. She respects the fact he takes such good care of her best friend and is someone she trusts even though they don't interact often. Vega usually gets stuck hanging out with Spike when the girls are having a moment to themselves.
Ivana Friend
Nova used to be super close with Ivana, unfortunately the pair have grown a little bit more distant over the years. They're still good friends, but seldom see one another anymore because Nova is usually inseparable from Spike and she's often with Aziel. Nova doesn't go to the parties and raves like she used to, giving her less and less time to hangout and chill with her old friend.