Hai! I would love to get one of https://toyhou.se/22233504.katsu and https://toyhou.se/3990318.tbn if possible! My discord is bunsprinkles

hi! can I get one of ic with paypal? ^_^ my discord is katnipxz if you would prefer to talk there!! 

of course!! ill add you on discord 

Would you take character trades for this?

i might!

Hello I was wondering if I could grab a comm for a friends birthday that’s soon and if you rush fees? I wish I could have ordered sooner your comms are so cute ;3; in case it’s just not enough time my buddies birthday is in 5 days

hii! i can!! theres no need for a rush fee - i can get started on it once i get home from school! contact me on discord!

awesome! thank you!