


5 months, 24 days ago


Quote here


Amiable > Overall a kind cat, Dawnpaw is quite easy to get along with. He is the type of cat that everyone wants to call their friend. Dawnpaw is always offering a kind shoulder to lean on and a friendly demeanor to those that approach him.

Sophisticated > Dawnpaw is naturally intelligent, always seeking new knowledge and learning more. He retains information as if it was eating prey and can easily recall it with simple prompting. So long as there is some answer, Dawnpaw will find it.

Forthright > Although not exactly blunt, Dawnpaw doesn't lie, either. He believes in the power of the truth as he tells his honest opinion in the nicest way that he can. After all, he still doesn't want to hurt someone's feelings even when he is being truthful.


Impassive > Dawnpaw can be a bit of a difficult cat to read in terms of how he is feeling. Often in a state of wonder and stoicism, he doesn't easily express his emotions on his face or through his body language. To many, this may just seem like he has an excellent poker face, but really, he's simply not sure how to express himself.

Mellow > Calm and relatively easy-going, he doesn't mind taking a step back to rest and relax. Dawnpaw doesn't mind going with the flow for the most part, letting the world take its own course and simply following it. He is easy to be around because of this; however, it can almost be frustrating when he doesn't take more initiative.

Inquisitive > He is ever the curious cat, his desire for more knowledge constantly giving him new questions to ask. Sometimes, though, he will let his curiosity get the better of him, putting the need for answers before the wellbeing of others.


Pessimistic > Despite getting all the facts straight, Dawnpaw cannot help but still think about the worst possible outcomes. He seems to naturally draw his answers to something that could go horribly wrong, passing it off as something that is bound to happen. It's even more unsettling when he discusses such a negative possibility with a straight voice.

Unassertive > Dawnpaw doesn't much care for being the main event, preferring, rather, to remain in the background and perform his own, unsolicited solo. This could mean backing down from fights too early, conceding to arguments quickly, or even just walking away from a conversation that goes awry. It becomes easily frustrating how little he is willing to put into a situation that he feels he cannot win.

Convoluted > Though he is relatively kind and honest, when Dawnpaw talks, it is with such complicated vocabulary and riddling that over half of what he says goes over one's head. No matter how many times he attempts to reword his phrases, a cat will continue to look at him with the wary gaze of the confused. Often, they will just give up trying to understand him without ever knowing what he was trying to say.


Mental Illness: Primary Alexithymia

  • Dawnpaw has a difficult time perceiving his own emotions
  • He does not often express himself in any way and prefers to speak of his experiences in facts rather than personal feelings.
  • Likewise, Dawnpaw struggles to understand the emotions of those around him.
  • Dawnpaw attempts to hone in on expressions when talking to others to better understand emotions.
  • Cats will need to further explain why they feel a certain way in order for Dawnpaw to grasp what an emotion is intended to feel like.
  • Dawnpaw is more likely to discuss the environment or external factors around him than his own personal experiences or feelings to those around him.
  • Dawnpaw often needs to be reminded to perform daily tasks such as eating and grooming, as he does not experience the same satisfaction other cats do with these tasks.


Prefix meaning
After his great-great grandmother, Kestreldawn
Suffix meaning
Standard rank suffix
Previous names

Past Clans
Past ranks

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
6+ Moons
Cisgender Male


Appearance > Black tabby with green eyes
Build > Average build with a long face and small paws
Fur > Medium-length, often a bit ragged and wiry.

Scent > Musk and pine
Voice > TBD


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 26 cm when fully grown
Weight: 8.3 lbs when fully grown


Scars > N/A
Accessories > N/A
Bans > N/A
Other items used > N/A









  • Agility [5/10]
  • Stealth [6/10]
  • Speed [4/10]
  • Strength [3/10]
  • Endurance [5/10]
  • Climbing [4/10]
  • Swimming [3/10]


  • Sight [9/10]
  • Scent [5/10]
  • Hearing [6/10]
  • Taste [5/10]
  • Touch [4/10]


  • Den Building [4/10]
  • Battle tactics [2/10]
  • Hunting tactics [4/10]
  • Kitting [0/10]
  • Herbal [0/10]
  • Niche* [0/10]
  • Sign Language [6/10]


