Xavior Mauve



5 years, 1 month ago



Xavior Mauve








6’10” ft




Voice Actor



Xavior is a voice actor who records for animated shows and films underground within the planet Xygoroth, where a majority of the population consist of Nunukes instead of Xynthii.

His voice has soothing elements to it and carries out a distinct tone, so he can easily pass as a wide variety of wise male characters. He can especially do narrator roles, those are his specialty. He’s currently content with how he is right now in regards to his career.


Xavior is pretty chill and passive. He’s never been one to start shit and he’s always been comfortable blending in the background. He also won't judge. Seriously, he won't. Like if you tell him that you murder people for a living, he'll just shrug and claim, "So long as you don't kill me, it's fine." He's apathetic and indifferent to a large degree.

He's very liberal with his opinions and doesn't like being restrained from doing anything. He likes the freedom of being able to make his own decisions, which is why he had moved out from his old home from the surface in the first place, even if he did love his older brother Orion at the time.

As much as he's fine with talking to people, he does need his alone time every now and then. He's an introvert and likes calm solitude. He doesn't like being bothered to go out somewhere 24/7.


Like all Xynthii, Xavior was born with two types of psychic powers: speaking through telepathy (since he doesn’t have a human mouth to talk through) and being able to levitate and float in the air at will.

He can’t really navigate and fly that high, he can only hover some inches above a surface, ground, or floor at most.


Xavior Mauve was the product of adultery. He was born from a mistake, an accident, a marital affair gone wrong. He has an older brother named Orion, but they only shared the same mother, not father.

Basically, growing up, Xavior had to live with the fact that he was something that his mother had tried and failed to hide. His mother had cheated, she was unfaithful, and every time he looked at her as a kid, he had to acknowledge that fact.

Even though the man that raised him wasn’t his biological father, his actual biological father had dipped the scene as soon as he had heard about Xavior, so he had to consider Orion’s father his own anyway.

Things were very iffy. His parents didn't always get along and there was a lot of conflict. Xavior was pretty young with all of the conflicts had broken out, so he doesn't exactly remember everything, but what he does vividly recall is being raised by Orion quite often. Orion was his everything.

Things got even more difficult, however, once their mom just overdosed on sleeping pills one day and just... left.

Everyone in the household was stunned by this news, especially at first. Eventually, Xavior was left with conflicting feelings. He was definitely not feeling as sad as he should and it was the same for Orion. Their father didn't seem to care for their mother's death at first, but he slowly broke down as if he needed time to realize that she was truly gone. He had spiraled into depression after that, leaving for Orion - as the oldest sibling - to struggle even harder to keep the family fed enough and surviving.

There wasn't much that Xavior could do, so he decided to just focus on his own interests and pursuits doing this time. Orion also started drinking more around this time, and he had initially felt uncomfortable with that. Xavior was all okay for social drinking, but drinking at home or outside of a social situation was different.

After many efforts, Xavior eventually got hired as a voice actor underground in Xygoroth in the Nunuke society.

Orion wasn't happy when Xavior had told him the news at first, and it took a lot of convincing too. After a while, Xavior was able to get it through his head that he needed to do this.

It was time that he leave the nest.

And now he's here, learning how to live independently. He still keeps in touch with Orion whenever he can, but he does feel a little bit happy being away from such an oppressive and toxic environment. It was dampening his overall mood and he needed a change of pace, and this is it.


At one point, after getting to know Neo more, Neo and Xavier hit it off so well as friends that it made Azel a little jealous. That situation‘s all resolved now, but for a while Azel was suspicious of Xavior.

Xavier plays the guitar in his free time.

At one point, he dated his roommate Paisley for a while when he had first started moving into an apartment on his own. They broke up due to lack of chemistry, but they still work out as roommates and friends to this day.


H8ackTZ.jpg Orion Mauve

his older brother

p2lsUv2.jpg Azel Vermeil

friend and co-worker

tWpK47L.jpg Melina Hans

online friend

en3YpLu.png Paisley Daisy

his roommate and ex-girlfriend

5522314?1575782189 Brenda Angie

eventual roomie and friend

Oh yeah, I guess I am a pretty good narrator with my voice.
