
5 years, 11 months ago



"More than most, I know the pain of surviving."

Name: Aza
Called: Aza
Gender: male
Age: 28
Race: Unicorn (hiding as Prythvi)
Origin: extinct tribe; Adopted from rural traditional Prythvi
Height: 185cm
Build: Athletic
Demeanor: Untrusting, standoff-ish, caring, introvert, fair

Physical Description:

Face: Longer and features are more goat-like than human. Nose should be fairly goat-shaped and not a button type nose. Cleft upper lip with claw-like scars on the left side. Bearded but no moustache that is kept trim and neat.

Eyes: Left eye is White Opal in colour. Right eye is missing and wears dark green wrap as eyepatch. If seen without the eyepatch its clear the eye was cut out at the time of injury and not simply injured and had to be removed later. An ugly heavy wounding. It never was able to heal properly even after so much time. Sometimes, under stress, it will even reopen and bleed from under the eyepatch.

Horn: The central unicorn horn is long, smooth, and elegant. White opal in colour and glows if working magic. Decorated with gold banding and bangles.

Nails/hooves: Nails on the hands grow long and sharp. Naturally white opal coloured. Hooves are dainty, cloven, also opal coloured and often decorated in golden ‘shoes’.

Hair Colour: About midback wavy and full hair. Ombre effect where the roots are pink and it transitions down to a dark purple/blue tone towards the tips. One thick strand on the left side is a dark seafoam/teal colour.

Tail: Long and slender, fur covered until the tip where it has long flowing hairs in reverse ombre effect of his hair colour. Pink at ends and fading to the purple/blue tones towards the body. It's very strong and is integral to his balance, particularly climbing.

Body Colour: Chestnut human half. Dark purple with pink coloured feathering at the ankles for the goat half.

Body: Slender, athletic, agile and very limber. Waist up is more humanoid in tone and proportions. Has some fur feathering at the elbows. Large goat ears flank his two fake goat horns. From the waist down he is heavily furred and goat-like.

Scars: Two gashes across his upper left lip. Missing right eye.

Clothing preferences: He prefers form fitted yet comfortable and light clothes with layering over the top. He's usually covering his neck with a scarf. Which comes from a personal fear of having his throat slit open in his sleep. He's protective on his neck.
He doesn't like heavy fabrics or leathers. Some of his fur is heavy enough without clothes.

Outfit one: Rarely seen without his red and gold shawl and gold scarf. The rest of his clothing is often green base clothing and rich flowing red/golds layered overtop. Fabric is often very ornate and richly decorated.

Accessories and Gear:Eyewrap eyepatch is almost always worn.
Loves to accessorize with plenty of gold. Usually gold bands and chains. Perhaps a few gemstones or beads in a pendant or bracelet or so. But generally its mostly gold. All of his gold accessories were gifted for his services. He mainly wears them to remind himself there is good left in this world.
The other horns are actually fake and are used to help him blend in with the faun race. Usually very detailed and handcrafted they can come in a variety of shapes and sizes and even materials. So feel free to get creative with the goat-like horns.


  • Excellent tree and mountain climber
  • Agile
  • Flexible with good movement economy
  • Easily adapting to weather conditions
  • Reliable
  • Stubborn (In a positive way as its what has helped him survive deadly encounters and conditions.)
  • Reasonable
  • Spirit Guide
  • The Song (a spirit blessing that allows him to understand anyone speaking to him. Regardless of language used.)
  • Easily seen/hard to hide
  • Naive
  • Socially Awkward (from isolation.)
  • Sliding Vision (Will sometimes see into the spirit realm instead of the physical and has issues pulling focus back.)
  • Emotionally closed off
  • Hunted
  • Can't dream.

Naturally kind-hearted and self-less he won't turn his back on people in need, even if the individual has harmed him in some way in the past. He takes the same care he shows to spirits and applies it to the people around him. No matter their social class, religious beliefs, or appearance. On top of which he asks for nothing in return. Though most of who he helps will offer him food, lodging, and even valuables in exchange. Despite how openly kind he is, he still remains very wary of others and takes a long time to trust anyone. Nor does he really seem to need the company of others too much. Preferring the spirits who he feels a stronger kinship with than flesh and blood people and the world he was born.
Because of his long isolation from others he has a difficult time connecting and actually showing any emotion so can come across as rather cold and stoic. Despite whatever emotion may be going on around himself. Yet because of this disconnect he is very good at seeing things from a more logical perspective over an overly emotional one. Which he puts to use as a mediator between feuding parties. Always seeming to find a good middle ground that can be agreed upon.