Flametail | Mother | Orange tabby she-cat | NPC
Mothspeckle | Father | Black tabby tom | NPC
Heronbrook | Adoptive Father | Gray rosette tabby tom with heterochromatic orange and blue eyes | Shiidreams


Ravenpaw | Littermate | Orange tabby tom with blue eyes | Spacecat011
Silkpaw | Littermate | Black-and-orange tabby trans-tom with heterochromatic blue and amber eyes | ThrushGh0st






Jaychirp | Adoptive Grandmother | Gray spotted tabby she-cat with hazel eyes | ReverieRiver
Swallowcall | Adoptive Grandparent | Blue charcoal spotted tabby cat with blue eyes | Caataegus

Crowwish | Adoptive Aunt | Brown calico tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a bobbed tail | XxGlowingxX
Thistlepaw | Adoptive Uncle | Gray-and-white bicolor tabby tom with hazel eyes | Caataegus
Willowpaw | Adoptive Aunt | Brown-and-white bicolor tabby she-cat with blue eyes | RubyRose364
Hollypaw | Adoptive Aunt | Charcoal tabby she-cat with white spotting and green eyes | NothernSadness
Maplepaw | Adoptive Aunt | Blue tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with amber eyes | TheRealStarrythewolf
Lilacpaw | Adoptive Uncle | Blue tabby tom with white spotting and yellow eyes | ReverieRiver


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Looking for
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • Patience


