


6 months, 3 days ago


(Extremely bare bones description will be updated!)


Age: Under 1 yrs (10 moons)

Gender: Female (she/her)

Role: Apprentice

Mentor: Blackbutterfly 

Clan: Shadeclan


  • Father unknown kittypet (deceased)
  • Mother TBD

Brief Description: 

Evergreenpaw was abandoned by her mother as soon as she was finished weening, her mother fled to the two-leg place for safety and never returned. Due to this, and her half kitty-pet blood Evergreenpaw knew her place in the clan from a very young age and grew to resent her mother because of it. She yearned to impress Hawkstar and the inner circle and find comfort in them that she had been denied. Her dreams became a reality when she was apprenticed to Blackbutterfly, a well-respected member of the inner circle. However this dream quickly turned into a nightmare as Blackbutterfly was brutal in her training, she never sheathed her claws and never held back. 

She taught Everygreenpaw how to kill and turned her into one of the clan's most formidable fighters. When Evergreenpaw heard of the rebellion she was origionally on the side of the inner circle, but was convinced to switch by Snailpaw, who she considers to be her only true friend. After Snailpaw's death in the great battle, Evergreenpaw had a lot of time to think as she sat beside her freshly dug grave, and once Flowerstar returned from her ceremony Evergreenpaw informed her she would be embarking on a journey of revenge to kill the surviving inner circle and her own mother. 

Flowerbite warned her that if she pursued this, she would not be welcomed back into the clan. Evergreenpaw left anyway, but once she did come face to face with her mother she couldn't kill her, and returned to Shadeclan a 'failure'.