Aritene Agnesi



6 months, 21 hours ago


Aritene Agnesi

he/him. generous. charming. gentle.
Basic Info

Name Aritene Agnesi
Nickname Ari
Pronouns He/Him
Age 19
Height 5'10"
Class Mage
Crest -
Designer Gravescript

     An affluent son of Duscur, whose time at the School of Sorcery in Fhirdiad gave him an alibi for the alleged crimes of his people. Despite his clear lack of involvement or interest in the Tragedy, he still fell under suspicion in the school due to his deep dedication to the gods of Duscur and his lack of interest in hiding his identity. In the end, Ari decided to transfer to Garreg Mach in hopes of avoiding the harassment and criticism of Faerghus. He has no interest in hiding who he is, and a life that forces him to give up his beliefs and identity is not a life he wants to live.
... It doesn't hurt that Aritene is fabulously wealthy. The native resources of Duscur are lush and sought after across the world. Aritene drapes himself in gemstones and gold of all kinds, not even with the intent to show off. It's just what he's used to. Interesting people should have pretty things, obviously - While he keeps hoards of his homeland's jewelry, he also gifts it to other students and people he thinks deserve it. He does worry about the gifts his life has given him, though - he knows the only reason he escaped judgement is due to the wealth of his family allowing him to enroll in the School of Sorcery. He's using the opportunity he's been given to look into the Tragedy quietly at Garreg Mach.
Aritene's magical skills come more from his background than any particular learning he's done. He draws elemental strength from the pantheon of Duscurian gods, like a Fodlan priest's light. He still appreciates magic teaching, though he'd never touch black magic. Can you imagine? The skin damage alone...