  • Aggressive personalities


Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >

    From the moment he was born, Dawnkit's life was eventful. He was the eldest of him and his littermates, with his brother being born after him and his sister as the youngest. But there was no time for them to be given names, for sadly, their mother Flametail passed away shortly after they were born. Their father, Mothspeckle, had already passed, as well. They were alone in the world for a short second when Heronbrook, a young blind warrior, stepped up and took them in as his own.
    The young kits were named after cats from Heronbrook's family. While Ravenkit was named after Heronbrook's sister Crowwish and Silkkit after his grandfather Silksnow, Dawnkit was given his name in honor of Kestreldawn, who was his great-great grandmother. To Heronbrook, these names were perfect. It was a bit odd, a cat with the name Dawn being black and a cat with the name Raven being orange, but it didn't matter to Heronbrook or the involved kits. They were simply happy being the family that they were.
    Alongside them, Heronbrook's little siblings grew up in the nursery as well. Their grandmother, Jaychirp, had given birth to five kits about a moon before Heronbrook took in Dawnkit and his littermates. There was also Charcoalkit and Rubblekit, Quailbelly's kits, though they weren't related in any way. They were all an array of personalities, none of which Dawnkit could quite understand. He kept more to his father than anything, simply watching from the sidelines. If he wasn't watching everyone have fun, he was analyzing the moss in their nests or the individual bramble stems in the den's walls. It was peculiar, how he observed his surroundings so intently. But no one bothered him much as he did.
    While he stayed in the comfort of the nursery back home, there were dangerous threats outside of CloudClan that the leader, Cheetahstar was determined to take down. He had set up a party to attack these offenders, in which Dawnkit's grandparent and great-aunt joined. It did not seem to go too, well, though, for many cats came back battered and some dead. Among them was Magpiepond. The family was in distress at her loss, with Swallowcall huddled close to her for her vigil. Heronbrook seemed to mourn her as well, but Dawnkit simply couldn't understand it as he watched on with a look of dispassion.
    The nursery quickly got filled in the coming moons, with Swallowcall joining to help Jaychirp with their kits and other cats expecting kits. Dawnkit couldn't put what they were feeling to words, but they knew that the den felt awfully stuffy. They often hung out right outside of the den in the sight of the queens or the hearing proximity of his father while he continued to observe the camp. It was just as busy out there, but at least it was out in the open in the chilled air. Cats would be coming to and from the camp entrance, some bringing back prey, others weird scents. It only got more chaotic when the deputy, Panthercrow, suddenly stepped down from her position and left the clan. She had said something about going to be with a rogue mother and her kits. Many cats protested this decision while others supported it. Heronbrook kept the kits out of this, huddling them in the nursery. Dawnkit could still hear it all though, and they passed it all off as another day in the end.
    They wouldn't be able to pass off the next day, though. The camp was as busy as usual, Dawnkit watching with his typical impassiveness, when unfamiliar cats suddenly came rushing into the camp from every angle. Dawnkit could barely catch glimpses of them before he was scooped up by his father. There was too much going on at once for him to grasp what was happening, but he heard the shrieks and yowls of battle as Heronbrook worked to keep him safe. The nursery was quickly overrun by the strangers, and it was torn down just as fast. With no other choice, Heronbrook ended up running from the camp with Dawnkit. It wasn't until later on did they both realize that they were missing Ravenkit and Silkkit.
    After much running, Heronbrook eventually came to a territory filled with big trees and musky scents. He found refuge with the neighboring clan, who Dawnkit later learned was HailClan. Not long after, Jaguarsnarl, Lochjaw, and Nettleclaw met up with them in HailClan's camp. Dawnkit heard something about how Jaguarsnarl and Lochjaw's other mate, Dustcloud, had been killed in the attack. And the other CloudClan cats? Well, they weren't accounted for. No one knew where they could have gone. There were prayers that they were safe, especially as Heronbrook fretted over Ravenkit and Silkkit and the rest of their family. Meanwhile, Dawnkit was simply curious about his new surroundings.
