


6 months, 4 days ago


Truth'Taker was the first mind'reader born in the rainforest. His mother upon discovering this very quickly told all the other Night'Wing's in the village, quickly thrusting her only son into the limelight. He grew up with a constant pampering from the other Night'Wings in the rainforest, and when moving to the Night'Wing kingdom with his mother and a few of the more noble Night'Wings, he earned a place on their 'council', despite not having yet reached adulthood. He was looked to as a sign that the Night'Wings would one day reach the same status that they once had, and he was treated almost as a god, having every whim and wish granted of his.
Truth grew into a 'true' Night'Wing, adopting the mannerisms and thoughts of many night'wings of generations past. He knew that Night'Wings were superior to all other tribes, as who else had the natural ability to see into the future, read minds and possess animus magic but Night'Wings? He became quite skilled at his mind'reading, teaching himself everything that he could and frequently looking through the ancient library for any legible books on his ability.