


5 years, 11 months ago


「 Please tell me a story! 」

star weaver ✧ story fanatic ✧ loner

Full Name Hoshino
Age Appears 19
Species Dragon
Occupation Cosmic dragon
Gender Female
Sexual Orientation Demisexual
Birthdate Unknown
Relationship Status Shipped with Feng

Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait | Trait


「 Do you think I can go on an adventure one day? 」


「 Trivia 」

► She can't swim, she can only float on her back.
► Futaba is often dieting because she cares about her figure but not enough to not eat junk food.
► Her fanfiction is extremely trashy and smutty but she has zero experience with everything she's writing about.
► Most of the time she is probably running on very little sleep because she is practically nocturnal.
► She doesn't seem like the type, but she is actually the type to cuss a lot and can be rather crass and inappropriate at times.
「 Appearance 」

► Height: 4’ 10” | 147 cm
► Weight: 117 lbs. | 53 kg
► While not being overweight, Futaba is on the curvier side despite the fact that she's short.
► Her shoulders are usually hunched over; she looks very shy and awkward most of the time.
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Ryouta was someone that Futaba would’ve never thought that she could get along with. Initially, she thought that he was really scary. And she was right! He intimidated her so much when they first met, and they didn’t get along at all. His attitude only made her angry and eventually she ended up snapping at him. She hadn’t meant to and by the end of her rant she felt instant regret, yet Ryouta didn’t end up killing her. Futaba didn’t completely get it but for some reason, Ryouta didn’t seem to hate her afterwards and actually accepted her. She doesn’t really say it much, but she was relieved that she had finally made a friend, especially one that accepted her for who she was. She doesn’t have to act around him and the two of them meet up occasionally to vent and talk. Ryouta became someone that she was oddly comfortable around and she could be honest with him. He is probably her closest friend even though he still scares her from time to time.
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Out of everyone that she has met so far, Seiji is probably the scariest. Futaba doesn't really get him since he tends to smile and act nice, but there's something scary about him to her. Ever since he found out about her fanfic, he basically used it as leverage to get her to do stuff for him. Futaba often complains about him to Ryouta, but he scares her too much for her to say anything directly to his face.
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She met him by accident at university. Futaba finds Shuichi to be very odd since he tends to give her weird looks and approaches her more than she thought was normal. She thinks that he’s a bit too nice to be genuine and is overall rather suspicious of him. He makes her awkward and uncomfortable but currently, he’s been too nice for her to figure him out yet completely.