


5 months, 28 days ago




Voice Claim: N.A.

No Preference
Fantasy Species ;w;
Former Exiled; Outlander
His Hut (Made by him and Daiko)

✦ About

Binas, a large man who lives in the forest away from civilization, big and scary. Daiko gets to meet him and he falls into the gentle giant category as she learns more about him. This extends a bit more as Daiko teaches him everything she knows, (tribe history, the things she’s learned about the mainland, etc.). She even goes through the effort of finding new books and things to learn about the unknown together. I love the himbo trope more than anything, but thought it would be interesting if Binas was smart, but in his own way. He’s still a big wall of intimidation, but he actively has a curious spirit as well (probably something that Daiko rubbed off on him). To compare the two, Daiko is more knowledgeable on things while Binas is wise. 

In terms of appearance and personality, Binas is really a man of few words. Not out of ignorance, more so he's still not accustomed to social interaction. Even learning about this stuff, he'd rather hang back and listen rather than openly engage people. 

(Work in Progress)

✦ Appearance

Head and Face:

  • Diamond-shaped face

Facial Features:

  • Cheeks: Rosy
  • Chin: Strong
  • Ear: Small
  • Eyes: Droopy, almond eyes
  • Jaw: Strong
  • Lips: Full
  • Nose: Aquiline
  • Eyebrows: Thick


  • Texture: Voluminous and coarse
  • Length: Waist length
  • Style: For now, dreadlocks, but can be down. A bit wild when down.
  • Color: Raven black
  • Volume: Thick yet full
  • Bangs: None for now.
  • Accessories: None at the moment.


  • Build: Burly
  • Height: 7'10 feet tall (abnormal for their tribe)
  • Shape: Linebacker shape (wide shoulders/wide waist) and bulky
  • Muscles: Defined
  • Weight: 353 pounds


  • Color: Deep Bronze
  • Scars: Need to come up with reference, but he has multiple battle scars and scars that are the result of tribal rituals.
    • Idea for now: A large, claw-like scar that extends from his lip, down his chest and torso, and ends on the right side of his abdomen.

✦ Personality

  • If there's one thing to say about Binas, it would be his intimidating yet calm demeanor. From his stature to the way he holds himself, one would assume him to be unintelligent brute. However, looks are very deceiving.
  • As said before, Binas is a fairly quiet individual. Definitely a man of few words. Living a life of solitude due to exile from his tribal group, Binas has had very little social interaction with others. This culminates in him often standing by the sidelines to often think or listen to others. Binas does have the capability of communication however, often conversing with people close to him like Daiko for full length conversations. Though, he usually limits himself to a few words or simply gestures to get his point across.
  • With meeting Daiko and having his horizons expand a bit more, Binas starts to branch out more in terms of personality. Though not an extravagant change, Binas becomes more outward with expressing himself physically. 

Calm - Collected - Empathic - Wise

  • Soup/broth
  • Bathing (especially in a hot springs)
  • Learning new things with Daiko
  • Grooming his hair (as well as the hair of others he holds dear)
  • Peace and quiet
  • Bad/rotten smells
  • Loud noises
  • Hurting others
  • Getting angry
  • Cold Weather
  • Self-defense
  • Unarmed and Armed Combat
  • Gardening (mainly medicinal herbs)
  • Cooking
  • First Aid 
  • Whittling
  • Enhanced Sense of Smell
  • Napping
  • Drawing
  • Reading (Sometimes enjoys being read to)
  • Swimming (More than often just soaks)
  • Sparring (Still getting the hang of it when training with Daiko)


✦ Backstory

  • Though his backstory is still in the works, the main gist is that Binas had been exiled from the tribe at a young age (same tribe as Daiko, different traveling group). Whether it be the elders' fear of him usurping them when he grew up or the circumstances surrounding his birth, Binas was cast out as a child to fend for himself alone. He'd survived throughout the years and only had his strength to show for it.

✦ Binas and Daiko Things

Binas and Daiko's first meeting :3
♦ The circumstances of their first meeting were not the most...friendly. With Daiko's scouting team actively trying to pursue him for capture and Daiko going on the attack, he believed that his life was in danger. As the battle with Daiko raged on, it was clear the smaller woman wasn't aiming to kill nor capture, but her motive to fight him remained unclear. She may have been quicker, but she was bounds weaker than him, However, she kept on fighting, with a joyous smile on her face nonetheless. With the conclusion of the battle, Binas ultimately decides spare Daiko and retreat.
♦ In that period where the two had time to lick her wounds, Binas finds Daiko once more. Walking around the forest in search of medicinal herbs, Binas recognizes the faint scent of her lingering in the air. Attempting to track him, Daiko is eventually caught by the larger man.
♦ Alarmed at the appearance of the smaller woman, Binas catches her off guard to get her to leave. This causes him even more confusion as she attempts to communicate with him and even offer medicinal aid. To explain the long and short of it, Daiko spends her time trying to figure out ways to communicate with Binas while the larger man is left puzzled at the drastic change in demeanor. She leaves that night, but starts coming back everyday to find and chat with him. It was bizarre at first, but Binas gradually started looking forward to her visits. 












✦ Trivia

  • Despite living in the wild a majority of his life, Binas highly values personal hygiene. With a heightened sense of smell, he is very particular about certain smells.
  • Contrary to how he looks, Binas doesn’t really enjoy fighting much. Or at least, he doesn’t enjoy killing or harming others unless absolutely necessary. Even then, it gives him a sense of unease.
  • Though not elaborated much yet, Binas is considered to be a mutation amongst his tribe. 
    • There are very little hints to this fact for now other than his abnormal height (even the most genetically gifted men amongst the tribe couldn’t grow to over 7 feet tall). 
    • That and he has a slight regeneration factor.
  • Binas can cook. Albeit, in a very hunter fashion. Generally, he eats whatever is edible/available, but very partial to nice broth. Despite how long it takes, he's very patient with the results.
  • It’s canon that Binas is bad with directions. Usually, he can tell where he is by scent alone, but he doesn’t have a good sense of direction. He has good survival instincts/vibes, but that’s it.
    • Speaking of directions, it leads to his love/hate relationship with rain. Likes the sensation and coolness of rain, but hates the thunder that comes along with it. Additionally, the scent of rain really messes up the scent of other things, so it makes directions even harder ;w;

✦ Relationships


  • Tiny wifey :3
  • Though they initial met throwing hands and starting off as friends, Daiko and Binas grew to have deep bond after ~2 years of knowing each other. Not quite love at first sight nor pining in secret on either side, but the two (mainly Daiko) were just curious on the concept of love.
  • Getting to know Daiko, Binas was fairly hesitant and cautious at first. Whether it be his underlying loneliness or her genuine kindness rubbing off on him, Binas found it...comforting to have friend for the first time.
  • When things starting to go into a more romantic sense, Binas was just as confused about love as Daiko was. It started as a rollercoaster at first, but once they started to understand each other on an emotional level, the pieces started to fall in place a lot more smoothly.