
5 years, 10 months ago




Name: Faith

Type: Human

Gender: Female

Physical Description


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 122 Lbs.

Nationality: Caucasian

Eye Color: Sky Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Length: Mid-Length. Ends halfway down Back

Extra Info: Faith is known as a remarkably beautiful young woman, tall, slender, with a face of an Angel they say. Light freckles kiss her soft skin from head to toe giving her a younger appearance, and her thick brown hair is lush and shiny, reaching almost to the end of her back. Her beautiful bright blue eyes gleam with a happiness few find, a wisdom is held in those blue hues, one that can be seen when you look past the glaze that covers them

Tattoos: N/A

Scars: N/A

Other Markings: N/A


Personality Descriptions

General: Faith is an all around happy person, she finds joy in the small things and lives to spread the Word of God. She bases how she lives her life around the Bible, and only wishes to help others lead good lives themselves. She loves the outdoors, feeling the wind and the soft grass, hearing the birds, and smelling the flowers. She finds herself happiest outside, a sort of freedom she feels. Although blind she may be, she never lets it falter her life or faith, and when asked how she could find such happiness without sight, she tends to respond "I don't need sight to be happy, shouldn't being alive be a joy in itself?"


Hobbies: She has an extreme passion and gift for playing the Violin. Being around people always makes her safe, her friends always give her happiness

Likes: Music, specificaly the violin. The outdoors, especially barefooted. Reading, namely the Bible. Spending time with people, her friends most importantly. Having fun.

Dislikes: Rudeness, knowing someone she cares for is hurting, Fear

Fears: Faliure

Strengths and Weaknesses



Education Level: 

Physical Soundness: 


Disabilities: %100 Blind, a disability she has had since birth.

Unimportant Links

Characters Commonly Associated With: Nathan "Fury" Cox, Nakoma Ohanzee

Storylines Commonly Used In:

Other Variations: