


5 months, 24 days ago


(Extremely bare bones description will be updated!)


Age: 6 yrs (78 moons)

Gender: Female (she/her)

Role: Warrior / Leader (post-rebellion)

Apprentice: Mothsight / Evergreenpaw

Clan: Shadeclan (Inner Circle)


  • Father TBD
  • Mother TBD

Brief Description: 

Blackbutterfly grew up alongside Hawkstar and the two had a brief fling in their youth, it ended graciously as even though they didn't see a future as mates they shared a vision for the future of Shadeclan. One where they held the power. She was there when Hawkscreech killed his father and became leader, she was there when he fell for the fickle she-cat Fawnpelt and she was there for the birth of his three kits. And when the inner circle was established, she had a comfy seat at the center of it. Blackbutterfly has always enjoyed the finer things in life and she intends to keep Shadeclan exactly the way it is until she dies. 

She apprenticed Hawkstar's largest son Mothpaw when he showed interest in becoming a healer under Frostsonnet to prevent his strength being wasted, and then chose Evergreenpaw as her next apprentice. She alone could see the wildfire within Evergreenpaw and knew she could either harness it for the inner circle or watch it burn the clan to the ground. Despite her clever she was, she didn't notice Evergreenpaw slipping away and when it came time for the great battle it was too late to open her eyes and notice. 

Evergreenpaw used everything she learned to strike down her mentor, spilling red against her white coat. Blackbutterfly found herself awaking not in Starclan, but in a place that was much, much darker.