Legythos Island (Onitro Species)



6 years, 2 months ago





Scientific NameCeleritas Magnum
DietSmaller animals, including emotibeasts
PowerNitrous Oxide vents
WeaknessWater, Rain, staying inactive


The onitro is a member of the bio power class. It uses its own biologically made compound of nitrous oxide that is produced by its heart. On its back, elbows and heels are enlarged pores which release the compound, but at the same time, have a special organ inside that ignites the gas, creating a burst of fire, which the Onitro uses to boost its movements to extraordinary speeds like a rocket. The antlers can release bursts of fire too and is usually used for driving the onitro's fanged face quickly into the flesh of a meal. It's also used to ward off others.


Onitros are large imposing red figures with antlers and horns, with a frightening maximum height of 12ft. They have four large white fangs, and yellow eyes. They have shaggy white hair, a short stubby tail, with enlarged pores on their elbows, heels, and back.


Onitros are a violent member of the specter social class. They live active lifetsyles, running around the mountains of Noull's Bowl, and inflicting fear into those unfortunate to cross their path. The onitro is an excessive carnivore, eating as much as it wants, but always prefering to chase down its food, this includes smaller emotibeasts, even sometimes a fellow onitro if they're short enough.


The onitro are not without their share of unsettling lore. Their home "Noull's Bowl" is said to be a funnel that goes beyond this dimension and connects to the Noull. No one knows if this is true, but ne thing is certain: No one returns from the bottom of chasm. The walls of Noull's Bowl have formed in a way that let the Onitro run across them like they were slanted roads. During a lunar eclipse when the moon shines red a skinny creature crawls out from the chasm and stands taller than any onitro ever seen. The creature defies nature and biology with its speed and frail build like it is not of this realm. It runs around so fast that you're lucky to catch it in the side of your eyesight. The onitro simple call the creature Ogre. Ogre will feast on cattle and food offerinfs left out for it during the eclipse. It crawls back into it's hole once the eclipse has passed or once it is full, whatever comes first. Looking directly at Ogre's face directly paralyzes the viewer where they stand. If you are unlucky Ogre will bring you back to Noull's Bowl and toss you into the chasm where you are never seen again. Because of this the Onitro stay inside their homes when the eclipse comes to pass. No matter how hard they try they cannot hope to outrun Ogre.


● A notable Onitro is the hybrid Drake.

● The space where the eyes reside is hollow, you can stick your hand in there, but you might lose it

● Onitros only sleep for 6 hours

● Onitros are always stuck with a laughing face, but can still express in unexpected ways like making their eyes pop out.

● A common Onitro disease is called Smoke Pore, where their pores cant ignite their nitrous oxide

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