    Dawnkit settled into HailClan pretty quickly, continuing his daily routine of watching his surroundings from the new nursery. The clan was quite a bit different to CloudClan, from their scent to their thick pelts and strong legs to the way they conducted themselves. It fascinated Dawnkit watching them and experiencing new things. He didn't quite take note of his father's distress, or the birth of Jaguarsnarl and Lochjaw's kits. His mind seemed to be elsewhere in the time that they were there, not even noticing how much time had begun to pass without any word from other CloudClan cats.
    It began to get colder as the days passed by, Dawnkit's paws tingling from the sharp prick of the leafbare ground. He expressed minimal discomfort, though, staying up late into the night to watch snow pile up or the stars twinkle. It would take much of Heronbrook's persistence to finally get Dawnkit to bed, though still, he didn't sleep for very long. He felt all the more disruption when more of CloudClan found their ways to HailClan, taking refuge as they have been doing. They all smelt odd, Dawnkit having grown used to HailClan's scent over the last moon. Even his own pelt was beginning to smell a bit of the musk of the forest.
    He had taken notice of how Heronbrook was becoming friends with some of the HailClan cats, too, particularly a red-colored she-cat. It didn't seem to ease his worries over Ravenkit and Silkkit, though, his face ever etched with creased brows and forced smiles. Dawnkit never quite understood Heronbrook's feelings, watching his father's face carefully for subtle changes or the way his foot tapped. Their friendships in HailClan didn't stop his father from picking Dawnkit up and moving him across the territories to MarshClan once he had found out that Ravenkit was there, safe.
    Dawnkit felt strange, being in yet another new environment. This place smelt more putrid, watery and mushy. His nose, admittedly, scrunched a bit for the first couple of days, though he could not figure out the name to what he was experiencing. He learned to get used to it, though, as Ravenkit expressed happiness to see him and Heronbrook. Some of their extended family was there, too, like Dawnkit's great-grandmother, Egretwillow, as well as Jaychirp and some of her kits. It seemed like they were slowly beginning to come together, though Dawnkit continued to just be as stoic as ever, with a small wish to go back to the dry forest.
    Over time, more CloudClan cats had been able to find their ways to MarshClan. It began with a small group, and there was a commotion as it was led by a kittypet. Some of the CloudClan cats seemed to recognize the kittypet, whose name was Arizona. It was all the more surprising when Arizona asked to join CloudClan, and Cheetahstar agreed. Jaychirp became Arizona's mentor, meaning Dawnkit's grandmother would suddenly be a lot busier. Not that he really minded. He was content with simply existing.
    This wasn't quite enough for his family, though. Dawnkit hadn't noticed how he had begun to avoid eating the prey that was in this territory, as the slimy feeling of a lot of the choices sent strange shivers down his spine. He wasn't bothered by the way his belly rumbled, nor did he express that he didn't like the prey. It got to the point that Heronbrook and Ravenkit had begun reminding Dawnkit to eat, finding things that they realized he would be more willing to take. Not only this, but Heronbrook had to continue to coax Dawnkit to bed, who did not see reason in sleep as he would feel the same when he went to bed and woke up the next morning. It confused him why everyone was so worried about all of this, but he followed through, if not for himself then to simply reassure them.
    Still, there was no sign of Silkkit. Despite moving to this strange new territory, his brother was nowhere to be seen, still lost out in the vast world. Dawnkit and Ravenkit rapidly approached six moons, and Heronbrook's expressions continued to grow more and more creased. Dawnkit hadn't realized how much he was watching these changes, blinking expressionlessly as Heronbrook and the others discussed search parties for the other missing CloudClan cats. Meanwhile, Dawnkit and Ravenkit would prepare themselves for their apprentice ceremonies without their brother.

