Zhang Tian



9 months, 12 days ago


Zhang Tian

she/her. prideful. dramatic. temperamental.
Basic Info

Name Zhang Tian
Nickname Tiantian
Pronouns She/Her
Age 16
Height 5'2"
Class Soldier
Crest -
Designer Gravescript

     A student from a faraway land, sent to Garreg Mach as a punishment. Zhang Tian is wild, self absorbed, and utterly incapable of respecting her elders. In an effort to mend her horrible conduct, her parents have sent her to Garreg Mach. Originally, she was told that this arrangement was to help her learn under a great master who had relocated from her homeland - When she arrived, she learned that her so-called master was a teacher with little talent for things beyond sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Despite this, she's stayed at Garreg Mach. She's determined to show her parents that she is fully able to stand as her own person without hiding behind her family name!
Zhang Tian's behavior stems from an unbelievably spoiled childhood. She had the best teachers, the best weapons, the best food, and the best things her noble merchant family could provide. As the youngest daughter, she's doted on by nearly everyone in her household. Her mood can flip from sunny to stormy for seemingly no reason, and she's always seeking the most luxurious of items. She has expensive tastes and rages when they aren't fulfilled. To be honest, she's a bit of a terror... Her family hopes that time away from home in a rural environment without the luxuries she's used to will make her appreciate what she has. Despite their dislike of Crests, they've sent her away to this foreign land in particular in the hopes that Fodlan's strong warriors will keep her safe and sound. It might just take a while for Zhang Tian to realize that it came from a place of care and not annoyance. Well, mostly not annoyance.
Zhang Tian brought a hoard of treasures from her homeland with her, and carries her legacy with her wherever she goes. Instead of using the traditional Fodlaner's lance, she uses a guandao she was given by her eldest brother before she left. Even if it makes her a little more homesick, it's a reminder of what she has to come home to.