


5 years, 9 months ago


「 I want to eat that... 」

flightless angel ✦ suck-up ✦ wandering idiot

✦ Full NameSerena
✦ AgeAppears 17
✦ SpeciesAngel
✦ OccupationN/A
✦ GenderFemale ♀ 
✦ Sexual OrientationDemisexual
✦ BirthdateJanuary 10
✦ Relationship StatusSingle

cowardly · suck-up · impulsive · optimistic · curious · stubborn · kind · simple · gullible · careless 

Although Serena is an angel, her experiences as an angel with abnormally small wings and the slight stigma she has faced led to her developing many non-angel like traits. While she is kind and prone to believing in the best of others, she is also rash and has a subtle rebellious streak that makes her rather impulsive. She is often careless with both her words and actions, leading her to troublesome situations that she often tries to weasel out of through flattery. In addition, Serena dislikes pain to an immense agree, giving her a rather cowardly disposition that enables her to easily throw away her pride and submit to others in an attempt to get out of bad situations. Being quite stubborn about her impulsivity though, she has a difficult time learning from her mistakes. She would much rather say and do what she wants to and grovel later.

Being quite young, Serena is also energetic and curious about the world around her, constantly exploring and touring the mortal realm. She is always open to new things, and has rather adventurous tastes at times. She is rather optimistic, trying to make the best of her stay on Earth despite missing Heaven. Serena is also simple minded and can be easily convinced to change her mind if reasoned with. She is quick to change her mind and even quicker to believe in the words of others.

「 My wings are the cutest part of me!」

Serena was born in a time of peace-- her birth was just like any other birth. The only difference were the size of her wings; they were much smaller compared to other angel children. While everyone hoped that her wings would grow more as she grew, they were only left with disappointment as her wings grew slightly before stopping its growth in its entirety, too small to even allow her to take flight.

While angels with abnormalities were rare, they existed. But this fact did little to comfort Serena, who felt like God must have made a mistake while creating her. Though most angels treated her well (if not with pity), there were still a few who quietly speculated the cause of her small wings.

“It must be a punishment.”

“She was a mistake.”

Serena had overheard these words when she was rather young, and as a result, she distanced herself from other angels, fearing that they would only see her as a mistake, an imperfection. There was a childish anger in her that blamed God.Despite this, Serena still lived happily doing what she liked, growing to gradually love and adore her wings. She was living quite peacefully until she fell out of Heaven...

「 Trivia 」

► Unable to fly due to the size of her wings.
► She's sensitive about anyone touching her wings and hair.
► Her bed is filled with pillows and plushies.
► Her favorite types of food are the savory ones- she's not picky though.
► Voice: TBA
「 Appearance 」

► Height: 5'4” | 163 cm
► Serena has light, pearly purple eyes and long, fluffy hair the shade of a pinkish beige.
► She has a dangling cross earring on her right ear.
► Her hair buns are often lopsided and messily done.
► Her eyelashes have a slight curve at the end, turning upwards. As an angel, she has a naturally innocent look.
► She is very expressive, her default expression being a happy smile.
unknown.png▷ Haize  | ♢ kind · gentle · senpai figure ♢
“He’s really quiet, but being with him makes me feel so relaxed.”
Haize was actually the first angel she met that was ‘imperfect’ just like her. As a result, she felt less self-conscious with him, finding a sense of comfort, especially as Haize is blind and unable to see her small wings. Due to Haize’s position as a Guardian Angel, Serena has only been able to see him three times.
unknown.png▷ Ezekiel | ♢ strong · food provider · smart ♢
"He can be scary sometimes, but he always buys me food!"
Ezekiel is one of the first people Serena interacted with on Earth, and in some ways, she does have a certain trust in him— not only because she believes him to be an angel, but also because she thinks he struggles with flight just like her.
Though initially Serena treats Ezekiel as an Elder of sorts (especially after knowing that he was there to write down her name when she first became an angel), that line is often blurred after frequent meals together (though Serena is the only one eating...). While Serena initially felt reluctant to mooch off of him, she gradually became a little shameless, even going as far to straight up ask him for food.

unknown.png▷ Asura  | ♢ demon king · leech · strong ♢
"I think he's a demon king!!! He keeps eating my food..."
Serena is pretty sure Asura is a demon from the very, very deep parts of Hell. She has an incredibly difficult time reading Asura, especially since despite his ever present smile, there is nothing comforting about it. Serena thinks Asura is incredibly intimidating as well-- though she can’t exactly figure out what he is, she can feel the strong power radiating out of him occasionally. Frankly, she is more than a little scared of him, leading to multiple moments of flattering. She has gotten used to calling him ‘Great God’ even though her conscience pricks her every time for telling such a blatant lie...