


5 years, 11 months ago



"Dreams are fluid, they are ever changing. Don't hold so fast to a dream it can't grow and adapt as it needs."

Name: Eduzi
Called: Ed or Edu
Gender: male
Age: 28
Race: DreamEater
Origin: a small trading town
Height: As an owl: 80cm / Anthro: 150cm (when standing upright)
Build: broad, bulky, but not overweight
Demeanor: Exaggerated, unnerving, easygoing, caring, extrovert

Physical Description:

Face: He has no face and covers it with a mask. If he is ever seen without his mask it seems there is only a void there. Some claim to have seen eyes staring back out from deep in the void.

Masks: They are fairly plain, smooth and basic in terms of sculpting. Overall shape is rounded and oval and always the basic sculpting is owl-like and never human. Entirely solid with no eye or nostril holes. Expression and details are painted onto the masks.

Talons: in Either form he has talons that are long and very sharp and dark in colour.

Feathering: In both forms, feathers are red/brown and white toned in colour. Feathered ‘ears’ poke up behind the mask. Colour pattern of the Eastern Screech owl. Some blue/teal tones are also present in the pattern and compliment the red/brown tones. (see the ref sheet below for details)

Tail: Both forms have ‘both’ tails.
He has a tail of the usual flight feathers.
He also has one long centered whip-like tail. Very short/downy feathers cover it. This tail ends in a few bony growth end that is a unique shape for each individual. His seems more shaped like a pair of cutout cloven hoofprints. It does end in feathers that are more ostrich-like than owl that are very downy and flowy and cover the unique shaped end. He's very protective of his tail.

Shape shifting: He has no in-between forms or partial shifting ability. He is either fully owl formed or he's fully himself. Because of the changes he underwent when he was made DreamEater, his relationship with shifting magic is heavily strained compared to those of the shifting race. (His actual birth race) He retained the ability to fully change forms but he's lost the ability for partial change.

Clothing style/inspiration: His body-shape prevents a lot of clothing but he does wear some. He wears a long, sleeveless tunic or shawl-like bit of fabric over his torso that belts at his waist. The fabric is usually loose and airy and carries patterns. He prefers to wear teals and blues and purples.
Much of his gear is stored and carried in a bandolier or on pouches at his belt. At the end of the bandolier there is a loop and from it he’s strung on the extra masks he owns.
When he shifts form the only things he has bound to shift and scale with him are the Bandolier and the Mask and anything attached to actual feathers. Everything else (including the belt) falls away and he would have to collect it again later. When the bandolier shifts it moves to be as a ring on his leg rather than staying on his body. Hanging down a bit like a falconer's lead.
So this means he doesn’t tend to wear much expensive jewelry or accessories. He prefers braided bits of leather and bead work. Some cords he has braided along feather on his arms and tail. Likes to wear metal anklets, Copper or brass for any metal accessories and fastenings.

  • Adaptiable
  • Outgoing
  • Precognition. Through his dreams he'll occasionally gain insights into the future.
  • Loyal
  • Flight in owl form. Gliding in normal.
  • Multi-lingual
  • Strong hearling.
  • Disturbing presence. His mutations and deformities give him a very unnatural vibe. People struggle usually to read his true intentions and therefore makes them rather uneasy in his presence.
  • Minority Group. DreamEaters are uncommon, heavily misunderstood and marginalized.
  • Blind without magic. And even with magic his sight can be unreliable thanks to the method he gains his sight.
  • Mute without magic
  • No sense of smell
  • Hunted

He approaches problems more logically than emotionally if he has the luxury of time to think things through. He often times doesn't have that luxury so fairly often his reactions are more emotionally driven than logical. Also because of how isolated he feels he does tend to be a people pleaser. While not to the point he will lie or break any promises he's made, he often times will do all he can please requests asked. Especially when its someone asking for help about something not related to being a DreamEater. As he takes it as someone who can see value in him other than that role.
Because he has no expression to show to others he tends to be very animated and exaggerated to show a bit more the emotion he’s trying to get across. Which unfortunately does leave him in a place of distrust with many he comes across as they can't read him as easily as he can read them. Many thinking that perhaps he's not being entirely honest in whatever emotion he is trying to convey.
Despite the discomfort and prejudices he encounters he still finds he prefers to travel in the company of others. So he will usually travel along with a trade caravan or so rather than trying to get from place to place alone. He thrives on interactions of others. He reacts to prejudice by trying to disarm the other person or group with some humor or off-the-wall comment. He learned long ago that reacting with fear, anger, or defiance usually just escalated a fight. Where these other approaches are unexpected and can lead to a more peaceful outcome.

