Cassandra [Genshin Impact]



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Though you may not believe me, the prophecy would come as is foretold.


name Cassandra no Mikoto
Ability Manipulation of the Light Realm
constellation ???
weapon Sword+Catalyst
birthplace Enkanomiya
affiliation ???
birthday ???
rarity ???

Cassandra (Kasandora no Mikoto) was the Eight Sunchild who was supposed take over after Orpheus' reign, but her own supposed time to rule had been cut off by the Prophecy given to her of Orobashi's arrival. Despite her powerful foresight and ability granted by Istaroth, the Curse of Fraudelence had counter-acted said Prophecies, making it so that no matter how accurate or true they are, no one would ever believe a word she says with regards to that. Though later on, she had learned that covering her words as stories and tales lets her bypass it, most of the Prophecies she had foreseen had already come to pass.

Despite her lonely life as a Sunchild candidate, Cassandra had been ultimately curious of the world, not letting anything bother her too much. Perhaps it was also the result of having no one take you seriously or believe your words, but she no longer kept up with appearances and would rather say what she wanted. This manifested heavily upon being placed in Faust's care and traveling alongside Aina and Eden, as Cassandra finally took her first step in seeing the world above and beyond her once sunken homeland.

  • Lord Dragon Father & Lady Human Mother
  • Neville
  • Orobashi no Omikami
  • Haughty Nobles
  • Being stuck in the dark
  • Celestia


  • Cassandra earned her gift of Prophecy at a young age but realized the curse binded to it only after she had failed to warn Spartacus and Antigone.
  • Cassandra does not wield a Vision but she can manipulate Light Realm Energy Which at first glance could have been mistaken as Arkhe/Pneuma energy.
    • Though with her affinity with Hydro, there was at one point a comment from Neuvillette that she could achieve a breakthrough and receive a hydro vision from him. However, she declined, saying she's had enough dealings with Celestia and their abominable curse.
  • She has met and even conversed extensibly with Orobashi Omikami and like her previous attempts, had warned him about his demise but to no avail. She greatly respected him and occassionally prays for him in a makeshift shrine she carries around with her.
    • As one of the few people who had accessed and read through Before Sun and Moon without Celestia's wrath befalling on her, she had been extremely wary of Zhongli and Ei, knowing from the book that they had been the ones to injure Orobashi during the Archon War.
  • Cassandra absolutely loves sweets (especially Konpeito) as she was never allowed to eat anything she wanted during her time as a Sunchild Candidate.
  • Her use of catalysts could be traced to Soleil and Neuvillette, letting her take their old catalysts as practice just for her to be able to defend herself. Later on with Neville and Soleil's help, she had slowly learned to manifest a sword (in the figure of a Spiritbreath Tomb nonetheless) in her arsenal of capabilities.
  • Saddened by how her people had treated Vishaps, she strived to earn their friendship and trust, often she would be seen trying to talk and befriend them. Perhaps they had sensed their Dragon King's and his Queen's mark on her as they would let her do what she wanted, often being rewarded with pats and hugs.
    • She is greatly thankful and happy to know that the Vishap she had once helped out when she was younger had been well and alive, supposedly keeping an eye on her during her slumber within the Dainichi Mikoshi and had joined her in exiting the underground.
  • More than enough times, when Cassandra received a prophetic vision, she no longer speaks of it to anyone as she feared that it would more or less make things come true and to fruition. Though, not all of her prophecies are awful, some more or less positive and even good-willed in nature. Those she keeps as a surprise.
  • There were multiple whispers of the nobles how she was the immediate reincarnation of Ion no Mikoto, due to her prophetic nature but unlike his, none of her prophecies would ever be believed nor rejoiced for.
  • Her parents were originally rebels of the nobles controlling the sunchildren but were caught. Knowing that Cassandra would have been killed, they presented her as a young boy during her much younger years before being caught and found out that she was a girl. Originally, she was simply to be sacrificed and set aside but with the nobles already declaring her as the next sunchild after Orpheus, they had no choice but to accept her as she is.
  • Cassandra was based off an old reader-insert that was written for my Tumblr, the concept being isekai/SAGAU and had been repurposed now as an OC.
    • Just as stated, her moniker 'Cassandra' was based off a Grecian counterpart, Cassandra a Trojan Priestess of Apollo, cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed.

  • C1: ???
  • C2: ???
  • C3: ???
  • C4: ???
  • C5: ???
  • C6: ???
  • Sunchild
  • False Prophet
  • Lady Prophetess
  • Cass
  • Friends of Vishaps


Past: Sunchild


Present: Exploration


Future: Children of the Morrow




Her Lady Human Mother, the one she had come to rely early on as a mother-figure upon her awakening and arrival to Fontaine.


Her Lord Dragon Father, grateful to him for reuniting Vishaps and Humans alike. Respects him dearly and treats him as a father-figure.


Her once protector, now lover, he had looked after her throughout the millennia of her slumber. She had once saved his life, and in return, offered his own to her.


Her best friend, a fellow old civilization representative. Tells her stories of her home and what she has discovered and goes traveling with her.


An uncle of sorts, the person Soleil had entrusted her to. She finds him funny, the way how he acts to Soleil reminds her of Clyment acted towards Orpheus.


A travelling guide and companion, Cassandra felt like they were somewhat familiar, being reminded of an old civilization. Of course, she doesn't dare say that to their face.