Legythos Island (Lyvican Species)



5 years, 11 months ago





Scientific NameFurorem Lupus
DietSmall mammals
PowerFlash of Bright light, spike blades
WeaknessLoud noises, foul smells


The Lyvican belongs to the bio power class, with two powers that rely on each other. The Lyvican is nautrally pretty fast, so it attacks by first flashing opponents with a bright white light produced by the fur on its body, then it runs at them, slashing the foe with their spikes, going for the vital organs.


The Lyvican is a sturdily built creature, standing at 6ft with gorgeous white fur. They blend in with snow incredibly easy. They have green eyes, and four claws on their hands and feet. Their arms, spine, and head have curved spikes used for cutting up foes. 


The lyvicans are memembers of the humanoid social class. They are livid as the name implies, and are easy to agitate. Many lyvicans are loners, only a select few forming families, only if it meets their standards. Due to this behavior, many lyvican children are abandoned or hurt.


Lyvicans were always a wicked race who valued their own self interests over others. They quarreled with neighboring species constantly and even picked fights with the deadly lyndwars. Their constant fights eventually resulted in a situation where the lyvicans came into position of a deadly power that was brought to Legythos through travelers from a faraway land. This power was a strange purple slime that consumed emotibeasts whole. The lyvicans had no name for it, but knew it was powerful. Some swore that it spoke to them and promised them power beyond comprehension, but only if they followed its instructions exactly. In order to enact its will the lyvicans formed a truce with the lyndwars and the two species were finally able to put their fighting to an end. This union was solidified with the marriage of the lyvican leader Warren, and the lyndwar leader Aros.


● A notable Lyvican is the hybrid Lockheart.

● Lyvican spikes grow back if broken

● Ff shaved completely, the Lyvican cannot use its blinding power to full effect

● The Lyvican eyes are designed to withstand bright flashes

● Lyvicans grow even more agitated under a full moon

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