
5 months, 22 days ago

Basic Info


45-50 (mentally)






Chaos Being


May 5




God of Chaos


Drefan is the son of Sitara, the Goddess of Stars. When he was younger, he fell in love with Eshe, the Goddess of Life, but he was always afraid to actually make a move due to Eshe being such high status of the heir to the former Goddess of Life, Shivani, so he always kept his feelings bottled up. Despite this, the two would become good friends, Eshe even seeing Drefan as her "little brother." The day that Drefan would confess to her, he would find out she was with someone else. Of course, Drefan was devastated. On the way home, he encounters a blue ball of light. It says to him that he could have all the power he wants as well as Eshe if he agrees to let the pixie semi-possess him. Drefan agrees, and he falls into being the God of Chaos. 

With his new power, he kills Shivani, thinking he would have the power of the Goddess, though he forgot that the power belongs to Eshe, so now he feels bitter towards her. Myrek, the son of the God of the Sky and Eshe's boyfriend, sees how stressed Eshe is and tries to kill Drefan himself, but he meets his demise too. For centuries, Drefan was the most feared God. If he could kill Shivani, he could kill Eshe too, or any god he wants. Then he decided to have two sons, which more time went to raising them, and he stopped his fearmongering for a while. However, this led Eshe to lead an army into the Chaos Realm and destroy whatever they could, not to mention she took Innes, who Drefan thought was killed for a decade after the fact. 

This event left the Chaos Realm into shambles. More fueling the reason for Drefan to actually try and kill Eshe aside from being power hungry. Despite this, Drefan tries his best to be a good father for Shiva, though it goes over the edge when a millennium later, Eshe wants to destroy the Chaos Realm again. Due to this, Drefan declares war on Eshe and throws the entire plane into a state of panic once again, as Drefan is not one to play around with the concept of war. 

It's been ten years since the war has started and Drefan is forever yearning to be one step ahead of Eshe. For now, he is picking around her piece by piece, waiting for the one day that her power will be his. He is also desperately looking for Shiva too, knowing that if he was fighting for his father, that could turn around the course of the war.  


Eshe: Drefan's romantic attraction to her has since dissipated since he became the God of Chaos. He kinda wants to be her now. The ability to manipulate all of the realms excites him. 

Innes: He wants his son back. He has a grudge on Eshe for being the one to raise him. Their relationship is complicated. 

Kyra: His beloved granddaughter. Unfortunate that she is not a Chaos Being and rather a normal Goddess. Hopes to corrupt her for his own gain. 

Shiva: He wants him back mainly because he would play a big role in winning the war if he did so. Their relationship is complicated since Shiva does not want to even be part of the war. Drefan almost regrets letting Shiva leave. 

Shri: Almost killed her back when she was spying on both him and his son. He only didn't kill her because he didn't want Shiva to be devastated. His eye twitches at the mention of her