Princess Peckii ✦



5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Humanoid fungus; Hydnellum peckii


Spore power, blood manipulation






5'8-9 ft.


135 lbs.


Lace, treats with a center that oozes




Info is a WIP. Favorite jewel to wear is Ruby


Peckii was born and raised as the princess of a fungi colony, coming from a line of Hydnellum peckii mushrooms known for their special ability of producing, or refered to as "bleeding", a bright red fluid that contains a pigment known to have anticoagulant properties. Along with having certain blood manipulating powers. Others usually think highly of these fungi due to the possible medical uses for their fluid, but some also fear them for the possible dangerous purposes of their powers as well. Those two images the fungi people had of the Hydnellum peckii was what really helped Peckii's family reach such a highly respected and powerful rank among their colony as their leaders.

Despite being considered "royalty" to the colony, Peckii still attended the school with the rest of the fungi. A lot of children were either amazed or scared/grossed out my Peckii's abilities, and sometimes she was incapable of controlling her excessive "bleeding". Which earned her the nickname, "The Bloody Princess". While they admired Peckii and treated her kindly, none of the children really made "friends" with her due to fear of her royal title. The one mushroom she noticed never approach her though was the silent little girl in the back of the class, who usually kept to herself. 

So one day during lunchtime, Peckii decided to approach the lone fungus introduce herself, the child shroom was a bit shocked at first that the princess (or anyone) spoke to her, and introduced herself as Shiitake. Peckii pointed out that she thought it was cool they both had two "i"s in their names, and asked to join her for lunch before sitting next to Shiitake. The silent fungus simply nodded and began eating, and Peckii even offered some of her food. Shiitake asked the princess why she was being so nice to her all of a sudden. Peckii answered that she noticed Shiitake seemed shy and lonely, and felt that she didn't deserve that. Shiitake was not used to random kindness, and pointed out that maybe she preferred to be left alone. But Peckii said the two could be each other's second "i". Shiitake was confused as she mentioned they both already had two "eyes", but Peckii explained she meant that both their names have a pair of the letter "i"s that need each other to complete them. The silly idea made Shiitake smile, which blossomed both of their very first friendship's.

Blossomed Friendship

Over the years the duo became best friends, with Peckii becoming caring and supportive of Shiitake, and Shiitake loving and protective of her. They learned knew things from each other and grew as people: With Peckii helping Shiitake learn to be compassionate, and Shiitake helping Peckii to become a stronger individual. Both families were very loving and accepting of the friendship, and even grew closer together. Which really helped Shiitake's family live a more comfortable life thanks to Peckii's. 

As Peckii grew she was taught how to use her spore powers and how to lead a fungi colony, while Shiitake trained with her spore powers as a samurai to one day be the sworn protector of the one she cared for most. There were still times where Peckii still struggled to control her "bleeding" and blood manipulation powers, but Shittake was there to help her stay determined, calm, and focused. When Shiitake would overwork herself, Peckii was always there to nurture her friend to health and tell Shiitake to be more cautious for her own sake. 

Once the fungi gal pals reached adulthood, Peckii was very involved in royal affairs and charity work for the fungui people, with Shiitake by her side as her official royal guard (even though Peckii was strong enough now to protect herself, she still wanted her best friend with her). Both had become strong individuals who were fully capable of using their just as strong spore powers, but nothing was stronger than the bond the two had built together.

Third friend!

One day while the two were planning a charity event, Peckii had become interested in a hot new fungi idol named Poly who just debuted, and decided to book her to perform at the event. Peckii had a feeling that not only would it make their charity event a success, but also help the new idol make a name for herself. When they met Poly at the event she was kind and grateful for being invited to perform, which turned out to be a success as Peckii expected. After that Peckii was eager to fully endorse Poly publicly with Shiitake.  The idol began plans for her first album, with Peckii paying for her to record in a high class studio. It released the following month and was titled "Amber Tears", and reached number one within the mushroom colonies.

The trio continued being friends as Poly was rising in popularity and was even giving back to the community with charity donations. Peckii and Shiitake were sure to advertise and attended most if not every gig Poly had to support their new friend.

Over the year as they grew closer and after Poly had become a well known idol, she showed how grateful she was for her friend's support by writing, recording, and releasing two new complimentary albums in their tribute: The album themed off Peckii titled "Ruby Blood", and the album themed off Shiitake titled "Smoky Sweat". Poly wanted the themes and names to compliment her first album as well in order to symbolize the expression "putting your blood, sweat, and tears into something". Meaning that the three of them, as well as the rest of the fungi people as a community, contribute all their hard work in some way to help the colony and have given their own efforts into reaching their own goals.

The albums became hits and peaked charts, and Peckii and Shiitake were so touched by the tributes they planned and sponsored Poly to go on her very first tour to promote all three albums with the "Blood, Sweat, and Tears Tour".