Morning Primrose



6 months, 15 days ago


Morning Primrose, Wilted Wanderer | 41 moons | Daybreak Empire | Advisor | Trans Molly | Lesbian

Parents: Rose Thorns, White Cloud
Mate: Heavy Snowfall
Kits: Snowy Rose, Camellia Petal, Begonia
Education: Scattered Embers (Former mentor), Nodding Duck (Apprentice)

A peach-coloured tabby with low white and blue eyes. 

Morning Primrose is a kind cat with an endless agenda. She's always one to offer to help where she can and generally is polite to all those she comes across. The reputation and image of the Empire and those inside it is something that matters a lot to her, and often something she puts in front of her own needs. Often feeling that she needs to constantly be doing something or else she'll fall apart. Even more than she has already. 

Even now as she seems to be getting somewhat better with not holding her kin at arms length, she isn't exactly the most open cat in the Empire. Despite her kindness and polite words she still holds most at arms length and avoids talking about her own problems in extreme detail, again looping back to her putting the needs of others above her own. The recent death of her daughter, Camelia Petal, morphing her usual fear of getting other hurt by being close into her worrying about every little cat that matters to her dying without knowing she cares about them. 

She still struggles with her fear of being nothing, still contrasting with her aversion of opening up. Morning Primrose's fear of becoming nothing melding with her fear of swimming, fear of being swallowed by the waves meshing together in her not exactly getting the best sleep when nightmares decide to strike.  

Morning Primrose is currently struggling quite visibly, her title of "Wilted Wanderer" never seeming more fitting than now.  

Born to Rose Thorns and White Cloud, Primrose's habits started rather young, desperate for more of her father's attention as well as to live up to her mother's standards. After all with her mother's loyalty to the Ancestors as well Primrose became aware early on how many eyes were watching her, how small she was in the grand scheme of it all. In the end, her upbringing did cause her to have a rather shaky at best view of her ancestors above, one she can't seem to place, yet Primrose knows better than to speak of this, especially since she doesn't know how describe her own emotions. 

After being apprenticed to Scattered Embers, at 9 moons old she tragically lost her father when a cougar attacked their camp. This event being the spark that lead to the Primrose the Empire has today. Yet it did not cement it, while Primrose believed her visage was the right way to go, the molly still craved to have close companions, ones who wouldn't mind her awkward ways due to her upbringing.  

That's where Heavy Snowfall came in, Morning Primrose was beyond smitten adoring the other cat with all she had, a cat she felt she could tell everything to and more. That's when Heavy Snowfall died during the birth of their kits. Shaken and filled with grief at the loss, Primrose at first had no idea what to do with herself, that is until memories of that idea she had when she was younger came creeping back. Of course she cried for Snowfall and then her darling Begonia when she joined Snowfall among their ancestors, but she refused to cry as long as she felt she should. She still had two other kits after all, and more than that the whole Empire and perhaps even those Ancestors above had their eyes on her. There were more important things to worry about than her own grief.

And so she hid it. Finalizing that idea she had to keep herself watered down. That she had to push down it all for the sake of the Empire. Sure it might hurt not being close to other cats, even her own kits, but it'll work out in the end won't it? After all she is now one of the youngest Advisors named to the Sovereign and a trusted member of the Empire with an apprentice to boot. It seemed to be working just fine to her. 

Keyword being seemed. Morning Primrose soon grew tired of the lack of closeness between herself and her kits, something even more pushed by Snowy Rose getting closer to her and seeming to be fine. So she tried, she tried getting closer with both Camellia Petal and Snowy Rose and for a brief moment it seemed like everything would be looking up. 

However this didn't last and one day she woke up and Petal, her darling Camellia Petal, who tried so hard to be grown, who was only a few steps away from graduating, was gone with no trace left. At first Primrose was scared this meant her remaining daughter, Snowy Rose, was soon going to be taken from her if she did not fall into her same routine, this was stopped by none other than Rose Thorns. It was bittersweet, finally learning her mother loved her after all these moons. It was bittersweet sharing a nest with Snowy Rose and Rose Thorns again once she came back to camp and apologized to her daughter. 

But something is still broken and missing. This Primrose is still Wilted and probably will be for a while.