Pixie Prehnite



She/they, close aid of Pyrite Star Peridot.

Don't give them your name. (They're gonna write it down for Pyrite's logs).

Pebble sized menace, she's really good at writing fast and has perfect memory (suited to steal your info). Pixie much prefers to get information than share it (unless it's to Pyrite or other Prehnites) and while she won't lie, she will blatantly avoid answering if she doesn't feel like it. She manages to have fun even with very little things, and will never sit still.

Their little wings are able to make them fly super fast when they hunt for informations for their creator Pyrite; she's able to project an aura that prevents other gems from noticing them. Might shapeshift a little to look even more inconspicuous. That bush at your left? Don't trust it.

She could be considered part of The Recordkeepers faction, but she's mostly loyal to her creator. She will gladly do teamwork with other Prehnites, however.