Knowledge and Schooling
His knowledge does tend to be more street smarts than book learning. He was taken in by his mentor at the age of 7 and therefore missed out on the schooling he would have received otherwise. His knowledge on things such as geography and history and writing is because he's actually lived it. Rather than learned it in a classroom. And subjects such as the sciences and maths he's fairly ignorant on. Money maths being about his only skill. He’s pretty knowledgeable about various customs and traditions and practices across many peoples and groups. He's also very good at picking up new languages and communicating. He finds it all rather fascinating.
He is naturally curious and enjoys gathering information through friendly chats with others. Which unfortunately can taint his perceptions on things because of common biases he encounters but hasn't encountered himself yet.
Uncommonly he does understand the differences between shadows and dream entities. Spirit and Dream. Even if he can't really fully articulate it.

Beliefs and Morals (spiritual/religious and social)
He values honesty and loyalty and tries to practice both whenever he can. He also tends to hold others up to this standard and is often disappointed in the lies and manipulations he comes across. As well as being very disappointed in how much people expect and project those opposite traits onto him. Simply because of his Dream Magic connections.
He believes that hate will perpetuate more hate. So he tries really to be kind and positive whenever possible. He's seen first hand how when he's reacted out of hate to the prejudices he receives that it will only further ingrain further distrust and hate toward him and his kind. Where if he is still able to maintain kindness and perhaps even humor through it he is more likely to gain sympathies. If not from the aggressor then by someone nearby who will see the bully for what they are.
Killing for him is something he has never been fully faced with. He reasons he might be able to, in order to protect himself or in defense of another. But he really doesn't want to be in that situation in the first place or to find out.
In terms of an overall belief in a God or Gods he's really unsure but searching. He wants to believe in something more and bigger and higher than what is out there but everything he's come across for now has felt not quite right.

Family Values
(Not necessarily his own. But that certainly is part of it. It also includes his outside looking in views on what makes a successful family and what doesn't.)

Political Views

Magical Views

Technology Views
He is a bit distrusting on technology as he doesn't fully understand it. He can appreciate some of what the tech does and what it represents but he has very very little practical use or knowledge for it. The main thing he appreciates about tech is actually how it a bit levels the field between mages and the much larger non-mage population. Technology can fill the role of many magic abilities and in turn demystifies magic when people can produce similar results without the use of a mage.

Speech Patterns
He can be rather well spoken and has a rather large vocabulary. However he doesn't always display that. Preferring a more informal and laid-back form of speech in an attempt to appear less intimidating to others. Plus his love for language means he's always happy to find a new term or bit of slang to use. (Sometimes even rather poorly when he doesn't catch its full meaning.)

Prejudices or Strong Distrusts

Goals and Motivations
Wants to find something to really believe in that is larger than himself. Wants to be taken as a person outside of being a DreamEater.

Extremely protective of his tail and one of the few things that can really trigger him is someone threatening or going for his tail. For him it is his ‘lifeline’ that he isn’t the monster many seem to judge him as and take him for.
A bit of a distrust for technologies, especially when he doesn't understand what it is for and the range of things it can do.

Combat Style
Talking is his main line of defense. He'd rather talk his way out of any situation. Or simply flee if its the option. The fear and stigma against DreamEaters often means there are many who think little about roughing up his kind. So he has learned to protect himself. Since most of what gets used against him are fists he generally has learned to brawl. Preferring the use of his body over any real weapon.
If things do get too serious he could always pull a Nightmare Entity into the realm to cause panic and fear. As well as a sort of reminder of what awaits should he fall.
Most wouldn’t think of killing him though. As unless a DreamEater’s portal is closed in a very specific way it will open and release the entities within. Which is enough to make many think twice from taking things too far.

Physical Limitations
He naturally has no face. He can't smell any longer. Thankfully he doesn't need to eat so having no mouth and being unable to tell if food has turned with smelling it really isn't an issue. But if a fire were to break out or there is a gas leak or even if he himself carries some odor he is entirely unaware.
He can't talk. For a few years after the rebirth he was entirely mute. However through a dream he had a realization that sound could easily become illusion as well. So with some ideas that came to him in his dreams as well as some experiments of his own he developed how to do sound illusions to mimic talking. By now this has become almost a reflexive magic and can do it really without much thought. But if anything happens to be blocking magic he is once again rendered mute.
He can't see. His method for sight is even hard for him. He can a bit use Entities of the dream realm as his eyes. Yet because they are creatures of whim and instability, so is the sight he sees. Often his view on the world is fairly normal. But after a while and at times it can become rather whimsical and inaccurate. Especially if the entity he's captured isn't very cooperative for him. Sometimes he will altogether just accept darkness rather than trying to pick through what is real and what isn't.



[ relationship ] Friend and traveling companion.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character Name

[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
