


5 months, 6 days ago



Name Rian
Designer Sairus-Art
Gender Male
ObtainedBreedingfrom Rosette and Luther
Significant OtherNone
Rules Gift only
Species Doberman/Dalmatian

RoleService dog


  • Spots dont have to be exact
  • Short fur and short tail

Rian is a dutiful and loyal dog who has devoted his life to training as a service dog to help people in need. He is extremely dedicated to his role and comes across as stoic and cold, refusing to goof off or acknowledge others when he's clearly busy working. He isn't completely frozen- outside of his working hours he's got a good sense of humor and while he does still tend to be serious and a hard worker at all times, he is capable of a good laugh now and again.

He doesn't really handle failure well, and holds himself to incredibly high standards- something he has in common with his sister.  He's very hard on himself when he thinks he's at fault in some way, meaning he's very much a perfectionist in every way. Feeling like he's let someone down usually leads to him  self-isolating and sulking. 


  • He can be drawn with various harness' and the like- he has no set one, as it varies depending on the specific job he's currently filling in for.

Rian was trained as a service dog from an early age.

While he is not attached to any one person- he has been trained in various procedures and techniques to help people of various disabilities, and works with a service that essentially 'rents' these dogs out to people who need them for short periods of time. 

While he would love to have a 'permanent' place- he does like meeting all of the new people and more importantly- being able to be there for someone who desperately needs the help.

He loves his job and loves assisting others, and as such- has no real major ambiton to go elsewhere


  • Helping people
  • Spicy foods
  • Action movies
  • Running

  • Seeing people get hurt
  • Shirking his duties
  • Bees or wasps
  • "Corporate types"

Venus Sister

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.