


9 months, 12 days ago


Reika Shimoide, the older twin sister of Kaito and rival to Emi. She's stuck up and arrogant often bragging, she cares deeply for her brother and family under it all. Though she never means to insult she accidentally says rude things except to Emi who she actively antagonizes. She is the top of her class and her arrogance is well founded though it is still a weakness of hers. At her core she is a kind girl who deeply loves her family and is protective over them, she unintentionally gave Kaito an inferiority complex due to her protective nature of him. She also is fond of Ayame and Yosuke though she is annoyed by Emi, finding her annoying but she doesn't have any true ill will towards her. Her arrogance is no facade as Reika truly believes herself to be an elite and above others which is what leads to her arguing with Emi regularly. Slowly gains feelings for Yosuke as he tries to confess to her and she ends up doing so first, despite his lowly status as a delinquent and in the bottom class.

Potential: Sugar and Spice, the ability to conjure and utilize sweets and spicy foods for a variety of attacks as well as changing the properties and size of them. The foods do have nutritional value if eaten though it drains Reika's stamina and she can control consumed foods so this only helps allies. Reika has a preference to the sweets side.


15 years old