apprenticeship [ 6 moons - present ] >

    Against all of the odds, he was still able to become an apprentice on time. Alongside Ravenpaw, Dawnpaw was named an apprentice, and he was given Snowbird as a mentor while Ravenpaw got Frogletfern. Snowbird seemed especially expressive, her eyes and mouth changing rapidly and sporadically, to the point that Dawnpaw couldn't quite keep up. He even glanced at his father for a moment before coming to terms with what was decided for him.
    Despite being unable to watch her facial expressions as well, Snowbird was a good mentor. Apparently, Dawnpaw wasn't her first apprentice, so she already had experience. She seemed to catch on quite quickly to his lack of emotions and how he didn't quite understand feelings, so she would try to describe her own feelings to him. Her explanations often left him more confused.
    It was a couple of days into Dawnpaw's training when a mass amount of CloudClan cats were found in the tunnels, including Silkkit. Many of them had to go to the herbalists' den, likely exhausted from their time in the tunnels, while others were simply celebrating being reunited with their clanmates. Heronbrook, especially, seemed what Snowbird would call happy to know that Silkkit was safe, who only complained about wanting to go back into the tunnels and play with spiders. With CloudClan's members finally accounted for between MarshClan and HailClan, things were finally beginning to look up. The next step would be to get them back home.
    Just because they were all back didn't mean it was sunshine and rainbows. Dawnpaw's great-grandmother, Egretwillow, had gotten sick after falling in the water, and she passed away not longer after the cats in the tunnels were found. Some of their kin struggled with her death, like Thistlepaw. Dawnpaw, however, remained ever unsure of how to react, watching from a distance while his brother and others comforted each other.
    While they mourned, Dawnpaw found himself growing close to his aunt, Willowkit. Having just come out from the tunnels, she had been quite the energetic cat despite her time shrouded in darkness. That didn't mean she didn't have her trauma though, for as her and Dawnpaw got closer, he noticed that she stuck around his side quite often. And if it wasn't him, it was her mother Jaychirp or her littermates. Dawnpaw didn't mind the way she hung out with him, taking the time to examine her facial expressions and get a reading of her emotions. She was easier to read than Snowbird, that was for sure. And she didn't seem to mind his quiet stoicism, simply biding comfortably as the one that did all the talking. Even as she became an apprentice shortly after, she would often talk with Dawnpaw and ask him to give her pointers for some of the training he had already done. Even her nest was made next to his in the MarshClan apprentices' den.
    Willowpaw was not the only one that became an apprentice that following moon. Her littermates became apprentices, as well, finally earning their names and mentors and beginning to catch up with Thistlepaw and Lilacpaw. Silkpaw, too, became an apprentice, being given Coyotecall as a mentor. The first thing that went through Dawnpaw's head was how Silkpaw and his mentor had similar energy. He figured he would be fine, especially since Silkpaw didn't seem fazed by his time in the tunnels at all.
    There was more to be done, though. CloudClan needed to go home, not stay in the swampy lands of MarshClan or the cozy forests of HailClan any longer. It was to the point that some of the younger cats--Dawnpaw included--didn't really remember the moorlands that well. So the following day or two after Silkpaw, Willowpaw, and the others became apprentices, the four clans came together to drive the Empire out of CloudClan's territory. And surprisingly, it worked. Dawnpaw wasn't involved in the attack, staying obediently home for news. Many cheered for the victory, while some mourned losses. Cheetahstar, too, lost a life in the attack, having to have been carried home and wake up in the herbalists' den. Dawnpaw, still, didn't know what to feel. Cheering was good, right? It meant that others were happy. He figured he should try to mimic them, but as he did, his voice was far more lackluster than others. He couldn't get in the spirit of something he didn't know how to feel. So he just nodded silently, instead, when he was asked if he was eager to get home, unsure if he really was.
    CloudClan didn't go back immediately. Apparently, the camp had been completely destroyed by the Empire and needed to be repaired. After being named deputy, Jaychirp along with a lot of their clanmates started reconstructing the camp and re-establishing the borders. Dawnpaw helped with the den repairs, quietly going along with whatever he was asked to do. It would still be another moon of staying in MarshClan, which made his heart sink a bit, but he never voiced this. At least they'd be getting out soon.
    While working on the repairs, a sudden illness had begun to sweep through the clans. It hit hard, sending many cats from both CloudClan and MarshClan to the herbalists' den. Maplepaw, Dawnpaw's aunt, even died, supposedly from the same illness. No one knew what was going on except that cats showed similar signs and symptoms and that the herbalists didn't know what to do. Worry was etched on everyone's faces, nervous glances exchanged, but this feeling of uncertainty passed right over Dawnpaw as he continued about his work, seemingly unconcerned about what was happening. He just wanted to get out of MarshClan.
    With enough time and effort, CloudClan's camp was finally rebuilt and the clan was able to go home. Dawnpaw had now seen a bit of the moorlands in his time helping with the repairs, but it would be his first night staying under the stars. And, honestly, it felt good. He, of course, didn't know how to express this, but there was a lightness in his chest as he fell asleep. And things only got better for him as he began to understand hunting and his duties as a CloudClan cat more on their natural territory. Suddenly, his nimble legs made sense as he raced through the moorlands catching rabbit, and the wind in his fur was pleasant. Things were great.
    For him, at least. The same couldn't be said for many others. The illness followed them to their new camp, putting more cats in the herbalists' den. Among them were Ravenpaw's mentor, Frogletfern, and his mate Drizzlefall. This meant that Ravenpaw and Drizzlefall's apprentice, Spiderpaw, needed new mentors. Ravenpaw was given Phoeberain, a former rogue who joined the clan after the attack. Meanwhile, Spiderpaw was given to Heronbrook. Over time, other cats found themselves in the herbalists' den, too. Daisyspring, an elder who was found in the tunnels, passed away in her nest, as well. However, there were no signs of the strange illness, and it was assumed she passed away from the loss of her mate. Dawnpaw wondered what it was like to feel something that strong that it would take your life.
    Heronbrook was always asking Dawnpaw about his day and seeing how his training was doing. It seemed pretty normal for parents to do this, as Dawnpaw had seen some others do in the clan and in MarshClan or HailClan. He figured that Heronbrook was checking in with Ravenpaw and Silkpaw as well, and he answered as honestly as he could. He didn't quite notice, however, the particular attention that Heronbrook gave him as he would casually slide some prey over to Dawnpaw during their discussions or remind him to go to bed before sundown. It was similar to what he did when Dawnpaw was a kit, and again, he thought it was pretty normal. Never mind the fact that he still often went to bed late, not understanding what tiredness was, or that he would forget to eat as he didn't quite get the satisfaction his brothers had expressed before after sharing a fat vole. It wasn't something that Dawnpaw had realized was different or bad, going about his day like he was just like everyone else. And he never turned away his father.
    The illness eventually took its first victim since CloudClan went home. Creekhowl had begun showing symptoms perhaps a half-moon before he finally succumbed and passed away. The reality of this illness, which the clans had begun to label as the wasting disease, was setting in quickly as every clan began to lose cats to it. There had to be a solution to it, but no one had yet found one. It was becoming scary throughout the territories, though Dawnpaw still hadn't quite realized the weight of it, watching on like it was another day.

Name | Relationship

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First Impressions

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First Impression

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