


4 months, 18 days ago


NAME Mudslash
AGE 85 Moons

CLAN Blizzardclan
ROLE Warrior
APPRENTICE Snowflakeswipe
VOICE Martin Mertens, Adventure Time



Mudslash is a very indecisive cat. He never knows exactly what it is he wants until it to late, to scared he will make the wrong decision, that he ends up making the wrong one anyway. To afraid of being hurt. This affects his love life as well as his indecisiveness on how he feels about Dovemoon. It was Dovemoons rules and scrutiny from his Dovemoon supporting family that drove him to abondon Fireflydance and their kits... wasn't it?


  • Calm
  • Patient
  • Independent
  • Indecisive
  • Stubborn
  • Overthinker
  • Coward
  • Repressed
  • Commitment Issues
introverted extroverted
hostile friendly
apathetic empathetic
hasty patient
awkward charismatic
cowardly courageous
insecure confident
subservient authoritative



Born not long after Dovemoon stepped into power Mudkit was born. He was very large and his mother Mousefrost joked that he must have taken up all of the rom and thats why he had no siblings. He was a boisterous little fireball that ran about the nursery. Nothing of note was happening with the clan, so his kithood was reletively calm. He quickly made friends with Starlingkit and Timberkit.


His apprenticeship was much the same, although he got himself into trouble quiet frequently, not in trouble with authority, but usually getting himself into borderline dangerous positions because he wasn't paying enough attention. That is until Mousefrost, chasing after him on one of these many game he would play, fell down carapine overlook. This greatly changed Mudpaw, like a swinging pendulum from reckless to overly catious, not sure if what he would do would hurt someone, or himself. His father Howlmask was furious, blaming Mudpaw for his mothers death. Mudpaw leaves every "conversation" with his dad afraid he will leave, he begins pushing everyone away, it wont hurt him if they leave him if they werent close to begin with. The only cats who seem to stay with him through this are Starlingpaw and Timberpaw


It is when he is a fresh warrior the Dovemoon begins implementing the rules. He doesn't really care that the borders close, nothing for him out there anyway, plus Howlmask seemed to like the rule, if he supported it maybe Howlmask would start talking to him again?Not likeley, there wasn't much for him inside the border either but where would he go? He carries on, Starlingfall is made deputy, and thus another friend has left him, to busy to make time for him. He is lonely. His father still mostly refusing to talk to him as he works to the bone trying to impress him. Trying to earn his love back, even if he also doesnt think he deserves it. It is then that he runs into Fireflydance at the border and they begin talking, he really was supposed to chase her away. But ae were just so pretty, and interesting. He felt like he didn't have anyone in the clan to talk to. His dad hated him, Starlingfall was always to busy for him, there was Timbertail... But it wasn't the same, he couldn't talk to Timbertail like he could Fireflydance. He's always excited to see her. Dovemoon continues to change the rules, which worried him, with what him and Fireflydance are doing. They start making plans for aer to join Blizzardclan. Then Timbertail also leaves the clan. No one is sure why, another cat that has left him while he was out being selfish, it was probably his fault, running off with some Bloomclan cat instead of working like he's supposed to be.

He keeps going to see aer, but then ae tell him aer pregnant. This ruins everything. If he bring Fireflydance to the clan now they will all know he betrayed them, his dad will know he betrayed him. He didn't work this hard for this long to flush it all away. Even for Fireflydance. Her moving to Blizzardclan felt like a dream, like it wasn't ever really going to happen, a dream concoted in the dead of night out of a hope that didn't exsist. What would happen if he did, he showed up to the clan with aer by his side and his father would scoff at him, pregnant or not. With only an 'I can't' choking out of his maw he runs, and runs, and runs.

He keeps his head down in the coming moons, but then Bloomclan disapears. Oh courts what if he made the wrong choice, he could have save her fromwhatever had taken Bloomclan, he could have, he could have had a family. But it is to late for that now, he starts going to the gatherings, just to see if Bloomclan shows up, to stop the guilt from eating at his very bones. They show up to the gathering, and there aeare, yelling at him, he had never seen her angry before. He wants to explain, but the fear of hurting aem more, of it hurting him anymore. He does not get time to decide as a fresh faced apprentice comes over to yell at him for making her mom upset. He felt sick. He leaves quickly after this, Not willing to face what he lost.

He starts spending time with Starlingfall, (insert more abt relationship with starling here). He also end up running into Butterflypaw once again, she yells at him, tells him that he will never talk to his sons. The rest were boys huh. He remebers a new medic apprentice whose pelt had looked all to famaliar that night as well, of course they were cursed to look like him. He leaves once again. Onionpounce and Buzzardcloak are made warriors, and Galepaw an apprentice. He is numb. An avalanche, his father caught in it. He did all this for nothing. He sacrificed a family that he could have been happy with for a family that no longer loved him becuase of his mistakes. Heh. The cycle continues.

Then Starlingfall is pregnant. Not again, this can't be happening again. Any hope they had of fixing things, as little as there was, is gone with the wind now. The rules implemented around this time, Dovemonns growing, unstableness, does worry him. But what is he, the failure, going to do about it? This is just how things have always been. He isn't sure how to act around the kits when they do come, scarred he will hurt them like his others. Scarred that they will hurt him, hes so tired. But then Killdeerkit dies. It is a pain that rivaled his mothers death, maybe supasses it, he does not know how to deal with this. The regret of not being closer to his child while he had the chance... He makes a concerted effort to be more around for Raptorkit, to everyone surprise. Maybe its selfish of him, but the guilt of not being there is to much to bear anymore.


lore notes
  • Does not talk about his mother. Ever.
design notes
  • Small ears
  • Fringe grows out after being confronted by Fireflydance at the gathering.
  • Usually hunched over in some way.
  • Yellow
  • Birds
  • Purple
  • Lizards
  • Himself