Orion Mauve



5 years, 10 months ago


Orion Mauve
Age 28
Height 7'0" ft
Build Lanky
Species Xynthii
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Cashier
Location Xygoroth
Creator Guppie-vibes
Worth $26
Design Notes

  • Legendary: Goop Hair
  • Legendary: Goop Eye
  • Very Rare: Mixed Teeth Material
  • Very Rare: Elongated Spikes
  • Very Rare: Split Tongues
  • Very Rare: Wings 1
  • Very Rare: Wings 2
  • Very Rare: 3+ Horns
  • Rare: Tongue Lengths
  • Rare: 2 Iris Color
  • Rare: Chest Spikes
  • Uncommon: Forearm Spikes
  • Uncommon: Side Calf Spikes
  • Uncommon: Downward Ears

Orion is very chill to hang around with, whether you've met him five minutes ago or you've known him for a whole decade. He doesn't actively search for friends and usually just sticks with his small circle of friends and partners. He's also very sarcastic and prefers to keep light of things.

He usually takes responsibility when something bad happens with any of his loved ones and tends to baby them, even though he doesn't like it done to himself. He likes to think that he can handle anything when he can barely even take care of himself.


  • He spends a lot of his free time drinking.
  • Being drunk makes him very sleepy, so in turn he also spends a lot of his free time sleeping.
  • He has very low motivation, whether drunk or not.
  • Orion is not a morning person, considering how he can barely get himself up to work in the morning.

Orion was raised in a household with two loving parents, though this was during a distant time that he could barely remember.

By the time he was four, the relationship between his parents started to fall apart.

One day, Orion's father found out that his wife was carrying another child. The problem, however, was that it wasn't his child. She had cheated on him with another Xynthii man.

Of course, Orion's father didn't take this news too well. Constant fights brok between Orion's parents on a daily basis. They were desperate for a divorce, but since his parents worked very low-income jobs, they couldn't afford it. They just had to try tolerating each other and Orion was often put in the crossfire of their heated arguments.

Xavior, Orion's little brother, had no where else to go but this household. Ever since his birth, his parents would alternate between an on-and-off relationship, where it seemed like they were fine one minute and then seething with rage at each other in the next.

Since they were so constantly fed up with each other, they couldn't hel but neglect their children. As the oldest child, Orion had to look after Xavior himself. He felt bitter towards his own parents and felt bad that Xavior had to go through something like this when he didn't deserve it. None of them deserved this.

Orion felt like they would've been better off not having parents in the first place. That was a bold accusation to make, but that's how he really felt at the time. He wasn't the best at it, but Orion learned to look after Xavior from then on. He helped provide for Xavior in any way that he could. He’d always put him first before himself.

Things got even more difficult, however, once his mother just overdosed on sleeping pills one day and just... left.

Everyone in the household was stunned by this incident.

During her funeral, Orion was left with conflicting feelings. He was definitely not feeling as sad as he should've been about her death and it was the same for Xavior. His father didn't seem to care for his mother's passing at first, but he slowly broke down as if he needed time to realize that she was truly gone. His father just spiraled into a chronic depression after that, leaving for Orion to struggle even harder to keep the family fed enough and surviving.

His father went so far down the rabbit hole of misery that Orion ended up having to take care of him out of pity. At that point, he was so sad that he just forgot how to maintain basic hygiene and do little things like eating or drinking water. He was like a completely different man, one that Orion just kinda feels bad for now.

Orion was around his late teens during this time, and it was also during this time when he started drinking more. Drinking helped him cope with all the stress that was piling up on his shoulders, so he doesn't see alcohol as a problem.

He barely finished high school and didn't even think about going to college after that. Now he's currently stuck with his minimum-wage job as a cashier working at a corner store. It's not as if he could really do any better than that, or at least that's what he firmly believes.