Knowedge and Schooling
Because of superstitious believes from the Prithvi surrounding his horn he was never fully accepted by them and they were always wary of him when they found and took him in as an infant. So Aza spent much of his early childhood as an outcast. The tribe would spend as little energy with him as they could and left him largely to his own devices more and more the older he got. So much of his early knowledge was what he could get by observation and the need to survive largely on his own. The tribe offered basic protections and shared food but little else. So by about age 10 he simply left to find his own way. Tired of burdening them when he was obviously unwanted.
It was at this point that the Unicorn Spirit found him and helped him survive all alone. It taught him spirit magic and ways to harness the blessings of spirits as well as how to aid the spirits in kind. At a later point the Unicorn Spirit lead him to another, a Shaman with no other real affiliations. One who could help Aza refine the knowledge the spirit had given him.
Simply from traveling and observing he's picked up various knowledges from the lands he visits. Mostly in terms of how he should act to better blend in and avoid conflicts.

Beliefs and Morals (spiritual/religious and social)
He believes in peace and resolving conflicts without bloodshed. He also believes strongly that all life is sacred. Taking a purely vegetarian diet he refuses to kill even creatures for food reasons.

Family Values
(Not necessarily his own. But that certainly is part of it. It also includes his outside looking in views on what makes a successful family and what doesn't.)

Political Views
Politics is something he's very unaware and knowledgeable on. Large communal structure often baffles and confuses him. Where a small and communal group is much easier to understand and deal with. He also has little concept of money and the power it has. He recognizes it has power and is desired but has very little knowledge of the concepts and politics behind it.

Magical Views
He is very tolerant and open to magic and their practices. However he is wary and terrified of dark magic just from his life experiences and the often low morals that school can attract. He doesn't know shadow hunters are ALSO dark mages he takes that separately.
He especially loves life mages because he adores their gardens and like spending time in them if allowed.

Technology Views
Technology actually amuses him. Technology is so far from everything he's lived and learned so he has hard time really understanding it. But he holds a healthy respect for tech and those that make it. Especially those things which improve the quality of life for the people and community. Such as complex watering devices for fields or animal sparing ideas which can ease the weight from them working on the farm.. etc.
When presented with some new tech, he's often like a kid in a candy store. Better to be stopped before touches everything.

Speech Patterns
He talks pretty rough and rarely. And doesn't always find the correct word for the right situation. So he misuses certain verbs and words at times. This also plays into is language ability where everything is auto translated and he has no real idea on differing languages.

Prejudices or Strong Distrusts

Goals and Motivations
Survival motivates him primarily. Being hunted he is always looking over his shoulder for the next possible attack and he's gotten good at spotting potential dangers. Most of his constant wandering and unable to set up roots is to stay ahead of his would-be killers and captors.
Outside of survival his main actual goal is to find a way that will afford him the luxury of being unattackable. Where he's viewed as a person and not as a thing to be owned or a creature to be harvested for parts.

His biggest fear is to lose more than his eye to Dark Mages. Such as his horn. Or to lose his freedom and live as a slave or curiosity to whoever cages him. He needs his freedom and movement. He also has a fear of having his throat cut as he sleeps and is therefore rather protective of his neck and throat.

Combat Style
If he's presented with a conflict, such as a hunter finding him or something like that his direct response is to just run.
However if its for someone else he will rely more on scare tactics or trickery. Rather than a direct frontal confrontation.
If pressed he is actually good with knives, especially throwing them but he rather uses it more to scare bullies off. When at all possible he will find alternative ways to end combat before it even begins. Or split it up or bring peace between arguing parties

Physical Limitations
Anything involving direct and brute strength. So carrying heavy things.
Also his eyesight is limited since he lost his right eye. Tho his active eye still can see VERY wide and horizontal over vertical
Language and speaking is also a bit limited. Everything he hears gets automatically translated into The Song. The language of the spirits by the spirits. So this means he can understand literally everyone. However this also means he doesn't really hear the individual languages as they are. So his speech is fairly limited to what it was growing up with the Prithvi tribe. Speaking mostly Prithvi with some The One language skills. But entirely unable not to tell when any other language is being spoken to him.



[ relationship ] Friend and traveling companion.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
